Chapter 53 Reykjavik, 64° 8′ 0″ N, 21° 56′ 0″ W Hantaa 05

Hantaa 05 docked at a port in Reykjavik. Akiko had been holding Cecilia's X-One. Hoping a small dot would appear on the screen.

Did Andalas turn off the transponder? The plane's signal had not been detected at all since earlier. Akiko's heart shrunk. Did it mean that Andalas was unable to make it to the plane and was killed in the Arctic Ocean?

Cecilia also couldn't help but ponder. This mission was just getting tougher. One of them could die as a martyr or in vain. They were facing too many parties from all direction who wanted them dead.

Andalas was tough. Extremely tough. But the man was also a human being. And today he reached his limit.

Cecilia glanced at Akiko who looked devastated. Cecilia felt sorry for her. It was only natural that Akiko would feel lost. The time that they spent between them was very intense and memorable even though it was filled with danger and near death experience.

But at least Andalas had been with them so far. With all his might. With a look on his face that was always cold and quick to act.

Akiko was sinking into a long heart breaking daydream. Part of her heart was left behind in the cold Arctic Sea. Sinking with a man's body that might have laid peacefully at the bottom of the freezing sea.

"Akiko, we need to continue with the plan. Andalas certainly wouldn't want us to dwell in sadness. He definitely wants all of this to end well." Cecilia said softly while holding Akiko's arm.

The tough doctor suddenly stood up. Her eyes lit up and she looked intense.

"Yess! We do not mourn the death of one person who is actually the number one killer in the world! What for? Millions and even billions of lives are relying on our efforts. What is the meaning of the death of a murderer compared to the extinction of millions of innocent people!"

Cecilia stared blankly at the glowing red face. Then shook her head when she saw Akiko running downstairs while wiping the tears flowing down her cheeks.

Captain Shinji and First mate Yoshido, both let out a long sigh. They were just a little surprised that the tough young doctor was actually crying.

Cecilia broke the deadlock by saying.

"Captain Shinji, First mate Yoshido, once Akiko has calmed down, we'd better leave for Geneva. As I said earlier, you two are the key witnesses for the Director General of WHO who is struggling with us to keep his position."

Cecilia glanced down the stairs. Akiko hadn't come back yet.

"If they remove the Director-General from his position, it will be very difficult for us to mitigate this global disaster."

Footsteps on the stairs. Cecilia watched Akiko walked limply up the stairs one step at a time.

"We have to find out who was behind the raid in the Arctic. There's no way a destroyer don't have an identity. After all, the attackers looked very well-trained. If it wasn't Andalas, Hantaa 05 might have been hijacked by them." Akiko retorted firmly. Her face was still puffy.

"Alright, Akiko. We'll find out through Doctor Aslan's network. The most important thing right now is that we immediately secure the position of Doctor Aslan at WHO by bringing Captain Shinji and First mate Yoshido to Geneva."

"Then what about Fabumi? Finding him won't be easy. We really need Andalas. Uuhh!" Akiko eyes were teary.

Cecilia squeezed Akiko's shoulder. The woman looked devastated and couldn't recover quickly. The sound of the X-One notification caught Cecilia's attention.

It was from Doctor Aslan.

Cecilia, I just got a call from someone claiming to be from the Organization.

Cecilia was flabbergasted. He took Akiko's arm so she would see the message on the screen.

Go on Doctor.

The man said, or rather threatened. If we don't stop and keep this mission on, Andalas will be killed. They have him alive. He is captured by the Organization.

Akiko almost jumped out from her seat. Andalas was alive! Thank God!

So, what should we do, Doc?

I can't make that decision, Cecilia. You are the leader of this team. I also received confirmation about the proof that Andalas was still alive through the video sent by them. I'll forward it to you.

Cecilia and Akiko watched a short recording video on the X-One screen. Andalas was seen lying weakly on the bed with his hands cuffed to the iron pillars of the bed.

Akiko almost cried seeing Andalas' condition. Poor Andalas. But at least he was still alive. Now it was just a matter of finding out how to free him.

Akiko seemed to get a new spirit.