Chapter 6 - Pet

We all had accepted the quest, and proceeded to the fields.

"Let's all hunt together to complete the quest faster," I said to Kanna and Steven, "Wait lemme figure out how to invite you all to the party,"

They both nodded as they waited for me to invite them to a party.

I opened the menu screen and after a minute of figuring out I had stumbled at the party screen and pressed the button that says .

I pressed the button and a screen appeared again, this time it was a screen that just had names on it.

I looked for Dave's and Kanna's in game names to invite them to the party. After a while of scrolling I found their names and pressed their names. And an invite appeared in front of them.

After they accepted the request their hovering names turned into blue color.

On my left top outermost their names appeared and their level also appeared.

[Party Members:]

[BullsEye Level 1]

[XxXStevenXxX Level 1]

"We are now partied up, let's go hunt some rabbits!" I said to both of them.

We walked in the fields to look for the rabbits and after a couple seconds of walking we found our prey.

As Kana saw the rabbit she ran as fast as she could, "Die you fu**ker! My experience points!" She shouted as loud as she could.

"Kanna don't just engage on battle as soon as you see~"

"Kanna, please be gentle to the rabbit." Steven said.

Then both of us Steven also approached the rabbit.

Kanna swung, and thrusted her wooden sword to the rabbit but the rabbit was just too fast to dodge.

"Fight me, don't just dodge!" She yelled out to the rabbit.

"We should surround it!" I said to both of them.

Then we surrounded the rabbit.

"In the count of 3, thrust your swords." I said.

They both nodded and I started counting.

"1, 2 , 3!"

Then we all thrusted our swords at the rabbit.


The rabbit screamed as it had died. It laid on the ground and then its body disappeared.

We all were jumping of joy when we had defeated the monster.

As the both were continuing their jumping party I looked at the place where the rabbit had died and saw that it had dropped items.

"Guys, there are items here that the rabbit had dropped. Should we divide it to ourselves or should we have someone to be our treasurer?" I asked the opinion of both of them.

They both contemplated for a second but Kanna spoke out.

"You should be our treasurer, we trust you anyway." Kanna said.

I looked at Steven and he just nodded to what Kanna had just said.

"Okay," I replied instantly.

Then I picked up everything that had dropped on the ground and placed it on my inventory.

[Rabbit hide has been placed to inventory]

[Rabbit teeth has been placed to inventory]

"Now let's start hunting for another one again. Let's go!" I said excitedly.

Steven and Kanna raised their sword in the air and shouted.

"Let's go!"


Kanna's Point of View

"Die bi**h!" I shouted at the rabbit as I aimed my wooden sword on its head.


The rabbit screamed as it died. It fell and laid down on the ground and disappeared.

[+ 50 experience points]

[You have leveled up]

[Level 4 - 5]

"I leveled up guys!" I yelled out to Steven and Dave.

"I also leveled up!" Steven replied

"Me too," Dave said.

"Ohhh! And items have dropped again, Dave pick them up!" I yelled to Dave.

"Coming!" Dave yelled out.

I sat down on the ground as I was tired from the nonstop hunt we had been doing. Steven was still fighting with the rabbit.

Or should I say that he was making the rabbit his pet. He has been petting it for a while now.

"Steven! You won't kill that rabbit if you just pet it like that!" I yelled out to him.

"But, killing a cute animal is illegal and bad Kanna!" He complained with a teary eye.

"Just kill it, it feels good to vent your anger in it!" I shouted at him.


He still kept on patting it and suddenly it screamed and a bright blue light shined upon it!.


[Party member Steven has made a contract with a rabbit]


Steven's Point of View

As Kanna was complaining to me about killing the rabbit rather than taking care of it, a sudden notification appeared in front of me.

[You have made a contract with the rabbit]

[What would you like to name it?] The system asked.

"Eh name!? Name!?" I shouted with a confused look while looking at the small fellow looking back at me with a smile on its face.

Both Kanna and Dave heared me shout loudly and approached me as quickly as they could. They asked me what was going on and I briefly told them what had happened.

"What should I do?" I asked Dave.

"You should name it," He replied.

"I think we should still kill it for our experience points," Kanna said as she raised the wooden sword she was holding tightly.

I rushed to protect the rabbit and shouted at Kanna, "Stop the violence you ruthless monster!"

Kanna couldn't believe to what she had just heard at the point where she couldn't stop complaining even though I wasn't listening to her.

I sat down and looked at the small fellow and contemplated to think of a name.

"Plushy is its name," I said.

[Contracted monster is named Plushy]

[Plushy has joined the party]

"Yay! We are now a family Plushy" I said as I looked up at both Dave and Kanna.

"Well, we have finished our quest goal. Let's all head back to the Academy and report the quest." Dave said.

We all then started walking heading to the Eden Academy.

"Let's go Plushy" I called out to my partner.