Chapter 8: The Shortcut

Edith screamed, but the scream was silent, floating away on the wind that began to blow. With incredible speed, the man with glowing eyes in the long, dark coat closed the distance between himself and Edith in a matter of strides. Her attempt to run was of no use.

She screamed again. Lightning flashed and rain fell.

In that moment, another form appeared, taking out the two men by the gravestones. A fight ensued.

The man in the long coat grabbed Edith’s arm with incredible strength, but turned to see the cause of his friends’ delay.

Lighting flashed again, and Edith could see Caden Byrne, standing tall and intimidating, on the path. Two dark forms lay at his feet.

“Caden!” Edith cried, hope filling her terrified heart.

An angry shout burst from the man still gripping Edith’s arm, and he turned his face towards her. He held her with one arm, but grasped the back of her head with the other, wrenching her into an uncomfortable position staring up at the turbulent sky.