Chapter 21: Grace

On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I work from one in the afternoon until five in the evening at The Art Institute. The first week, I spent most of my time shadowing Jonathan as he gave guided tours through different collections at the museum.

By the end of the week, I led private tours by myself. If anything, I have to scale back what I talk about because there's just so much history regarding the museum, as well as the exhibits currently on display. I love art so much, I just want to open people's eyes to the amazing works housed right here in this city. Chicago's Institute of Art is one of the finest art museums in the world. It's on par with The Louvre and Smithsonian.

Seriously, how remarkable is that?

Jonathan joins me as my last group of the day splinters apart. There are a few people who linger with additional questions which I am all too eager to answer.