
Jackson's video gets viral on the internet and many of his fans crowded outside the H&K headquarters.

"We are going to get justice for our idol. Boycott H&A" Fans started raising their voice to get justice for their idol.

Angelina was unaware of all of this commotion.

There was a soft knock at the door and Lucy entered the room after getting permission.

"Boss, Jackson's fans were causing commotion outside the office building," Lucy explained.

"Just call the police. It's not a big deal." Angelina made it clear. She made no attempt to take this matter seriously.

"But there are some teenagers who are under eighteen. We can't take action against them."

Angelina raised her head to look at her assistant and said, " When children get naughty we need to complain there parents." Angelina said with an evil smile, "Get their parents here. If they don't come just take legal action against them. I am curious to see what is more important for these brainless teenagers. Their parents or idol."

Lucy didn't thought that this problem can be solved by complaining their parents, "Ok boss, I will comp… call their parents." Lucy said.

"You don't need to call their parents. Call their employers. If they will not take their children in an hour. Then they will lose their jobs. Let me teach those brainsless kids what does it means 'Every action has an equal and opposite reaction."

Lucy thought that her boss friend was too evil, for threatning their parents. She didn't find her wrong by doing this because 'Boss is always right.'

The fans who were camped outside the H&A headquarter got their parents calls.

"What are you saying, I am coming back home. Dad, how could be so coward. She can't do anything." one of teen retorted to their parent.

"You really want me to lose my job. If I lose my job don't even think of coming back home. Don't even think of post anything online. Don't you know it is illigal to camped outside in someone else property. Because you are minor don't think there will be no punishment. Because of you, I am going to lose my job. Please, I beg you go back home." When the fan heard that their parent begging them. They were stunned. They didn't realize that there will be the consequence of their action.

One by one all the minor fans went back their home and those who are not minor were taken to the police station.

"How could she do that. I am not a fan of Jackson. But that arrogant womsn had gone too far by threatening fan's parent losing their job. Such kind of capitalist only know how to use their power. I want to know is there no justice for common people like us." One of the internet troll posted it in his social media platform. One after the other many internet trolls came one after the other and started curse Angelina. Someone even challenge her to hack into his company system software."

Angelina look all those comments in her tablet. "Lucy have you track all those accounts."

"Boss, give me a minute." After a minute lucy completed the task and said, "boss all these trolls were actually Jackson's fans and they were using their alternative account."

"Hmm. Collect their data and send it to cyber security for cyber bullying. These teenager should thank me that I haven't taken any serious actions against them. Otherwise if they were my businees rival, I will finish them." Angelina said with a cold expression. "And please send the evidence against Jackson by seven o'clock in the evening. It will smack those mindless fans in the face by showcasing how great their idol is."

There was a post send by the H&A PR team, "We are giving the actor Jackson last warning. If he didn't make any clear statement by the seven o'clock in the evening. He need to face the consequences."

When Jackson saw this post his angrily smash the beer botter and the small pieces of glass scatter int the room. He also injured his hand and blood seeping out from his wound. He can't feel the pain because of the madness.

"No that bi**ch can't do anything she is only trying to scare me. She have no evidence. I was careful and did not leave any evidence." He started throwing things here and theri like a madman,"No she can' do anything. Haha" Jackson seems to lost his rationality and started to laughing crazily.

After witnessing what occurred with the other fans. The remaining fans were terrified and did not post anything, nor did they attempt to camp out in front of Angelina's office. They were all waiting in silence to see what Angelina would do at seven o'clock in the evening. Even people who were uninterested in Jackson were intrigued by the turn of events. They anticipated some drama and even purchased a popcorn bucket to enjoy the show. Some rational people are sceptical of Jackson. They wondered why a wealthy woman like Angelina would pursue Jackson, especially since he had pretended that she was dating him. They were not fool like these teenager, they have seen the world more than them.

At six thirty in the evening, H&A post another statemen, "If the actor Jackson, still not make a clear statement by half an hour. He will need to bear the consequences for his action. This is the last warning given by the ceo of H&A."

Many people became excited to watch the drama after hearing the H&A's statement. Except for the teenagers who were Jackson fans, the majority of the people were on Angelina's side.

Jackson was sitting in his apartment and saw the statement post by the H&A, "She was playing mind game with me. She can't do anything."

"Whatever I said was correct, I will not afraid of those evils and reveal their true face to the world." He directly posted it into his social media account when there was only one minute left for seven o' clock.

At seven in the evening. Some of the pictures released on H&A account which cause uproar in the people. No one had expected that things would be like this.