
  "Ouuuuu!!!!" Snake cried, his bottle flatters from his hand and i swoop in to catch it. I dig the heel into his feet some more before I climb down.

  "So sorry Snake. I'm so sorry. I thought you wanted us to be closer." I put on my best sympathetic voice as I peer into his face that was already bunched up and red from the pain.

  "Fuck, fuck, fuck." He hissed.

Serves you right. I think but a fear of him wanting to skip the party and make me stay here to take care of him, since I caused it, creeps into my heart.

  "Go sit in the car let me take a look at it." I say while steering him to his car. He probably does not even know what is going on around him, too focused on the pain for anything else to enter his mind.

  I give Seth a subtle nod via the rear view mirror, a sign that said he could drive. And he does start the car. Even when we were mad at each other, work comes first.