Romeo pulls up to my apartment and the entire ride has been silent, not for lack of trying on Romeo's part, I vaguely heard him ordering food. I just simply have nothing to say to him right now, I'm still hurt seeing him with Hillary and I don't know when that hurt will ease. No matter how sweet he's being I can't seem to get the image out of my head, it's playing on a loop, his hands all over her, his mouth on her, her hand down his pants.

It all feels too much, Romeo gets out and opens my door. He reaches his hand out to help me but I steady myself and walk past him not saying a word, I hear a heavy sigh, but choose to ignore it. I unlock the door and walk in, I notice Mari is not home, oh joy. My head starts to pound and I sink into the couch. "Alina, baby?" Romeo says carefully, he almost hesitantly.

"I'm not your baby, what is it Romeo? More lies you want to spew or maybe a confession?" I spit venomously.

Romeo let's out a sigh, "I suppose I deserve that, no denying what I done was an ugly betrayal." Romeo rubs his hands over his face and sits on the coffee table facing me. "Lina, in short I was scared, scared to feel, scared to have someone mean something to me, scared that if I cared so much and it got ripped away I would never recover. Scared if I committed myself I would undoubtedly have something precious to lose. Its no real excuse, but I was petrified of what I felt and what it meant. I'm not this guy, I'm not a man whore, I'm not a fucking bastard to do this to a woman I care for deeply and seeing your face when you saw me, I felt disgusted in myself for letting it get that far." Romeo shakes his head looking down at his hands. "Lina I'm so sorry, what you saw was not the real me, the real me is what I am with you." Romeo finishes off.

"Romeo, I'm nobody's doormat, I'm not going to lie and say we will just be fine over night, whatever 'this is'. It will take time, I need to be able to trust you again. Not only don't I know what I am in your life or what place I actually have in it." I take a deep breath but I feel it coming, I can't stop the tears from flowing, Romeo reaches out to hold me but I recoil from his touch and he looks hurt. "Seeing you with Hillary hurt more than you will ever know, I don't let anyone in, and I let you in, told you who I am, gave myself to you and you threw it back in my face. I need time and I need space." I wipe my tears and finally meet his eyes, hurt and despair swirling in them.

"Lina, I won't give up on you and I won't give up on us, I fucked up, but I will fix this and that's a promise. Now you have to rest and take your meds. Now I ordered food, some creamy chicken soup and dinner rolls, it should be here any minute, go get ready for bed, I will stay here until you fall asleep, or Mari gets here," Romeo says hopefully. Honestly I'm too tired to fight him on it and just shake my head.

I change into some yoga pants and a tank and slip into bed, about ten minutes later Romeo enters with the food and I eat as much as I can as he has a chicken salad, I take a sip of my water and swallow my pills. Before I know it I'm fast asleep. When I wake up, it's evening, checking my phone I see its almost six, it's then I see a note on my nightstand.

Lina, I had to leave, some business

to take care of. I hope you feel better,

and I will stop by later to check on

you. If you need anything, please

call or text me, I will be there.

Love Romeo.

I can't help the flutter I feel when I read the note. My head is still sore and fuzzy, it was a nasty bump, as I look around my room I see flowers everywhere, and it does make me smile, but then I feel the pain in my heart that just last night he was with another woman. He would have slept with her if I never saw him, would he have come around if I never got hurt? I sigh and I hear a knock. "Lina?" I hear Mari.

"I'm awake," I reply. She walks in with a tray of chicken and vegetables with mash potatoes, my stomach grumbles.

"Thought you might be hungry, how are you feeling?" she asks.

"Physically, my head has a dull ache, emotionally I'm in pain," I answer truthfully. Mari hands me the tray and I start eating slowly, my stomach clenches a bit and suddenly I'm not really hungry, but I force the food down, it feels like lead.

"What really happened, have you two spoken yet?" Mari asks seeming really unsure.

"We spoke a bit, I'm not sure where we stand really. Romeo wants to try and fix this, but I'm not even sure what this is. Anyway I caught him nearly having sex with Hillary not twenty four hours after he was with me. I'm not sure how anyone can get over that so quickly, trust is another thing." I answer as best I can and swallow my pain medication.

"Well, from what I can see, he truly is sorry, he was absolutely distraught last night. I wasn't too friendly toward him, you know I love you like a sister and I could have killed him, just knowing you were hurt because of him. Give it time Lina, nothing heals over night, and trust takes time to build and seconds to break. You will get there, let him sweat a bit and fight for you, then decide if you want to forgive him. Don't give up just yet. That guy might not know it yet, but he's in love, probably head over heels." Mari says shocking me to my core.

I stare at her and just then the doorbell rings. Mari kisses my for head and goes to answer, and I listen. "Mari I'm here to check on Lina, Leo is here too. I hope its ok if I hang here tonight." Romeo says wearily, clearly scared of two angry women, he brought reinforcements.

