Chapter 16: In The Care Of A Beast

The Exterior Of The Regalway Towers, Southport, New Jersey.....

  Finally reaching the High Rise was the moment Savannah Harlowe took notice that the werewolf who had invaded her home had not been there to steal anything from her. She didn't understand what had been so important that resulted in her father's murder or why the filthy creature even bothered to keep her alive. Savannah wasn't much for the old ghost and supernatural creature tales her father used to tell her as a child and even when she got older she wasn't in the least curious as to why he was always so fond of horror and everything that went along with it. Seeing the werewolf and headless corpse in her apartment and him armed with a crossbow, the very one she still clung to at the moment was the first time that she realized just what he'd been trying to tell her over the years. Ron put her down the moment they reached the front door and allowed her to walk inside of her own volition. She did so with narrowed eyes and a firm grip on the crossbow not trusting anyone or anything having to do with this strange place.

Ron was relieved that the doorman had apparently taken a break and that none of the other tenants were around to question him for bringing the random fourteen-year-old up to his apartment. He didn't have any designs on her virtue as he had promised both his father and hers that he'd see this done and knew only one way of keeping the already grief-stricken girl safe from the bloodsuckers that hunted her.

For the time being, they would avoid the lair of a known werewolf not wishing to engage in a long battle with him directly, but that would only buy the girl a bit of time when it came to deciding what to do with her from that point on.

Ron suddenly became tense as they stood outside his apartment complex. He could feel the swift movements via the vibration on the ground as a random bloodsucker came charging at them breaking up the asphalt beneath its sharp claws and screeching as it approached. Having no choice but to fight off the creature before it got a chance to come at the girl, Ron tossed her the keys to his apartment.

"Second floor, Apartment 73," he said as he turned his attention toward the oncoming threat. "Get the fuck outta here kid, before the bloodsucker gets here!"

Savannah was in a state of shock but was able to recall just what the strange werewolf had told her and took off toward the building. Just as she made her move the hissing bloodsucker, this time in the form of a sleek male with pale flesh and stringy blonde locks that had way too many split ends attempted to attack only to be floored via a stinging right haymaker via the fist of Ron Hemming as he put the creature on notice for trying to ignore him.

The vile fiend hissed and scrambled back to its feet glaring murderously at Ron who had made a show of taking off his suit jacket and the shredded remains of his long sleeve black shirt following the previous battle with a female bloodsucker. He balled his fists as he prepared to take on the male bloodsucker that had apparently accompanied the female sent by the rogue Vampirian clan to obtain the blood memories of the Wolf Hunter's family line.

The grayish-looking ghoul was quite disgusting when up close as its fangs flashed and it bared its claws. The stench was just as overbearing as the stench of the last one, death and decay were all it left in its wake and the smell was just as much a means of killing anyone in its path as its various sharp instruments.


The Interior Of Regalway Towers, Southport, New Jersey.....

Savannah made it into the apartment complex pleased to have a large metal door between her and the monstrous creatures outside as she found herself adhering to the instruction of the werewolf as he prepared to take on the vampire in the street below. Despite her initial fears, she became curious as to what was happening as she made her way toward a tinted and heavily secured window that allowed her to view what was happening down below in the street.

She watched in a combination of horror and fascination as the werewolf and the vampire traded blows sending each other flying in various directions while the echo of their respective strikes resounded all around them. The werewolf had been of superior strength as the vampire seemed to be more worried about reaching his target and getting out of the open before the sun rose did him in.

The Werewolf blocked a few of the blood sucker's attempts at clawing his chest and responded with another haymaker and a jab to the face of the now hissing fiend whose face or whatever passed for a face was heavily dented on one side and the eye socket appeared to have been smashed as the oozing of black blood began to spring from the grotesque creature's wounds.

Savannah had not understood what either one of those creatures wanted with her or why her father was dead when she arrived. There were so many questions running through her mind that she barely monitored the reminder of the ongoing fight. All of her father's stories over the years about strange supernatural creatures and her grandfather being an infamous wolf hunter had been true it seemed and she found herself gripping the silver crossbow, that her father once clutched till his last breath, with a new appreciation for them.


The Exterior Of The Regalway Towers, Southport, New Jersey.....

Ron grabbed the hissing blood sucker as it attempted to rush him, none too thrilled about having to touch the walking corpse directly as he was still very much disgusted by it and its atrocious smell. The fiend attempted to claw at his flesh swinging wildly as it was thrown into a nearby building shattering its outer wall and being hit by debris. The fiend once more scrambled to its feet intent on sticking its claws into the werewolf that dared to stand in its way only to find the werewolf grabbing it and slamming it along the asphalt causing cracks in the road as he held the disgusting bloodsucker and pounded the remainder of it's busted face. More black blood oozed from it causing it to become weaker and weaker as the fight went on.

The first lights of dawn were just over the horizon and Ron knew all too well that the creature didn't stand a chance once the sun came out. His body slammed the scrambling blood sucker as it attempted to flee only to be cornered and pounded by the free-flying firsts of the werewolf that had caused it to fail in its mission.

Ron increased the pressure beating the already preoccupied bloodsucker into the ground before grabbing it via the scrawny neck and holding it high into the air as the sun's rays came on full blast obliterating the bloodsucker in the light of day and causing its ignited corpse to become combust as it was carried away by the wind. The little act scorched Ron's hand but it was well worth it to keep the location of his home secret from the other bloodsuckers for the time being as he had not been aware of just how many had been sent over via the ship from the docks.

By his count he'd killed two so far, a female and a scrawny male of feral make.

Turning his attention to checking in on the Wolf Hunter's daughter, Ron made his way into the building's main entrance and up the silver elevator toward the floor that his apartment was on. He was shocked to see that the girl had left the door open for him until he suddenly felt the onset of her swinging an aluminum bat at him that he'd purchased to play baseball with his colleagues during the summer time.

He was impressed that she found it and swiftly avoided a collision as he caught the bat, as he held the crossbow with ease and found himself once more staring into the enraged fourteen-year-old girl's blue eyes. Looking at her amid light, he could tell that she'd inherited them from her father as much as anything else her trust issues included, but after what happened to her old man that day, Ron could hardly blame her for being on edge.