Chapter 39: The Secret Wedding

The cold air of the night hit Edith’s face as she lunged from the opera house into the dark. A sense of relief once again ran through her body, and she closed her eyes as she exhaled.

When Edith opened her eyes, she was face to face with Ansgar.

He grabbed her neck and held her in an iron grip. Two other vampires stood nearby.

“You really did try to get away, little lightbringer,” he hissed slowly. “You think being marked by Caden would really protect you? Fool.”

Edith gasped for breath as she tried to grab Ansgar’s face, or touch any skin. He was too wise for her attempts and blocked her each time she tried.

Suddenly, from around the corner of the opera house came a familiar figure.

Ansgar hissed and his two followers lunged at Caden.

“Now, James!” Caden shouted as he struggled.

The mortal priest calmly stepped from around the corner of the building, totally unassuming in appearance.