Chapter 30: The Terror Across The Sea

Seaside Cliffs, Ancient Estate, Verdicci Italy...

  The accursed sun had gone down after plaguing The Cliffside Bay for hours as the tumultuous waves beat heavily against the jagged rocks that formed the base. The lone estate that sat at the top of the horrifying cliffs belonged to an ancient clan of known Vampirians led by an infamous Count with the moniker Vincenzo Elis Accardi. Vincenzo was a vastly handsome, powerful, and influential man back in his heyday in the era of Medici and the various powerful families of Florence. The son of a shipping merchant with ties all over Italy, he was able to position himself with the right people at the right time and managed to amass a vast fortune for himself. Of course, his vast fortune had not come without a price, one that he didn't pay until much, much later. At the time of his near initial demise, he was accused of terrible things about torture, brutal murder, and the pillaging of various family estates back when he'd been a mere mortal.

The people had enough of him and organized a mob to deal out their brand of "justice" when it came to the atrocities Vincenzo had unleashed in the pursuit of his own goals and ideas he had even gone so far as to murder his father to obtain complete control of the family fortune and add it to his own quickly growing wealth. He was an only child and not very fond of his mother whom he saw as primitive in her views and obsolete when it came to much discourse. She was a very devout catholic, another reason he despised her as it was her insistence that he participate in her religious affairs that set him on the darkened path he'd gone down in the first place.

Unbeknownst to the boy, his mother had left him in the care of a monster who had hidden behind the guise of faith and priesthood when he had all the while been a vessel for the devil himself, the bastard in sheep's clothing was indeed a wolf of sorts stalking and ruining the innocence of young boys from the moment they allowed him to pretend to be a priest. During his childhood, Vincenzo was indeed a devout little catholic boy like any other before meeting the bastard that would change his innocent young life and his relationship with his mother forever.

Being seven years old while a "so-called man of the cloth" pins you down at the foot of an old dust-covered mattress and stuffs his cock into your tiny rectum wasn't ideal for Vincenzo, who had everything he ever believed about the church and humanity as a whole shattered in that instant. His mother was told he'd been a vile and evil child who lied from the moment he spoke by the very bastard that sexually assaulted him and he watched as the manipulation occurred and she lapped up every word like a trained dog at the foot of his master too stupid and needy to understand cruelty when it had been right beneath her very nose.

Vincenzo learned a good deal about how to manipulate and charm resident fools into doing his bidding even as his young arse took the brunt of the lying monster's cock due to his mother believing he was a horrible child that deserved punishment and that his only salvation was to see the same bastard priest day in and day out. The sickness came to an end one fateful afternoon when a young Vincenzo saw an opportunity to finally have his vengeance. The bastard once more tried to stuff his cock into the now teenage Vincenzo's arse only to be castrated while the lad watched as the rapist he despised for so long bled out on the floor of his confession booth before he made his way back to church like a good little child pretending as he was taught via the very bastard that raped him that nothing out of the ordinary had occurred during his visits.

They found the body a few days later trousers at his ankles and his cock was still out for the world to see should anyone have happened upon the gruesome sight, the stench so thick due to the rotting of the corpse and the aged pool of blood that surrounded him. Vincenzo was quite impressed the blood lasted so long and how marvelously red it had been when it oozed from the dead rapist's body.

His mother had been the only one to believe he had something to do with it, calling him a devil child and greeting him with a cross made of silver whenever she entered the room with her. He replied that she'd been a stupid fool and he no longer cared what she thought of him choosing instead to become exactly what she accused him of being in the first place. He dove head first into debauchery and wickedness, he was given to vices and murders that no one aside from his mother had traced back to him, and due to his improved brand of manipulation, she was seen as insane while he was revered and respected.

In the present, the dark brown eyes of the decidedly pale yet still quite handsome Vincenzo Accardi burst open and he pushed the heavy lid of his shiny pure silver coffin up and as he exited revealing his lean pale body, shirtless and wearing elegant dark trousers, barefoot due to the nature of his slumber. He still had the same refined and elegant tastes of his era, which was well past given the centuries, and something of a sadistic nature that gave most of the vampires of his inner circle pause when dealing with him. He was especially given to cruelty that rivaled even Dracula due to the initial onset of openly despising mortals even when he lived among them.

