Chapter 20 Revenge of the Unlucky, Tormenting

Those women were stunned when they heard what Fit said.

They slowly raised their heads and looked at Fit in confusion.

A moment later, they turned their eyes to the five level-1-1 evolution men tied up by Bessie, with some fear in his eyes.

Fit didn't say anything, just waiting for their choices.

After a while, a woman slowly stood up. She kept talking to herself, as if to increase her courage.

"Lettie, they killed your husband, your child and all your family..."

"Lettie, they deserve it, Lettie!"

"These fiends! Damn it! "

As she spoke, she pounced on the five level-1evolved men in a coma, punching and kicking them.

With Lettie as the leader, the other women hesitated for a moment, and all summoned up the courage to pounce on him.

They used everything on their bodies that could be used as weapons, including fists, legs, nails, and even teeth, to madly attack the five level-1 evolved men.

Especially in the lower part of his body, they took special care of him!

The five first evolved-1 men were awakened by the attack.

"What are you doing?! Bitch! "

"We are tied up? Damn it! What's this? "

"Fuck! Are these women crazy? "

Before they could figure out what was going on, they were stunned by the constant attacks.

They kept cursing, trying to struggle but unable to break free.

Then they recalled what had happened before.

And they saw Fit and the phantom demon aside.

All of a sudden, they shut up.

Two of them even pretended to be very painful and began to scream exaggeratedly.

Fit glanced at them and sneered in his heart, but he didn't remind them.

The ordinary human nature was about 3 to 5 points, while the level-1 evolved man's nature was between 5 and 10 points.

It was impossible to break the defense with bare hands.

But it didn't matter. He had already figured out how to deal with these five people.

Now, it was just a chance for these unfortunate people to vent their anger.

After venting her anger for a while, Lettie suddenly stopped.

Because she found that her attack could not hurt them at all.

Lettie stared at the five brutal beasts who killed her family with hatred. The two bastards who pretended to scream in pain made her even sadder.

"Is it true that as the fat pig said, ordinary people are really evolved defective?"

"They can't even move, but I can't hurt them..."


She suppressed the sadness in her heart, turned around and ran into the house.

When she walked in again, a kitchen knife appeared in her hand!

"Oh, no!"

When the five level-1 evolved men saw the kitchen knife, they immediately panicked and became really scared.

The level-1 evolution could not use his body to resist the sharpness of the kitchen knife.

She pushed away her companions who were still beating or biting crazily and raised the kitchen knife to the level-1 evolution who was closest to her.


"Don't do this! Please! "

The evolved man began to beg for mercy, but Lettie didn't stop at all. She used all her strength to cut his head hard!


The evolved man turned his head in horror, but his shoulder could no longer dodge.


Blood spurted!

"Ah!!! Shit! You bitch!"

He screamed.

This time, the scream was not fake, but the real scream of pain and fear!


The other four evolved men's expressions changed, with fear in their eyes.

Because they knew that it might be their turn next.

When the other women saw this, they all turned around and rushed into the room.

The woman was left alone, waving the kitchen knife at the enemy in front of her.


"This stab is for my husband!"


"This is for my child!"


"This stab is for... Me!"

When the other women came out of the house, there were dozens of wounds on Boris's head.

His skull was cracked and his head was completely dyed red with blood.

But he was still alive. After all, the life energy of an evolved man was much stronger than that of an ordinary person.

However, his skull was cracked and his brain was not seriously injured, which was not enough to kill him.

But in this way, it could only make his pain longer and worse than death!

When the other four evolved men saw what happened to Boris, they were all frightened and their lips trembled.

Especially when they saw the weapons in the hands of those women.

A spanner, pincers, a cone, a pry bar, a scissors, and even a needle wrap…

The desperation almost made them collapse.

Two of them even began to move towards the hard terrain, trying to commit suicide there.

But soon, they were caught up by those women and began to suffer endless torture.

Elena looked at it for a while and then joined them.

Although she was caught today, her family had also died in the hands of these bastards.

For a moment, the screams of the five level-1 evolved men were heard one after another.

After a while, Boris, who had a serious head injury, couldn't bear it anymore. He suddenly twitched for two times and froze on the ground. His eyes were wide open and he lost his breath.

At this time, one of the evolved men suddenly thought of something and shouted at Fit under the attack, "Help me! We can work for you! Please! "

The other three also followed,

"Yes! We can work for you without any reward! Beg you! Help us! "

Hearing their words, the women slowly stopped attacking and looked at Fit uneasily.

It was this man who gave them the chance to revenge. If he changed his mind, they could only accept this result.

Fit smiled at them,

"Go on."

He didn't need five level-1 evolved men.

And even they were five level-2 evolved men, Fit won't stop them from taking revenge.

Because he knew how it felt to be filled with hatred.

Moreover, Fit's original plan was to throw them to the zombies.

Compared with this result, there were only five level-1 brain cores missing.

"Thank you, Fit."

Lettie wiped her tears and raised the kitchen knife again to cut at an evolved man.

The other women also nodded gratefully at Fit, and picked up the tools to start another round of torture.

Fit looked at Charles, who was lying on the ground motionlessly.

He knew that Charles had already woken up, but he chose to continue lying on the bed when he saw the miserable situation of the five level-1 evolved men.

"Bessie, tie him up and throw him there as well."

"Yes, master."

The demon showed a charming smile, and the dark whip once again separated and bound Charles.

"No! Fit, you can't do this to me! No! "

Charles immediately stopped pretending to be dead and struggled madly.

But it didn't work in front of a level 3 phantom demon.