Chapter 18: An Unseemly Alliance 

The Master Bedroom, Apartment 73, The Regalway Towers, Southport, New Jersey.....

   Ron Hemming stood beneath the shower head allowing the rushing water to beat against his tired aching muscles in an attempt to bring new life into them after the scuffles he had against the two bloodsuckers that invaded Southport, New Jersey via a foreign cargo shipping vessel. He had not planned to get mixed up in his father's investigation of sorts but it seemed he had little choice in the matter with his father forcefully insisting he keep the girl with him at all times. It annoyed him to no end that the old man had come all this way just to tell him what to do all over again. An ocean and a couple of decades meant nothing to him as it was he simply barked the orders and Ron fell in line.

Had he not been his surrogate sire, Ron might have tried to challenge his command as he wasn't much for adhering to commands from anyone. He didn't know if it was the side effect of having half Les Ferale blood or the fact that he didn't wish to have been cursed with being a shapeshifting were-creature in the first place as "the gift" was forced upon him via a redhead harlot searching for an easy victim.

Ron resented being given beast blood, especially when it made him a rabid lust-crazed brute when he'd been given to the instincts of his lesser blood. The potency of his purer blood, due to the interference of Marcellus himself, gave him immortality and a means of combating the feral madness dwindling the effects of the "tainted blood" to more of an urge unleashed than a true state of mind.

After finishing up with washing and ridding himself of the stench of vampire off his rather gorgeous body, Ron climbed out of the shower amid a good deal of steam and was still dripping wet from the leftover water as he slowly ventured into his bedroom, where he was all too happy to collapse onto his king size mattress and close his eyes forgetting the trials and skirmishes the previous day had brought to his life. He had checked in on the girl who cried herself to sleep shortly after entering the guest room.

Once again Ron found himself feeling a pang of sympathy for the girl which struck him as odd like before, but he shrugged it off and turned his attention to getting the stench of a blood-sucking corpse off his body and resting his tired muscles. It was a while since his last physical altercation and the opponent was a brother werewolf.

Ron sighed as he crashed amid the soft pillows and the elegant duvet that lined his bed. He smirked recalling the last time he'd seen his bedroom. His usual maid often popped in for surprise visits knowing all too well that he'd be aroused and possibly all by his lonesome when she did.

He secretly wished she'd stop by again, but quickly abandoned that idea due to his current house guest. His father made it abundantly clear that he was now in charge of the girl's welfare. Lying in bed and awaiting the peaceful sleep to overtake him, it barely occurred to Ron that she had not even told him her name.

He smirked as he rolled onto his side ignoring the fact that he'd been wrapped via a towel and slowly drifted off into a contented involuntary slumber.


The Guest Bedroom, Apartment 73, The Regalway Towers, Southport, New Jersey.....

Savannah Harlowe had not been able to process what happened in the past twenty-four hours as her life seemed to crumble before her very eyes. When she awoke that morning to pancakes and oldies tunes due to her father having come in from work in a pleasant mood and the house clean and tidy she never would have guessed that there would be blood pooled all over the kitchen and living room floors nor that the beautiful flowers outside her apartment complex would be trampled via the claws of a blood-sucking fiend late into the night.

Hot tears streamed down the semi-dark complected cheeks of the now orphaned girl as she went over the last few hours she had with her father before his untimely demise apparently at the hands of a blood-sucking vampire according to the werewolf she found herself stuck with due to his promise to her dying father.

It was all so strange, one moment she was just a regular fourteen-year-old girl living her life and enjoying the prospect of a peaceful future with her father, and the next she was an orphan. It was long established due to her lack of a maternal figure that her mother had died in childbirth long before she could remember her, but to now add her father to the list of dead parents she could count on her hand was something different.

She felt rage, contempt, and sadness as well as the sting of a betrayal. Her father had kept a great many things from her despite all the days and nights they had together where he could have and should have told her the truth about who he was and her along with it. Now she'd been thrust into the thick of things with hardly any clue as to where to find the answers he should have provided most of all.

Savannah collapsed onto the soft mattress of the nearby bed as more tears cascaded down her cheeks. Her mind was bombarded with images of before and after her life was turned upside down and she involuntarily found herself drawing comparisons.

They were quite happy despite the constant moving and the loss of her mother. The empty void wasn't as big as the one she felt now with both of her parents lost to her and the questions remained for both of them as they had for her father while she grew up in his care. She would never really know what her mother was like as he wasn't much of the mind to talk about her and now she couldn't talk to him at all due to the secrets and lies that left them both unprepared for when a more dangerous enemy would launch an attack against them.

Savanah concluded that if she were to have any hope of surviving this madness, she had to rely on her father's enemies, the werewolves to sort out this mess and keep her safe at least until she began her training and could see her way to eradicating both the bloodsuckers and the rabid dogs herself as her mother and father did.

For the time being, she simply closed her eyes and tried to dream of the life she used to have as it was the only comfort to her in the darkness of the strange werewolf's place.