Chapter 8 Waiting

"Evolved men? Are they humans with special abilities like master? "


He drove slowly on the street.

When he went to the hotel yesterday, Fit was not in the mood to pay attention to the surroundings.

Now, looking at the desolate street, he could not help but sigh in his heart.

The city used to be crowded with people, but now it was empty.

The ground was in a mess, with clothes falling and living goods rolling in the wind. No one could be seen on the street.

Oh, not to mention those zombies who were attracted by the sound of the car engine.

"Bessie, don't let them get in my way."

"Yes, my master."

Bessie smiled and stood on the car roof. With a black whip in her hand, she drew away all the zombies in front of her.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the restaurant again.

Some zombies had gathered inside and wandered from other places.

This time, Fit didn't go in aboveboard.

Instead, he let Bessie take him into the shadow.

They arrived at the warehouse.

Fit observed and found that neither the zombie nor the scattered food had any signs of moving.

In other words, Alena hadn't arrived yet.

"The next step is to wait…”

According to Daniel, his sister, Alena, would arrive in about two days.

According to the time, it should be this afternoon or tonight.

Fit looked at the position of the sun. It was about eleven o'clock at noon.

After thinking for a while, Fit moved the bodies on the ground to a corner and covered them with articles.

Then he walked to the only carpet and sat down.

"Bessie, come here."

Fit sat against the wall, "You can have a rest for the time being."

"Master, if you are a demon, you will definitely become a powerful demon leader."

Bessie walked to the side of Fit, put her hands around his neck and leaned her head against his chest.

"What do you mean?"

Fit stroked her head, just like he used to treat his pet.

"In many ways, it's not qualified to be too merciful."

"How dare you say that?"

Fit smiled, "So I'm kind?"

"Yes, master."

Bessie rubbed her head against Fit's chest and said, "You are so kind to me that I don't want to go back to the abyss."

"Am I too kind to you?"

Fit recalled it.

After summoning Bessie out, he severely punished her not long after. Then he used her as a tool.

She didn't have a rest or food. Of course, he didn't pay for it…

Was this too good to her?

"That abyss is really a terrible place…”

She soon fell asleep.

Fit didn't believe her at all.

However, he no longer treated Bessie as a tool, but as a pet.

After all, it was very boring to be alone in the last world. It would be terrible if it lasted for a long time.

Fit gently stroked Bessie's head and began to consider the future plan.

After dealing with the matter of Alena, he planned to go home first.

Unlike the spread of the virus, the black rain had no omen and could not be blocked, so there was no chance to retreat.

So, if dad and mom were fine, they should still be at home.

He hoped that they wouldn't leave the room when the black rain came.

"Well, I have to bring some food with me."

After all, he didn't know if ordinary people could get energy by absorbing the core of the zombie virus.

Then he took them out of here and found a survivors' base…

While thinking about the plan, he took out some energy cores of the zombies and purified them with the energy and put them into his mouth.

After reaching level 2, these first level energy cores had a limited effect on him.

He estimated that it would take nearly a hundred of them to increase a bit of their attributes. But as a food, it was good to replenish energy.

"Maybe it will be the main currency in the future."

Several hours passed quickly.

There was a sudden noise outside.

Fit listen carefully.

It was the roar of a zombie.

With his improved hearing, he could tell the position of the voice in the restaurant.

"Are you here?"

Fit smiled. He left those zombies for the moment.

He patted the Phantom demon in his arms.

Bessie groaned and opened her eyes.

"I haven't slept so peacefully for a long time."

Bessie kissed on Fit's cheek and said, "Thank you, my master."

When she moved her lips away, Fit suddenly put his hand behind her head and hooked it over.

Then he kissed her on the lips.

Bessie was stunned at first, but then she was surprised.

"Has my master finally changed his mind?"

Thinking of this, her hands began to move restlessly again.

She gently touched Fit’s chest and slowly went down, about to unfasten his belt.

But Fit pressed her soft hand to stop her from moving forward.

"I will let you thank me in the evening."

Fit left Bessie's lips and said with a smile.

After sleeping for a day and a half, he kept energetic.

If it weren't for the fact that Bessie was too tired, they would have spent the time in passion while waiting.

"Now, it's time for us to greet the guests."

"Listen to your order! Master."

Bessie licked her lips, looked charming.

Then she rushed to the restaurant with Fit.

In the dining room.

Dozens of zombies roared. They attacked a young woman in white short sleeves and denim shorts with long brown yellow hair.

She held a fire axe in her hand. Every time a zombie approached her, she would raise her left hand and release a translucent barrier to block it.

Then she waved the fire axe with his right hand and cut off the zombie's head. She was skilled and decisive.

Fit hiding in the shadow, opened his eye of perception to the woman.

Name: unknown

Race: humans

Profession: an evolved man

Level: 2

Strength: 10

Spirit: 13

Agility: 11

Physique: 10

Energy: 60/100

Talent ability: Water Element Barrier, SPA

"Name unknown?"

Fit frowned. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation.

But when he thought of the creatures he had investigated before, it seemed that none of them was a human.

"It's really troublesome."

Since he didn't know the name, it meant that he couldn't launch a sneak attack.

Although he swore not to be a good person, he would not kill innocent people at will.

"Just find a way to get in touch with her. Although she is also an evolution with level 2, her nature is a little lower than mine."

"And… She didn't have any investigation skill.”