Chapter 3 revenge begins!

Attracted by the black rain, the corpses of the restaurant had all run outside.

Fit's heart was full of killing intent. When he was about to rush to the warehouse and kill all of them, he suddenly changed his mind.

"It's too easy for them to die like this!"

"Since there is no law in the end world, let me give them the punishment that they deserved"

"I want to play with them and let them die in despair!"

Thinking of this, Fit turned around and walked out of the restaurant.

Justina was still screaming.

Emily thought for a while and stopped the punishment other.


Trembling all over, Justina walked to Fit and lowered her head, with fear in her eyes.

I forgive you for the first time of your mistake, but... "

Fit raised Justina's chin and stared at her eyes, "there won't be a second time, understand?"

"Got it! Master, I will be obedient! "

Justina nodded repeatedly. The pain deep in her soul made her life worse than death, and her memory was still fresh.

She didn't want to experience the second time.


Fit reached out and pinched her chest. Then she turned around and walked into a supermarket not far away.

Normally, there were many corpses wandering in the supermarket, so Fit didn't dare to here for food.

But now, he had become an evolved man! Moreover, those corpses were sleeping and transforming outside, absorbing the energy brought by the black rain.

Fit picked up a plastic bag and put the food into it.

Before she returned to the dining room with the plastic bag, he took out a pistol from the corpse of a policeman.

The next step was to wait quietly.

As long as the corpse was transformed, the show would begin!

Justina was confused. He had just gone through that kind of severe punishment, so he didn't dare to ask at all.

After waiting for a while, Fit felt a little bored. He asked Justina to kill dozens of corpses again, and purified the jellies in the brain of the corpse then fed them to himself.

When Fit swallowed another more than 20 pieces of jelly, her body suddenly trembled, as if he had broken through some kind of barrier.

Fit's muscles became tighter and stronger!

At the same time, he felt that he had another ability.

Fit stared at his hands, and the red light in his eyes gathered.

Name: Fit Vidar

Profession: An evolved man

Level 2

Strength: 13 (range 3-5 for an ordinary adult)

Spirit: 15

Agility: 13

Physique: 12

Energy: 80/120

Talent ability: Abyss summoning Lv1, Eye of perception Lv1

Abyss summon Lv1: consume your own energy and summon the abyss creatures that followed your commands. The more energy the host provided, the stronger creatures that could be summoned.

Eye of perception Lv1: the host can check the attributes of himself and his enemy.

"This is..."

"It turns out that every time the evolved person upgrades he will get one more talent?"

His second talent was perception, which allowed him to check the attributes of himself and... His enemy?

Fit turned to the corpse beside her.

Name: hungry corpse

Level: 0 (in evolution)

Strength: 3

Spirit: 1

Agility: 2

Physique: 3

It was a low-grade fiend transformed from human whom affected by the unknown energy was It was irrational and had a long-term desire for flesh and blood. He had lost his eyesight, but his hearing and sense of smell had been enhanced.

"Very good ability."

Fit was quite satisfied with the eye of perception.

Although he did not have any improvement in his strength, he could let himself see the state of him and others more clearly!

He turned to look at Justina and was about to check her information, only to find that a corpse beside him was trembling slightly.

Then, the corpse slightly swayed, as if it was subconsciously moving its body.

"Oh, it is about to wake up..."

Fit smiled and walked towards the warehouse with a bag full of food.

Inside the warehouse.

Daniel was stroking Edith If they weren’t at the wrong place, they might have already gone to bed. '.

The four men around him seemed not to see that, and their faces were full of flattering smiles.

"Daniel, please take me with you when your sister comes! I’m your most loyal subordinate! "

"And me, don't forget that I stole the Fit’s steel pipe from you!"


"I... I've cursed Fit for several times. I don't like him! He looks like a toy boy. How can he compare with you? "

Hearing the flattery of the crowd, Daniel smiled happily.

"No problem. Be left all to me! It’s a piece of cake

Take you with me. Follow me and I promise that you will enjoy a good life! You will have a lot of beautiful girls and beautiful wine! "

"Thank you. Thank you, Daniel."

"We will be loyal to you in the future. We will do whatever you ask us to do!"

In the warehouse, the flattering voice and Edith’s laughter echoed.

At this time, Fit had come to the steel gate of the warehouse.

After becoming the evolved man, his feeling was very powerful. Even through the iron gate, he could clearly hear what was being said inside.

Hearing the heated voice inside, a hint of irony appeared in Fit's eyes. He asked Justina to hide aside and then knocked on the door.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of the steel gate being knocked came in.

Daniel and the others were startled. They thought their laughter alerted the corpse, so they all stopped talking and didn't dare to make a sound.

"Daniel open the door. It's Fitme! Fit! "

"I'm back with food! I don't want to leave this place. Please, let me in! "


Edith was stunned and looked at Daniel.

"How is that possible? Isn’t he dead? "

"He screamed not long ago!"

"He said he brought food with him..."

After thinking for a while, Daniel said,

"Corpses can't speak! Open the door and see what's going on! "


The middle-aged man squatted beside the door nodded and cautiously opened the door a little way.

Outside the door, Fit's face was full of joy. He raised the open plastic bag and let the people inside see the food in it.

"He did bring a lot of food with him!"

The middle-aged man turned to Daniel and said excitedly.

Although there was still some food in the warehouse, they all lived frugal life.

And that large bag of food was at least enough for everyone to eat for a whole day!

Hearing his words, Daniel moved closer to the door and observed it carefully.

"So much food..."