Chapter 5 Fit Was Missing? This Was a Trap!

"Upgrade from level 0 to level 1... The show begins."

Fit smiled excitedly.

"Master, I don't understand. Why don't you kill them directly?"

Bessie's figure appeared in the shadow behind Fit. She bowed respectfully and asked.

"Don't you understand? Bessie, shouldn't demons know these things more? It seems that you still have a lot to learn."

Fit smiled and didn't explain to her.

Because it was unnecessary.

As far as he knew, Bessie was much more proficient in schemes than she was.

Now Bessie deliberately lowered her IQ to show her master's wisdom. This was just a way of flattery.

Looking at the ecstatic Daniel and others in the supermarket, Fit said calmly,

"Can you hide people with your hiding ability?"

"Yes, master, but I can only hide two people at most."

Bessie replied respectfully.


Fit glanced at her and activated the Eye of perception.

The real name of the demon: Bessie Rivet Tashi Barth

Race: phantom demon

Level: 3

Strength: 25

Spirit: 30

Agility: 29

Physique: 25

Energy: 360/360

Talent ability: Charm, Dark Whip, Shadow Creeping

Shadow Creeping: To cover oneself with dark energy, consuming 1 point of energy per second. The moving speed increased by 20%, and the duration depended on the total amount of energy. After launching an attack and leaving the shadow, it was ineffective. At present, the range of the dark energy could not exceed one meter.

"She’s still not telling the truth..."

Fit sneered in his heart. Indeed, it was a little crowded to hide the bodies of the two people within one meter.

But that was only the current situation.

If he didn't have the Eye of perception, he would have thought that this skill could only carry two people, instead of thinking about the scope.

"Demons are demons. I have to use them cautiously in the future. I'm tired."

Fit with a myriad of thoughts in his mind, he said to Bessie calmly, "In that case, you can take me to hide first."

"Yes, master."

Bessie smiled coquettishly and put her arms around the waist of Fit.

The dark energy from Bessie's body spread out and enveloped the two of them.

At this moment.

Daniel and others were searching for food crazily in the supermarket. Whether it was water, bread or other food, they didn't even look at it and stuffed it into the handbag they found from the supermarket.

A moment later, Daniel took two bags of food and walked out of the supermarket first.

Daniel looked back and walked towards the police car beside the supermarket.

The door was locked, but the window was broken.

Daniel easily opened the item cabinet in front of the passenger seat. He was surprised.

In addition to some daily necessities, there was also a spare Pistol Magazine in the locker!

"Great! Only in this way can I feel a little safe."

Daniel murmured to himself, filling the bullet into the pistol.

Then, Daniel returned to the gate of the supermarket.

After a while, Edith came out.

Everyone had a big smile on their faces, with bulging bags all over their bodies.

"Well, we..."

Daniel was about to say something, he suddenly felt something wrong.

Zombies on the street…

Their movement range seemed to be greater than before?!

And, Fit, disappeared!

"Where is Fit?!He didn't go to the supermarket? "

Daniel asked the people behind him.

"I don't know."

Eric was at a loss, "I didn't pay attention to him…”

The others also shook their heads.

After all, the supermarket was full of food in front of them. No one would pay attention to him.

Daniel's face darkened.

He recalled the scream of Fit. Then he appeared with food. At last, he took them to the supermarket…

It seemed that there was nothing wrong with these things. But the combination of these gave him a bad feeling.

In addition, the zombies were moving more and more frequently at the moment…

"Damn it! We must leave here right now!"


Edith didn't realize what had happened. "There are a lot of food in the supermarket. We can leave some people to pack it. Others were responsible for the transportation…”

"Shut up! Idiot! "

Daniel rebuked in a low voice, "Can't you see the zombies on the ground that are about to wake up?"

"Maybe we have been tricked by Fit!"

After saying that, Daniel without waiting for other people's response, he began to run back with food.

Even if he guessed wrong, the food was enough for him to wait for his sister to come.

"Daniel, wait for me!"

Edith hesitated for a while and ran out of the room.

She thought it clearly. Compared to this food, the most reliable was Daniel’s sister, Alena, who was an evolved man!

When she came over, if she could get her approval, she could even enjoy the life before the end of the world!

As for Eric, they were a little hesitant.

Even if Daniel was willing to take them out of here, what would happen after they left?

In the end of the world, more food meant more hope.

While Eric and the others were still hesitating, Daniel, who was running, accidentally stepped on the palm of a zombie.

All of a sudden.


The zombie was alarmed. The zombie immediately stood up and let out a beast like howl!

"Well done, Daniel! I don't want to wake them up by myself."

In the shadow, Fit showed an excited smile.


The zombie general Edith suddenly stood up and let out a piercing scream.

She quickly covered her mouth and quickly passed the zombie. She chased after Daniel with fear.

But it was still too late.

Stimulated by the sound, the zombies that had completed transformation but did not wake up immediately were all alarmed at this moment!

They got up quickly and rushed madly in the direction of the sound.

"Damn it! It's really a trap. Fit that bitch!"

Daniel at this moment, his heart was full of anger, but he could do nothing. He could only grit his teeth and shake his legs with all his strength.

"It… They woke up? !”

Eric was so scared that his body trembled. He looked at the zombie in horror and even forgot to run away.

"Why are you still standing there? Now that the zombies are chasing Daniel, let's go in another direction! "

The middle-aged man who had been guarding the door before came to his senses first. He reminded them in a low voice and ran in the opposite direction with the food.

He knew that the shelter couldn't be returned.

No matter if Daniel could return to the shelter, they couldn't pass through the group of zombies alone.

Fit walk out of the shadow. Staring at the backs of Eric and the others, he kept silent for a while and finally called out,


"I understand, master."

The Phantom demon licked her lips and hid in the shadow again.

Fit turned around indifferently. He walked slowly into the dining room.