Flowing jealousy

"Why didn't you bring Chester today?" I asked, referring to his horse. 

"He has a wound in his foot. The veterinarian advised me to let him rest for a few days." 

I nodded. "You rested well. Even animals need to be taken care of and paid attention to." 

"I heard, Mike is courting you." he said emphatically as if something was holding him back. I sighed when I saw the rushing water in the river. The water is very clear, very tempting. 

I sat on a boulder while Raxon remained standing in front of me. I looked up to see his blank face. The three o'clock day slightly illuminated her face thus further emphasizing her perfect appearance. No flaws. His features were really perfect. That's all, his aura is dangerous and when you look at him you will definitely be reluctant to approach him. 

"Uh, yes. He's flirting. I told him I don't want to flirt first, case is very persistent."