When their ship docked, a crowd of people were waiting for them. Newspaper writers, journalists and more. They were practically famous, and Heleh just stood behind them. The group walked down to be met by the Admiral of the army. He then noticed Heleh and was a bit confused.
A"Who is that person following you?"
S"The person who will win this war for us."
A"Is he really that important?"
S"Admiral, is there any other person you know who can take a demon with just hand to hand combat?"
A"Well, no."
S"There, now you have an understanding of how powerful he is."
H"Aye, why are there so many people gathered here?"
K"Are you serious, we just went to another continent to ask for support in a war. Obviously there would be people waiting for us."
H"Ok mister important man." Mocking Kamesh.
The admiral walks up to Heleh to shake his hand.
A"Hello, I'm the admiral of the military-"
Heleh stares at the admiral, the admiral starts to sweat heavily. He starts to breathe uncontrollably, but Rya slaps Heleh in the back of the head. The admiral now pants as sweat drips onto the ground. Heleh holds his hand out, and the admiral shakes his hand.
R "You need to stop doing that."
H "I'm sorry, it's fun to see people grovel at my feet just from my presence."
Everyone looks at Heleh, Heleh is confused why he was being stared at. Then he finally realizes his mistake.
H "I didn't mean it like that.*Not completely at least.*" He whispered.
S"Anyways, everybody follow me."
Everyone follows her including the people who were waiting.
S"No! I mean, not you guys. I meant the people with me."
The people then get gloomy and walk away. They walk through the streets and everyone is just looking at them. But mostly stared at Heleh because he had an unfamiliar face. After a few minutes of walking, they make it to a log house with a brick fire place and chimney. It was Suzuni's house. She then unlocks and opens the door.
S"Come in, everyone."
Everybody goes in, but she stops Heleh and orders him to go upstairs. Heleh follows what he is told and goes upstairs to a room with a bed that had white sheets. And all white pillows, "Why is it all white?" Heleh thought.
Then, Suzuni enters the room and locks it. When she locked it, Heleh jumped out the window knowing what she was going to do. Heleh then ran away, he saw the others leave the house too. Everyone goes after him and captures him. They take him back to Suzuni, and make sure to lock every door with special sealing spells.
Heleh is now in a room with Suzuni alone, again.
H"What do you want?"
S"I want you to help me."
H"Help you with what? I'll do whatever you need, just don't do what you did last time."
S"Whatever I want you will do?"
S"Then get on the bed."
Heleh gets on the bed and lays down.
S"Lay on your back."
Heleh turns to lay on his back. Suzuni places her palm on his stomach, and draws the mana out of him. Suzuni is also converting the mana into a liquid form, to make an elixir. Then, after getting 3 bottles of elixir, she stops drawing mana.
S"There, you can get up now."
H"Thank you."
S"For what?"
H"For not doing anything other than that!"
S"Who said we were done, I still need one more thing from you."
H"What is it?"
S"Tell me what you did to cause the Elven Kingdom to wage war on us."
Heleh takes a deep breath.
H"I made them watch as I slowly killed the princess."
The mood changes from awkwardness, to down right sinister. Heleh's glare pierced right through Suzuni, he was telling the truth. With a dead face, he continued.
H"Then I killed the king, but left the Queen alive to really get the guilt in. She will think that she should've died instead, causing her to feel guilty. Being the only one who lives, in a massacre, can cause a lot of psychological damage."
Heleh sits on the bed facing Suzuni, it seemed like he was staring into her soul. Suzuni listened in terror, "How could he do that?" She thought. She then looked up at Heleh, and he disappeared. Then from behind her.
H"By the way, this isn't Heleh speaking. It's the demon eye who is speaking."
S"Did you take control of him?"
He chuckles a little.
H"No, what Heleh did was Heleh, I had nothing to do with it. Heleh had intentions of doing that the whole time, I just did what he needed me to do."
Heleh then reappeared in front of her. Heleh then places his hand on Suzuni's shoulder. The demon eye then switched dover to Heleh.
Heleh "Is there anything else that you need me to do?"
Suzuni "Yeah, go to the Feline Lands and recruit Fermine Earl. She will be needed in this war."
Heleh "Right."
Suzuni "But wait, we need you to get geared up first."
Heleh then wears a grey shirt with brown pants with his Odachi on his hip. He also had a Black cloak that covered his whole body down to his shin. He then walks off to go to the Feline Lands.
Rya "Are you sure about this?"
Suzuni "Yes, even though the History between our races are not the best. Heleh will find a way."
In history, Demi-humans were enslaved and discriminated against by humans. Then they revolted and created their own country. The country is broken down into 4 parts, Felines, Canines, Reptilian, and OA. OA stands for Overall animals. Felines hate humans the most because males were used as labor slaves. While the females were either forced as maids, or became sex slaves for the rich. If a human dares to walk on Feline soil, the Felines will kill them once they find them.
Heleh walks for 2 days reaching the canine lands. Canines are dog-like humans, they are passive unless provoked. And, they are playful and really good friends. Some are werewolves, but most just have their behavior, ears, and tail of a canine. The same goes for every other species of Demi-humans. After taking 3 days walking through the canine lands, he finally enters the Feline Lands.
After a few hours of walking, he makes it to a village. After walking through the gate, a group of four lions surrounded him.
Lion 1"Why are you here human, come to kill us again!?"
Heleh "I have no reason to do that. I am also not interested in any of you, I've come to do one thing and one thing only."
Lion 2"Oh yeah? What is that!?"
Heleh "I've come searching for Fermine Earl."
