32. Vardo, Scandinavian Peninsula

Cindy stepped into ward A-1. Behind her, a squad of Fallen Genetic' elite troops followed warily. The team leader gripped the web-throwing gun tightly as Sandra ordered. He was surprised by the order because this girl in front of him didn't look dangerous at all.

In ward A-1, Ran and friends were gathering and discussing. They didn't know what was going on outside. All they knew was that Cindy was fine and not under the influence of Bio Research.

"This facility is sealed tightly. How do we get out of here?" Tet grumbled.

"Only with outside help I guess," Ran replied briefly.

"Then, while waiting for a sign from Cindy, what should we do?" Ben seemed to be asking himself because his eyes were looking up at the ceiling.

"We have access cards. We will use it in time. The most important thing is that we have to be ready at any moment, and uhm.. Tet, don't drink too much beer. I don't want you to get drunk when we escape later," Ran patted Tet's shoulder. Tet grinned.

The conversation was cut short when the steel sliding door moved. The four of them stood alert.

Cindy entered the room accompanied by four people with cocked weapons. The remaining eight guards stood outside as this room wasn't very big.

Ran and his three friends waited for what was about to happen with their hearts pounding. They didn't have any plans yet. Neither did Cindy. The woman who had undergone body transformation was standing before them with a threatening look.

The team leader touched Cindy's arm to remind her of Sandra's order. Cindy has completely changed. Her pretty face became so terrifying as her two eyes turned blood red. Her fingers were elongated with sharp nails glistening in the light of the lamp.

The leader of the squad backed away seeing the great change in Cindy's body. Wow, no wonder I was told to bring the anesthetic net. This girl turned out to be as scary as the Angel of Death!

Cindy stepped forward. She approached Ran and his friends and prepared to attack them. The four of them didn't know what to do. Didn't Ran say Cindy was okay?

Ran, who initially believed that Cindy was okay, was also affected by Cindy's demeanor. But he raised his hand to prevent his friends from doing things they would regret later.

The guards apparently wanted to know how Cindy executed the four prisoners. They crammed into the door curiously.

There was a blood curdling shrill as Cindy let out a terrible scream. Her body moved like lightning as her arms swung back and forth.

There were harrowing screams as bodies laid in pools of blood on the floor. Mostly with slashed necks. The 12 Fallen Genetic troops became a pile of meat in no more than ten minutes. Not a single shot got out. Even the team leader didn't have time to fire the stun net.

Ran and his friends looked on in horror. It was unimaginable that this super-fast bloody event would happen directly in front of them. Cindy had an extraordinary deadly ability. Thankfully they weren't the target.

Cindy was still standing with her back to her teammates. She stood still with the bodies of the victims covered in the blood around her. The murderous long claws had retracted into her knuckles.

Ran approached her slowly. He touched Cindy's shoulder gently. Cindy turned around. This girl was back to normal. Her face was pale. Tears were running down from her eyes. A look of irreconcilable guilt was seen in her eyes.

Ran felt sorry for her. He pulled Cindy to give a comforting hug.

"What kind of creature am I, Ran? An extraordinarily cold-blooded killer…" Cindy wailed softly in Ran's arms.

Ran didn't say anything. There was no word in this world would comfort her in a situation like this. He just tightened his hug while rubbing Cindy's back. Trying to keep her calm.

Tet, Ben, and Rabat joined in trying to calm Cindy by rubbing her head.

Cindy let go of Ran's arms. Nodded to her other friends. Her face started to change.

"Nice to be reunited with you, guys! Come on, we must hurry! Sandra is about to blow this place up!"

Cindy then led her teammates into a hallway that led them to a large door. Ran used the access card. It worked.

The door opened to a large room with many doors.

"Hurry up! We don't have time! I heard the roar of the ship's engine. Apparently, Sandra accelerated the evacuation process. And…"


Before Cindy could finish her sentence, a huge explosion shook the super structure. It was clear that the explosion sequence had started.

Cindy ran quickly to a door at the far end, snatching the access card from Ran's hand. The door opened quickly. The five people of the expedition team hastily entered it.

They were on a platform.

There appeared to be a row of small and medium-sized ships below them.

Boooom!! Another blast.

The structure shook even more violently. Without hesitation, Cindy jumped onto the deck of the nearest ship from a height of approximately eight meters. Her body landed smoothly.

Boooom!! The corners of the room began to crumble.

"Jump!!" Cindy screamed loudly. Her teammates hesitated. Eight meters, really?

Booom!! This time the roof was starting to crumble.

Without further thoughts, Ran, Tet, Ben, and Rabat took turns jumping onto the ship's deck where Cindy was still waiting anxiously.

The four of them were not injured. Because every time someone jumped, Cindy grabbed them and landed them lightly and gently.

Ben ran to the wheelhouse of the mid-sized ship. Keys!! Ben screamed in panic after his four friends joined in and he realized that he needed a keys to start the boat!

The water began to stir violently. Soon the harbor beneath the island's surface would collapse completely. Cindy pushed her eagle-hooked hand into the key slot. Those pointy, sharp-claw went in easily. There was the sound of the ship's engine running.

Ben was taken aback. Apparently, Cindy's body also contained electricity! Ben took over the wheel. He pushed the boat at full speed because the bridge was now completely collapsed!

"The gate!!" This time it was Tet who screamed hysterically. The island's giant exit gate was still tightly shut.

Cindy jumped out of the wheelhouse and ran toward the bow of the ship. She was getting ready. The girl motioned for Ben to keep going at full speed.

Two minutes before the ship hit the giant steel gate, Cindy swinged her body. Hovered and landed on the edge of the platform near the gate. Then she landed her body again and soared high reaching for the manual button to open the gate, then jumped back right into the bow of the ship that almost hit the opening gate.

Everyone in the wheelhouse took a deep breath. Just as the ship exited the gate and cruised across the surface of the open sea, the structure behind them rumbled violently. Complete collapse!

Cindy joined her friends and smiled sweetly.

"I'm glad we got back together! But…" Cindy stopped her sentence.

"But what Cindy?" simultaneously Tet and Rabat asked in unison.

"Our adventure does not stop here. We must prevent Fallen Genetic from wreaking havoc on the world. They have everything to do that. Especially, they've got Sandra!"

"So? What should we do? Where are we headed now?" While concentrating on driving, Ben still had time to ask.

Cindy turned to Ran. Ran nodded.

"We anchored at the nearest port, recover, then make the next plan to find out where Fallen Genetic headquarters is located. And remember! Bio Research is still there. We don't know yet where that company is located."

This time Ran spoke up.

"Cindy is right guys. We are looking for the nearest port or city. Take a break. After that we'll come up with a plan to prevent the two mad companies from causing further chaos."

Ran turned to Ben, "So exactly where are we now, mate? Where is the nearest port or city located?"

Ben pressed several navigation buttons. His answer stunted his teammates.

"The nearest port town is…..Vardo in Norway. We're on the Scandinavian peninsula, guys!"

The End