Chapter 25 Waterball VS Fire Cloak

Malfoy, after hearing what Wharton just said, put his hands on his hip again and laughed scornfully at the boy.

To be fair, Malfoy was good enough to top those third-grade students in Golden Rose Magic School Magic School.

He was a level-2 mage!

The onlookers also felt that Wharton was too confident and even conceited. They resumed their formerly interrupted discussions.

“Is this newcomer out of his mind?”

"Maybe he is a genius."

"Genius? Who isn’t? I mean you got to be a genius to enter Golden Rose Magic School Magic School, right?"

"I have to say, even though Malfoy isn’t a good guy, he is quite powerful. He ranks in the top ten among third-grade students."

"I think the country boy is going to be beaten up. Poor guy."

The onlookers looked at Wharton with suspicion, all thought he was going to suffer.