Chapter 46: Answers in the Light

A fresh, spring wind blew gently across the beach, cooling Edith and stirring the flames of the fiery being before her.

The man, or creature, paused, water swirling around his feet. Edith watched, frozen as she fought the fear pounding on her heart and took a breath. Flames reached for her and she turned and ran down the beach, heading to a rotten, broken dock.

Edith knew she was being followed. As she jumped up on the creaking boards of the dock, Edith suddenly stopped, remembering how she had stopped the shadow.

The mortal woman turned around and waited. A fiery hand reached for her again.

Raising her hand like she did before, Edith felt almost confident something would happen. The clouds above parted, just like they did before. Brilliant golden light sliced through, just like it did before. The light surrounded the creature just like what happened in the other vision, and Edith waited.