Chapter 85 Alena's Back, the Flame Knight

"Fit, what happened here? What is it?"

Looking at Turner's huge figure, Kelly asked in surprise.

"It's a little complicated. I'll tell you later."

Fit looked at Bessie and said, "Bessie, can you calm him down with your charm?"

Bessie stared at Turner who was hiding in the black fog for a while and shook her head slowly, "I'm sorry, master. I can't do it."

"His strength is much stronger than mine. Even if I use my full strength, I guess I can only make him in a trance for a moment. Perhaps, I can't even make him lose his mind for a second."

"That's troublesome..."

Fit sighed.

If Bessie couldn't control Turner, he had to use violence to calm him down.

To be honest, he wouldn't have meddled in this matter if he hadn't spent a lot of time on Turner and always behaved in a good manner.

"Then let us..."

Fit stretched himself and was about to go with Bessie to stop Turner.

However, before he could finish his words.
