Caught in trouble

So when Ate found out that I had made that decision, she was surprised. She was surprised that I volunteered to work on the factory instead of enjoying my summer vacation in somewhere nice. I only told her I want to be more knowledgable about our business. I can't tell him about Rustov. I'm sure she'll be very nosy.

"I hope you didn't just pick me up. You're also from work and I know you're tired," I told Rustov.

"I'm not that tired and I'm rested ... Besides, seeing you only during Saturdays isn't enough."

"But we can call!" I insisted even though I did not agree with what was said.

Calls aren't enough, but if he's tired I'll understand. He works in the Sargozas warehouse, and I know the gin is really tiring

he took it there. Labor work and all. It's not easy.