Chapter 23: The Wedding at Castrel Ruins

As Edith fell, she saw the vampire above arch backward and disappear into the ancient building. In the next moment, she felt strong arms wrap around her shoulders, sheltering her from the hard landing.

Caden grunted upon impact and groaned slightly as he rolled Edith off of him. Gingerly, he sat up.

“The landing was a bit harder than I thought it would be.”

“Caden! Oh, Caden,” Edith reached out and touched his face.

She jumped up and turned around.

“The vampires…”

“They won’t be bothering us,” Caden comforted Edith with a kiss on the forehead. “I made sure of that.”

Edith closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath.

“What happened?” Caden asked. He stood quietly while she gathered her thoughts.

“We left the studio after seeing Lydia’s dress and they were waiting for us,” Edith ran a hand through her vibrant, red hair. “I realized they were after me, so I got out of the car and tried to get to your house.”