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The next day Eliana was sitting in Justin's study room and waiting for him to complete his work. She started to feel dizzy while looking at the so many books in the room. She felt like she was sitting in a library. She pressed her hands to her cheeks and look at him and thought ' You can spent long hours by looking at such beautiful face.

Justin closed his book and carefully put his study material side of the table. Seeing that he had completed his work Eliana straightene her back and gave him a polite smile. Justin looked at the lady sitting opposite to him. He didn't like when people enter in his person space, but he tolerate Eliana because of three reasons:-

She didn't disturb him

She didn't try to touch his things

His grandma really like her and he cannot kick her out of his study

"Miss Moore why did come here today. If you are here to convince to accept you as my mother then please don't waste your time here." Justin said to her.