Chapter 11 Interrupted Desire


Fit pulled out his finger, "I know a hotel nearby, where we can have a good rest."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go now."

As Mianna spoke, she bent over and kissed the penis of Fit. Then she put it back and fastened his belt.

"No problem, but Mianna, I hope you can wait for me."

Fit kissed her on the cheek, "I put some food in the warehouse of this restaurant. I want to take them with me."

"I want to bring some gifts for my parents. After all, ordinary people can't absorb... the brain core to obtain energy."

"Okay, Fit, I'll wait for you in the car."

After saying that, Mianna tidied up Fit's clothes, turned around and walked out of the restaurant.

Fit then he went straight to the warehouse.

When he arrived at the warehouse, he carried the food in two bags from Daniel he had collected before and shouted at the shadow beside him.


The figure of the phantom demon immediately appeared from the shadow.

She walked quickly to the side of Fit and leaned against him, saying in a spoiled tone.

"Master, I want it too."

As she spoke, she stretched out her soft little hand and stroked Fit's restless penis.

"Your meat stick is so big! Master, can I swallow it into my body? "

The eyes of the phantom demon were somewhat blurred.

"Not now. My dear Mianna is still waiting outside."

Fit patted on the bottom of the demon and pinched it hard for two more times. "I'll feed you enough in the future, little bitch."

"As for now, you have to hide yourself well. Don't come out without my order."

"Don't worry, master. I won't disturb you in picking up girls."

Bessie smiled coquettishly and escaped into the shadow again.

Fit looked at the corpse of Daniel and said, "Daniel, do you remember what I said before?"

"If your sister Alena is as bad as you, I will take good care of her as I do to Edith."

"Of course, if her mouth in the upper part is not obedient, I have many ways to deal with her mouth in the lower part."

"I will do it."

Then, Fit walked out of the warehouse and passed the dining room, seeing Mianna waiting in front of the car.

It was a Chevrolet with a broken window, but it didn't affect the overall beauty. Together with Mianna, it formed a beautiful scenery.

Beauty in the car.

Seeing zombie corpses all around and desolate streets, Fit had an illusion that he was in a movie of the last world.

Oh, it was indeed the end of the world.

Fit came to his senses and walked up with a smile.

Seeing Fit come over, Mianna opened the door and sat on the passenger seat.

"Well, let's go, honey."

Fit smiled, sat on the driver's seat and started the engine.

Mianna hugged him and kissed him. Her eyes were burning. "Let's go. I can't wait any longer."


The car was started. Fit's driving skill was not bad. He easily bypassed the zombies blocking the way and quickly drove to the previous hotel.

On the way, Mianna's hand had never left under Fit.

He was a little short of breath.

In order to distract her attention, Fit took the initiative to talk to Mianna, asking her something about the base, and also collecting some information.

The hotel was not far from here, and it was only a few minutes' drive.

When they arrived at the gate of the hotel, Fit couldn't wait to pick up Mianna from the car and walk quickly into the hotel.

"Ha ha, I thought you were not interested in me when you talked to me in a serious manner. I didn't expect you to be so impatient when you flirted with me."

Mianna smiled complacently. Her charm had been proved.

"Trust me, Mianna. A man who is not interested in your figure must have some physiological problems or mental problems."

Fit smiled and expressed his thought from another point of view.

Mianna was his type, both in shape and face. Besides, he had been flirting with her all the way.

Now his lust was surging, and he just wanted to vent it on her.

Let this woman know the consequences of flirting with him!

However, just as Fit and Mianna entered the hotel,


A gunshot rang out not far away.

Then, the gunshots began to gather.

With Fit's evolved hearing, he could even hear a few angry curses.

It seemed to be a woman's voice.

"Oh, damn it!"

Fit looked at Mianna's expression and stopped.

"This is not the right time, is it? Fit, put me down."

Mianna smiled in sorry and said softly.

"Leave them alone, honey. I just want to fuck you now!"

Fit kissed her on the cheek.

"Ha ha, we still have a lot of time. Put me down. Fit, I want to have a look."

Mianna gently left the embrace of Fit and said, "You don't want anyone to be hurt again, do you?"

No, I only care about the people I care about.

Fit responded in his heart.

Then he sighed and said, "Then let's go and have a look. I hope it won't waste too much time."

Then he ran quickly towards the direction where the gunshot was heard.

"Fit, you are indeed a good person. You are not only powerful, but also kind-hearted, just like the super hero in the movie and television works before the end."

Seeing the choice of Fit, Mianna's good impression on Fit surged.

Then she followed him quickly.

After passing through a street, the scene in front of him surprised Fit.

It was a woman who looked about thirty years old. She had a pretty face, and the two balls on her chest were much bigger than Mianna's. Her buttocks were even upturned…

"Oh, damn it! I was aroused by Mianna's flirtation. I am likely to think in that way as soon as I see a woman."

Fit shook his head, calmed down and continued to observe.

In front of them, the woman held a rifle and ran towards them with a little boy of six or seven years old in panic.

Behind her, there were only a few ordinary corpses that were attracted by the gunshot.

Fit frowned and didn't walk out rashly. Instead, he took a step back and hid behind the corner to observe carefully.


Mianna rushed over.

Fit made a gesture of silence to her.

Mianna understood what he meant and hid at the corner to observe.

At this time, the woman suddenly raised the rifle in her hand.

Unexpectedly, she didn't aim at the zombie behind her, but pointed it to the sky.

Fit immediately looked away.

Above the heads of the woman and the little boy, there was actually a cyan circular object approaching them!