Chapter 48 Meeting Caesar Again

Hearing the exclamation of Fit, Anna smiled with satisfaction in the car.

"May I ask where these weapons come from?"

Kelly poked her head out of the car and asked curiously.


Anna hesitated.

"If it's about secrets, forget it. We are just curious."

Fit explained for Kelly, "After all, everyone wants to have such a powerful, versatile and cool weapon, especially in this apocalypse."

"Well, it's not a big deal to tell you. After all, these weapons have been used in our place."

Fit's praise for Anna was very useful. In addition, she liked to show off, so she told him the source of the weapon with a smile,

"These weapons are referred to as magic crystal weapons. They are the achievements of our research institute. At present, they are also unique weapons in New York Base City!"


Magic crystal, the research institute, and New York.

Fit digested the information in her words and said, "Why is it called magic crystal?"