CHAPTER 1: The beginning


When I read what's written in the the note my eyes widen

/ if your reading this that must mean you've woken up I'm very sorry but I accidentally killed you. I wanted to fix my mistake so I reincarnated you in your favorite anime danmachi 11yrs before the Canon. I've built a cabin for you to live in with some food and water but if you ever wanted to become a adventurer I left your identification in order to get through the gates and 30,000 valis some basic armor and a katana I also made your body strong for its age but its up to you strengthen yourself I left book about the basic way to use your katana and a skill book that is all and I hope you good luck young man/

When finished reading the note I looked around the cabin and I found the basic armor,katana,map to orario,identification,30,000 valis and the book about the basic way to use a katana and a skill book

Even though I died there's no use complaining about what has happened the only thing I can do is live my life in this new world



Its been a month since I came to danmachi the first thing I do is check the entire cabin and getting some rest the next morning I started to exercise my body even though he said I have a strong body I need to get used to my body first before I started learnig how to use the katana I need to build my foundation to be able to use advance way to use the katana after a month of exercising my body I'm ready to learn the basic of the katana.

I first started to swinging my katana to get used to its weight after a week I was finally getting used to my katana's weight.



After 3 weeks I was able to learn to swing my katana horizontal I was also training foot work and training my footwork I'm capable making unpredictable attacks and different patterns and by training my breathing I'm able to concentrate when fighting because when fighting opponents stronger than you you need to steady your breathing while fighting because any mistakes can lead to your end that's why I practice my breathing to calm my mind.

A week ago I encountered three goblins when the goblins started to attack I grabbed my katana in my waist and unsheathed it and took a stance when the goblins are close enough I emediately made three horizontal attacks slicing their heads off their body after sheathing my katana I nearly puke because this is the first time I saw this after a while I was finally over it the only reason I won is because there only weak monster and unlike the monster outside monster's in the dungeon are much stronger and faster so I need to get stronger by mastering the basic and learning the skill book.


Ryo pov:

After another month I was finally getting better my attacks have gotten faster and stronger I'm now capable of killing 10 goblins easily my footwork has gotten better. Because of my continues practice of my breathing I was able to feel things around me in a radius of 10m because of that I was able to avoid ambush. Three months after coming I've gotten used to my katana and I was now able to feel my mana at first it was hard but the more I practice the more better I get used to my mana. I use my mana to enhance my body to be stronger and faster because of that I was capable of fighting for 6hrs but that's only for the weaker opponents when comes to stronger one's it is reduced so this is a great improvement.

While practicing in forest I suddenly sense some monster numbering around 15-20 all kobold the first thing I did is jump up a tree to observe them.

After observing them I decided to strike I unsheathed my katana and attacked the nearest when the kobold saw one of their allies they all attack

*5 minutes later*

After killing all the kobold I decided to go home and rest. When I got home I immediately wash and change clothes and had my meal after that I decided to sleep cause tomorrow I will learn to use my skill book.