
  "John?" I call out just in case I was seeing things, maybe my mind had conjured him up because it sensed just how desperate I was. 

  He nodded at Sofia,

"She isn't like us. What is she doing here?" The sound of his voice tells me he is as real as real can get. 

I look towards Sofia's confused expression.

  "It is our suite, I'm sure you understand we decide who stays and who goes." I say as I walk to him. Stopping just in front of him so I saw his face.

  He does not say anything but I see his eyes calculating. 

"How did you find us?"

"Same thing your friend did. It wasn't easy." His eyes fall on Austin. He must be talking about doing stake outs and stuff.

  "Why can't I smell You?" 

His distrustful eyes flitter to where Sofia stood.

  "You sure you want to have that conversation with her around?" he nods at Sofia.

I swallow, he was right, I could not risk talking about us in the open like that.