18. The Duel

Sandra turned on the video recorder from all corners of the room. She gave Captain Dev a chance to witness the imminent fight.

Captain Dev glared at the large monitor in front of him which was showing tension before the start of the fight that was sure to be very gruesome between the Angel of Death and Cindy. This was a blessing in disguise for them. Confused by the group of adventurers, but instead, they got a golden opportunity to document the battle between the engineered version and nature's will.

The Angel of Death attacked first. Preceded by a loud shrill sound like an angry eagle, her body lunged at Cindy. Her long claws aimed at Cindy's neck. With the intention of slashing her neck.

Cindy didn't stay still. She jumped to dodge as well as counterattack. Her eagle claws tried to grip the neck of the Angel of Death. The claw would make a big hole in the neck if it hit the target.

There was an extraordinary battle between two almost identical women. Both had almost equal abilities. The Angel of Death was a genetically modified human who had been injected with strange substances originating from the island of bones.

Cindy was the same. It was just that the transformation of her body occurred naturally. The genes in her body mutated naturally after she was injured by Cicuta's poisonous thorn.

The Angel of Death who was programmed to fight it all out with the main target, Cindy, continued to attack blindly with all her strength. Her slender body moved as fast as the wind striking with a lethal attack.

Meanwhile, Cindy, who was no longer affected by a trance because Sandra had repaired it through a cryonic tube, fought with clear logic and reason. Dodging as much as possible from the attacks of the Angel of Death to save energy.

This was a marathon fight. Cindy realized that. The Angel of Death wouldn't stop until she died. Or Cindy died. Unless Captain Dev's orders changed, the Angel of Death would fight to death.

Ran watched the fight from the monitor screen on the captain's bridge. He was very worried for Cindy's safety seeing how the Angel of Death's attacks were so powerful. But after a while, Ran was less worried. Cindy managed to keep up even though she seemed cornered.

Ran understood why Cindy looked desperate. She was trying to buy time so the Angel of Death would run out of energy.

Meanwhile, Sandra continued to pay close attention. The battle would provide input for scientists like herself on how to improve the abilities of the Angel of Death and other genetically modified products. Sandra was amazed. The Angel of Death was the deadliest tool ever created by her and Bio Research scientists. But Cindy could balance it.

Hmm, after all is done, I have to take a sample of Cindy's blood and tissue so I can study it carefully. Sandra thought.

Meanwhile, on the ship Bio Research Three, Captain Dev stared intensely at the fierce battle that was taking place in Bio Research One's laboratory.

The Angel of Death looked exhausted. Cindy did drain her energy.

Apparently this was the difference between the programmed and natural versions. Cindy fought using her brain while the Angel of Death fought to the death using her muscles. This should be fixed. Sandra knows what to do. Captain Dev made a small note.

After more than 1 hour of fighting, this time Cindy took control of the situation. She knew that the Angel of Death had run out of steam. The engineered fighter could only dodge, parry and continue to retreat. Cindy was getting fiercer. Her red eyes seemed to glow. Although she could control herself thanks to cryonic, Cindy was a mutated human with a high level of emotion.

Sandra looked at the final session of the battle anxiously. If this battle continued, the Angel of Death might be seriously injured or even dead. She was typing messages to Captain Dev.

Not long after, when it seemed like it was only a matter of time for the Angel of Death to meet her end, her body laid helpless waiting for Cindy to drop her deadly hand. Suddenly, Cindy stopped all her movements. Her body stiffened.

Captain Dev typed a message to Sandra: good thing you didn't forget to put the program chip in the girl's head.

Sandra who was now breathing a sigh of relief replied: I need both for further research, Captain. Of course, I did not forget.

Ran watched all the events in shock. Cindy was now in their possession. You bastard!
