Chapter 31: The Sanctus Lux Choice

James walked over and removed the ancient crossbow from the wall.

“There was a gate near here, and I had to do my part to keep the citizens of this quaint little city safe,” he said quietly. “Recently, I noticed there was a drop in…activity.”

Edith looked thoughtfully out of the window, “We closed some gates.”

“Closed some gates?” James raised an eyebrow. “To where? How? Who helped you?

“Caden…and our friends,” Edith suddenly felt nervous about giving away too much information and fell silent.

James and Edith stared at each other for several moments.

“Yeah, we closed two gates,” Judith stepped into the room. “You might as well tell him, Edith. We can use all the help we can get.”

James and Edith jumped in surprise. Judith’s curls bounced with extra satisfaction as she crossed the room.

“I couldn’t sleep…” she smiled and winked at her friend as Edith clutched her still pounding heart.

Judith ran a finger down one of the silver arrows. “What are these for? Not vampires…”