Romeo POV:

It's been a perfect day so far, seeing Alina come down that aisle, it was beyond what I thought I would feel, I would die a thousand times for this woman and our babies. She looked like a queen, just like I knew she would, nothing will ever take her or my kids away from me ever again. I see her laughing and smiling, nibbling on canapés, no doubt she's hungry, taking various photographs with her friends and family, Dimitri is smiling for once, always so stoic, he is the one Don I would actually worry about if I ever had to go up against him, he reminds me too much of myself, I wonder what happened to that girl he was dating. "Luc, Leo, how is security doing?" I ask them as we sip on champagne.

Luc speaks up, "everything is looking good, there's no trouble, it's all quiet and the mob bosses everywhere seem to be minding their business. It could be that we were successful in keeping the wedding quiet."

"I have checked with Dario, he's making his rounds, things are secure," Leo adds, "go enjoy you're wedding."

I nod walking off to my stunning wife, it feels good to say that. "Mrs De Luca, how are you," I ask smirking.

"I have never been so happy, my cheeks are aching from all the smiling," she says laughing, making me laugh.

"You look so beautiful, I'm so glad this day is turning out just like you hoped it would," I say giving her a kiss. Mari and Jake are living their best lives posing for pictures and pulling us along, eventually Alina and I have a moment to ourselves. We walk along with security to a small garden just off the side of the party, it's getting later now, the sunset is beautiful and the reception is to start soon.

"I can't believe we are married," Alina says in awe as we look out over the beautifully decorated courtyard.

"I knew you were the only one for me, this day was inevitable," I say giving her a smug smirk, and rolls her eyes.

"Oh you always get what you want?" Alina says raising an eyebrow.

"Always, but all I really wanted was you," I say sincerely holding her around her waist, running my one thumb gently along the side of her belly. Alina pulls me closer and she kisses me so deeply I almost want to take her away now, my pants is getting tighter. Damn reception, still a few hours. Just then we hear Jake announcing that everyone is too be seated for dinner and that of course means we have to make an entrance.

We break away and just stand holding each other a few minutes more and it isn't long till we realise everyone has moved to the reception area. "Ready baby?" Alina asks.

"Si," I answer taking her hand and we walk in, with "Unforgettable" playing loudly by the band and all we hear are blinding applause.

"Please give it up for Mr and Mrs De Luca!" Jake announces and we walk to our table. Luc is standing proudly next to Jake, smiling widely, Dario for once looks relaxed and we all take our seats. Its going to be a long night.

Luc stands and decides to make a speech, which shocks me since he's quite shy, this is going to be one rare occasion. "Good evening everyone, it's been a special day for my brother and Alina, a long time coming. Most people don't know they met when they were just about teenagers, and I remember Romeo speaking of Alina so much I had to ask him to shut up, but who knew years later they would be married. When Romeo saw Alina dance, it was over for everyone, he might not have remembered those years ago, but he had the same look in his eyes, she was the one. As we all grew to know Alina, and saw all the challenges they went though together, we knew there was no way they wouldn't land up here today, their love is what dreams are made of. Please raise a glass to the new Mr and Mrs De Luca, Possano le tue giornate essere lunghe e piene di amore, saluto!" Luciano finishes off and I stand to hug my brother.

(May your days be long and full of love, salute!)

Mari stands and I can see Alina having tears in her eyes, "Alina, Romeo, seeing you fall in love was one of the best experiences, I saw what love should be like. I may have cursed Romeo at times, wanted to kill him, strangle Alina, but one thing for sure was, they were madly in love then and now. Through the both of you we knew what true love really is, and it is an example of what it is supposed to be and some us are lucky to only get that once and it should be cherished. You both bring so much joy to our lives, and touched us all in some way, I'm so glad you two finally got your happy ending," Mari finishes and Alina is wiping her tears and I kiss her temple and finally it's our turn.

"Good evening, I just want to say thank you to each and every one of you making this journey and celebrating this beautiful day with us. It has honestly been one of many occasions in life I will never forget, and my beautiful wife has something she would like to say," I smile and look to Alina, and she's beaming once again.

"Hi everyone, this has been my dream come true, marrying my Prince, the journey has been long but well worth the wait, thank you for being here for us. Now I have something really exciting to share, or I should say we do," Alina pauses and everyone is looking at her so confused but absolutely excited. So I do the natural thing, and place my hand discreetly on her stomach and we hear some gasps. "Romeo and I are expecting!" We hear cheers, Leo and Dario spit their drinks out, Luc is absolutely shocked and smiling.

I decide to shock them even further. "We are expecting twins," I announce and I shrug, feeling proud and smug, I mean those are my swimmers that hit their goal after all. We hear blinding cheers, my mother is balling and my father looks exceptionally proud, Jake is screaming that he knew it and collectively its the best chaos in the world. Alina's mother however looks a bit sour, who cares, we tried with her. Isabella runs up to hug Alina, she really has come a long way.

"How far along are you?" She asks excitedly.

"I'm just over four months, we will find out the genders soon. I haven't popped too much yet," Alina says absolutely glowing.