Then a voice could be heard from the trees. "Oh, is that so?"
Then, a Cheetah woman comes out from the trees, and attacks Heleh with a dagger. She goes for his head but Heleh catches the blade and crushes it. She then jumps back and gets into a stance.
Heleh "Are you Fermine Earl?"
Fermine "Yeah."
Heleh "I need you to come with me."
Fermine "And why should I?"
Heleh "Because it will be beneficial to both races if you do."
Fermine "How?"
Heleh "If you cooperate, I will help you with what I can. The other humans won't do this, I will be nice enough to work with you if you work with us."
Fermine "I don't buy it."
Heleh "Then if you don't cooperate, I will kill every last Demi-human on this continent."
Fermine "Yeah right, as if you could even kill me."
Heleh "Would you like to see?"
Fermine "Hell yeah!"
Heleh then appears behind her and knocks her out. He then picks her up and puts her on his back. But when he tries to go, a kid tries to stop him.
Feline child "No, I'm not letting you take her!"
Heleh "We are not gonna do anything bad. We just need her for assistance, then what about this. I will return her personally, and I will even help you guys afterwards.
Feline child "No!"
Heleh "Someone get their kid!"
Then a woman runs up and grabs the child. Heleh then walks off to go back to Gurdelm. After a few hours, Heleh stops to set up a camp for the night. During this, Fermine wakes up.
Fermine "Where am I?"
Heleh "Good you're awake, can you collect some sticks for a shelter?"
Fermine "You! What have you done to me!?"
She reaches into her pocket for her hunters card. She then gives a deep sigh of relief.
Heleh "Can you get sticks-"
Heleh is then stabbed in the back by Fermine. He looks behind him and sees a clone. He looks back and sees Fermine who is pressing a knife against Heleh's throat. Heleh gives her a death glare and she drops her knife. Felines can sense basic emotions like happiness, sadness, anger, and lust. But powerful ones can sense an extra emotion, bloodlust. Fermine could sense a lot of bloodlust coming from Heleh, bloodlust mixed with anger will make a man go ferrel. But the fact that Heleh can stay calm means that he is way more powerful than Fermine thought he was.
The clone of Fermine then turns to dust and is blown away by the wind. Fermine drops down on her butt and scoots back from Heleh. She turns and tries to crawl away but Heleh grabs her by the hair. He then kneels beside her and says in her ear.
Heleh "Go collect some sticks."
Fermine then goes and finds 5 large sticks that Heleh uses as a frame for the shelter. He covers it with large leaves and puts some grass on it. Heleh then starts a fire with a small fireball, he actually tried 3 times. The first was a white flame that instantly incinerated the wood, the second was a blue flame that turned the wood into ash instantly. And on the third try he just used a regular fire that finally didn't go overboard.
Heleh laid some leaves on the ground in the shelter. He then pulled out a big piece of meat from his inventory and stabbed it with a stick. He then built support beams with two other sticks that spread apart at the end. He stuck them into the ground, and rested the stick with the meat onto them. Occasionally turning it to cook it evenly over the fire. When it was done, he used a large flat rock as a cutting board, he used other flat rocks as plates.
Heleh "Here."
Heleh then handed Fermine a plate of meat.
Fermine "No, what if you poisoned it!"
Heleh "Shut up and eat my meat!"
It was dead silent, Heleh's face turned red. Fermine had a smug face because she had something to tease him about. Heleh dropped his head with a sigh.
Heleh "Just take the food."
Fermine takes the plate.
Fermine "Oh I'll gladly eat your meat." she said teasing Heleh.
They then start eating, Heleh puts his plate on the ground. He puts a hand on his left knee, and his elbow on his right with his hand on his chin while looking at Fermine. Fermine notices and gets a bit anxious.
Heleh "I don't get it."
Fermine "What?"
Heleh "I don't see why Suzuni needs you."
Fermine drops her plate and grabs Heleh by his shoulders with an excited look on her face. She started kicking the ground out of excitement, and let out a high "eeeeek" sound.
Fermine "You know Suzuni, how has she been?"
Heleh "Yes, but I haven't seen her in five years. Just last week she went to Feory and picked me up. So I honestly have no idea."
Fermine "Are we going to see her!?"
Heleh "Yeah."
Fermine "Yes!"
Heleh "Anyways, it's getting late. I'm going to sleep, you should sleep too."
Heleh gets in the shelter and uses his robe as a blanket. He turns away from Fermine and she gets a little nervous. She walks back and forth a bit before getting in the shelter and also getting under the cloak. She has her back to Heleh, but then he rolls over and pulls the cloak off of her.
Fermine "Hey!"
She sits up and sees Heleh who has wrapped the cloak around him, flipping her off. The cloak was big enough to fit both of them, but Heleh wanted it to himself. Fermine gets mad and pulls the cloak over her while getting a bit too close to Heleh. Fermine 's head was now pressed against Heleh's chest. She looks up with a red face to see Heleh who has a straight face. It seemed that having Fermine pressed up against him didn't phase him at all.
The next day they broke down the shelter and made it back to Gurdelm. While walking through the city, everyone stared at them. Then they make it to Suzuni's house, Heleh knocks on the door and Suzuni opens it. Fermine jumps onto Suzuni to hug her.
Fermine "Oh my god I missed you!"
Suzuni "Yeah, me too, me too. Now please get off of me."
Fermine drops down from Suzuni and sits down at a table, Heleh then goes to prepare tea.
Suzuni "You know why I got Heleh to get you right?"
Fermine "Yep, you need assistance in a war."
Suzuni "Ok, we need you to kill Heleh."