"She's in her bedroom, and you have the couch, I will cut off your dick if you upset her again." Mari says annoyed.

Romeo makes his way to my bedroom, and I'm sipping on some tea. "Mari lasciami entrare, come ti senti? Non hai mangiato molto." Romeo says with a frown.

(Mari let me in, how are you feeling? You haven't eaten much)

I stare at him, not sure what to do, I'm still mad at him. "I'm ok Romeo, just a dull ache." My heart would say otherwise though. He nods and it's then I see another bunch of flowers and a huge tray of my favorite Italian white chocolate truffles with a Caramel and strawberry centre in his hand and he sets it down on my desk, how did he know I like that chocolate? It's such a rare chocolate and extremely expensive too. "Thank you." I do look at him and he's in a bespoke navy suite, blue shirt and dark navy tie, he looks incredible, not a hair out of place.

"You're welcome, I figured you would want some comfort food," he shrugs. Well I guess he does care. "Also, do you think I could still take you to the gala tomorrow night? I had the opening delayed till tomorrow, if you still want to go to the opening, that is." I forgot about the opening gala.

"I guess that's will be alright, I am going to be managing the hotel and casino after all." I say abruptly, and he reaches out to take my hand which I can't help but pull back, he looks hurt but doesn't say anything. "Will it be alright if I sit with you a while?" Romeo asks. I nod my head and he makes his way over to the other side of the bed. He strips out of his suit and puts on a pair of grey sweats.

"What do you think you're doing?" I ask alarmed.

"Getting comfortable," he says simply and lays down next to me shirtless and I can't help but drool just a little, he really has a body to die for.

I scowl at him. "Whatever Romeo." I put the finished cup of tea down and lay back, fully aware I look like shit with my messy top bun, but I don't care, Romeo switched on Netflix and puts a movie on, reaching over and passing me the chocolates. I settle on my side of the bed and we don't say anything, about an hour in to the movie I fall asleep.

Romeo POV:

I make myself comfortable, I know Alina needs time, but I won't waste a minute of it, I need her to see I'm going to be here no matter what. I hear a soft moan as she bites onto her chocolate, and I can't help but feel myself stir, I shake it off and settle to watch the movie. About an hour in she falls asleep and somehow lands up on my shoulder, subconsciously. I'm not complaining though, it feels right.

I drift off, and I must be sleeping for a few hours and my phone vibrates. It's Luc. I move slowly not to wake Alina and go to the living room. It's just after ten. "Luc, what is it? It better be a fucking a good excuse."

"Oh hello to you too brother, going to bed early that's new." Luc teases.

"Get to the fucking point." I answer angrily.

"Drago Mancini," is all he has to say.

"Fuck Luciano, what has the psychopath done now?" I answer, this sick fuck has zero conscience, he rapes women and sells children. I pinch the bridge of my nose waiting for Luc to tell me what he has done now.

"Well Romeo, he was trafficking underage girls in New York, one of our men we have on the inside said his men were raping them, and the ruined girls were being killed off to silence them, since they can't be sold. It's sick Rome. We have footage of the auction. We have a location of the next sale it's happening Sunday night." Luc says grimly.

"Luc, get all our top men on it, I will be at the casino in about an hour. Call Leo, Dario and get Vince, we are going to need him in this one." I say closing my eyes.

"Rome, you know Vince, he collects," Luc says wearily.

"Just fucking do it, he owes me." I say hanging up, I text Tino to pick me up.

I walk back into the room quietly gather my things and go have a shower, I slip on my new charcoal suit, white shirt and black tie, and slip on my shoes and watch. I can't leave Alina just like that, she's going to be even more pissed. I walk back into the bedroom, and wake Lina. "Romeo?"

"Bella, I have to go. I have some very pressing business to tend too," I say softly, and I see the little crease between her eyebrows.

"I guess duty calls," she says indifferently.

"It's not like that bella, I will see you in a few hours, get some sleep. I will be here to pick you up for the opening gala." She nods her head and I steal a kiss from her lips and she frowns pushing me off and she smiles. The best reaction I could have asked for so I steal one more and I can feel her smile. "I will see you soon and call you, rest bella." She cuddles up and dozed off.

"Tino, the casino now." I say pissed as I get into the car, beyond pissed at Drago Mancini.

"Yes boss," Tino says as he starts the car. We settle in for the drive. "Everything ok boss?" Tino asks.

"No Tino, but someone is going to die if I don't get explanations, you don't get to fuck around in my city and get away with it." I say fuming, and Tino grunts his response, we drive for a while and pull up to the casino, someone better explain how this happened in my city, Alessandro Mancini better fucking pray he knew nothing about this, or him and his son will be dead.