Vincenzo smirked as he recalled the shock and horror on the face of the rapist priest when he castrated him and left him to bleed out from the major arteries in his body. He had created a monster far worse than even he could have imagined and the bonus of being semi-immortal aside from a weakness to the accursed sun didn't help the nature of the newly formed beast.

The newly awakened Vampirian moved about his basement with a wicked smirk filed across his face when he came into contact with his newly corralled thralls. Their blood was laced via drink and they were plied with the best meals for a healthy diet which added to the flavoring as Vincenzo took a few moments to indulge the hunger that compelled him to sink his rather sharp and pearly white fangs into the necks of those whom had been brought before him. Unlike most of his kind, Vincenzo's sadism made for after-dinner entertainment as he sucked a few of the thralls dry tossing their bloodless bodies into a nearby wall breaking their bones and shattering their skulls in the process.

When it came to appearances, Vincenzo was quite a handsome man appearing in age to be about mid to late thirties due to his untimely undeath at the fangs of a Sire he had long put a stake through, he stood at an impressively towering height of six two and was quite fit all things considered before his death and remained as such after the fact. His deep brown eyes now the bright yellow hue of a Blooded Vampirian were hypnotic long before his demise. His long flowing brown locks came down to his broad shoulders and draped over his strapping barrel chest.

He was well versed in a great many arts and vastly charming and blunt to a fault. He amassed great wealth over the years before his murder and increased it twenty-fold following his turning. Despite his undead status he remained dressed in the finest suits and materials that his vast amount of coin could buy. He employed a good deal of staff, always one to enjoy tormenting the mortals and having a full house while he did it, and remained a pillar of the community of sorts.

He ran Verdicci like it had been his home and there wasn't a mortal alive that thrived in that place that didn't have him as some sort of backer or financier. It amused him to no end to know that the ancestors of the people who attempted to due him in long ago for his cruel and sadistic tendencies would be rolling over in their graves if they knew their great-grandchildren were falling all over themselves to have a seat at his dinner table and competed against one another to acquire an audience with the highly respected member of society. It was all so poetic.

Vincenzo exited the basement level of his manor and made his way up toward his private bedchambers pleased that the accursed sun had gone down so that he could enjoy his night as he awaited the news from the new world about whether or not his chosen subjects succeeded in acquiring the Wolf Hunter to further his nefarious plans.

The thrall chiefly employed to keep watch over the estate when dawn arrived found it very difficult to submit his report to his master on the progress of acquiring the chosen target. Vincenzo sensed the hesitation on the part of his thrall and arched a brow in annoyance.

" Dimmi Pierre, il mio piano è stato messo in atto?" he said smoothly in his thick Italian as he glared at his thrall. "L'obiettivo è stato acquisito?"

"Ci sono state delle complicazioni, maestro." replied the thrall known as Pierre.

" Per favore, dimmi, quali complicazioni? asked Vincenzo not happy in the least.

"Sembra che un paio dei nostri demoni del sangue siano diventati dei ladri e abbiano deciso di uccidere il Cacciatore di Lupi." replied Pierre terrified of the repercussions this new would have due to the folly of the lesser blood vampires whom could not even complete a single task correctly. " Mi è stato detto che c'è ancora la possibilità di acquisire i ricordi del sangue... Il Cacciatore di Lupi aveva una figlia."

Vincenzo suddenly considered this news and appeared to relax a bit.

"Allora portami la figlia di questo cacciatore di lupi," he said before stepping out onto the terrace of his manor taking in the open night sky and the scent of the salt-filled sea as he inhaled. "Fai in modo di non deludermi questa volta!"

Pierre nodded and took his leave of his Master, leaving Vincenzo to take in the view alone as the waves of the sea continued to beat violently against the rocky cliffside.

He would have this Wolf Hunter's blood and then he would do away with his most hated enemies.