Chapter 48: Decisions Made

Edith looked around the silent house.

“Caden?” She called.

Edith looked at Judith, her face stricken with worry, “Oh no…what if I killed him?”

Judith held her friend to comfort her as Edith sobbed.

“Edith?” Sam said casually. “Hey…Edith. Come here.”

Judith glared at the co-worker.

“She needs to see this,” Sam tilted his head towards the window.

Edith sniffed and let go of her friend. She shuffled heavily to stand beside Sam.

“Caden…” she whispered.

Caden slowly floated down to the dark ground, the moon glistening like snow off his shoulders. He stood firm in the garden, looking slowly around before heading towards the house.

Edith ran out to meet him. They embrace beneath a bright, full moon.

“I was scared I’d lose you,” Caden whispered. “You were so brave.”

“I would do anything for you,” Edith replied. “Just like any wife would do for her husband.”

There were sounds of surprise behind them, gasps, exclamations, and stunned silence.