"I've never heard anyone describe wine as full of vigor," she says with a laugh. "What, pray tell, does that mean?"
My lips tremble. It would appear that the jig is up. I shoot her a superior look. "Apparently, you don't know as much about wine as you thought you did. I hear vino described that way all the time."
A giggle escapes from her before she calls me out. "Liar." Gia moves across the room before opening the fridge and pulling out a green bottle of beer along with a water. "I'm afraid these are your only options."
Without a second thought, I nip the beer from her fingers. "Sold."
An easy grin lights up her pretty face as we stare at each other. The moment stretches and lengthens. When she blinks, the energy that had been gathering strength between us shatters.
She breaks eye contact, quickly moving away to peek in the oven. "The salmon should be ready in about fifteen minutes."