"Wow brother, I'm so happy for you! I'm going to be an aunt!" She squeals and hugs me, and I kiss her head, she going to be a good aunt to them.

The boys all follow, Dario is actually smiling, Leo looks like he wants to crack a naughty joke and Luc, well he looks genuinely happy. As they congratulate us, Jake shrieks and pulls Alina into a hug, "girl I knew it!" he screams and we all laugh, this is our family, we are so blessed to have them all.

Dimitri comes up to us, and I actually am worried he might shoot me. Alina squeezes my hand and we both take a breath, "congratulations, I can't believe I'm going to be an uncle, although Romeo I still want to shoot you," Dimitri says smiling, called it. He hugs us and that's about all the happy emotion except the wedding I have ever really seen.

My parents, my mom is still crying. "Romeo mio bambino, hai reso così felice una vecchia! Ho pensato che avrei dovuto aspettare anni prima che ciò accadesse! Vi voglio tanto bene entrambi," my mom says making me hold her tight, I see my dad hugging Alina, he is definitely over the moon, we have two heirs on the way.

(Romeo my baby, you have made an old woman so happy! I thought I would have to wait years for this to happen! I love you both so much)

I finally let my mother go and she's smothering Alina. My father is ecstatic as he comes over to me. "Romeo son, you have done me so proud, finding a wonderful beautiful woman, and now you're becoming a father, your grey hairs are going to come in soon if your twins are anything like you were. You have two heirs, you really don't play games son," my father says with a twinkle in his eye that makes me laugh.

"What can I say dad, my De Luca's are strong," I joke and my dad hugs me laughing and patting me on the back.

"That they are son, now I want more grand children, I'm getting too old, I need some kids to spoil," my father says making Alina and me look horrified, and he laughs even more. I have never seen him so happy, it's a real joy. Our wedding and babies has brought out the best in people tonight and it's a beautiful sight.

Alina and I settle down, and back into our seats, and dinner is served. "Starving bella?" I ask her chuckling.

"Yes, it's quite something eating for three, I am always hungry," she says pouting, making me kiss her pout. We settle down to the starter which is bruschetta and spinach feta ravioli in sauce, its absolutely amazing, mamma really outdone herself. Everyone is relaxed and regular security updates are that everyone is still safe, I haven't been this relaxed in a long time. All the chatting and laughing is something to behold, we don't have many occasions that run this smoothly.

Our mains are served, which is chicken dishes, different kinds of pastas, with chicken and peppers or chicken piccata pastas. Alina is living her dream right now with all this food, it's strange to see her pack away like this, but it's so adorable. After a full hour and a half of eating, and talking, Jake announces the first dance. "Are you ok to do the dance?" I ask Alina.

"Yes, I am a bit tired, but more than ready," she says beaming.

"Please welcome, Mr and Mrs De Luca for their first dance," Jake says smirking and I see Luc steal a kiss from him. One thing I chose was our song, "All The Way" it's quite fitting. Alina and I dance, looking into each other's eyes, I can see my whole world in them, wrapped up in this one beautiful, spitfire of a woman.

I spin her out gently and I see the smile on her face, this is her happy place, dancing makes her glow even more than she is now. She winks at me and that's it, I'm a sucker for her, I'm going to ravage this woman later.

The dance comes to an end and I dip her dramatically giving her a kiss and the next song starts and we dance with our families, "When I Fall In Love" plays and my father grabs my mother and its a sight to see. Alina is dancing with Dimitri and I take the plunge and extend my hand to Alina's mother, she accepts and we dance together, it's awkward but I don't want her to be left out completely. "Thank you for making my daughter so happy, you are a fine husband, and will be a great father and I know Alina will be a better mother than I ever was," she says with tears.

I'm a bit shook at this, but it's the most we have gotten out of her. "Thank you, Mrs Russo," I say politely.

"Calm me mom, I want to be better with you both, I'm sorry for the way I treated Alina, I want to be a real part of your lives. I have said this before but I really mean it now, I want to know my grand kids," she says tears streaming.

"You can be as involved as you like, and as much as Alina will let you," I say shrugging not really knowing what to say to her, she's been a terrible mother. She nods in thanks and we all dance some more and it's time to cut the cake and have it for dessert, we didn't see the point in having this massive cake and not eating it.

Alina and I do the tradition of cutting the cake and have the servers plate it up for everyone. Alina, Mari and Jake are sitting having dessert and I sit looking at the three of them, they have come a long way. The garter and bouquet toss was hilarious, Luc caught the garter and Mari caught the bouquet, Dario just looked relieved. Guess he's not ready for anything yet. We danced the night away and Alina and I took a moment away just walking to one of the balconies where we couldn't be seen. I can't believe how sober I am, but that doesn't mean I don't have impure thoughts about my wife, we lean against the opposite wall and I pin Alina against it.

She looks at me biting her lip and I kiss her hard, Alina runs her hand down the front of my slacks, and I hear a small moan, yeah I'm already hard. I lift her dress as far as I can and slide my hand under it finding her panties and pushing it aside. Alina bites my bottom lip tugging on it and she moans as my fingers find her core. "You're so ready," I whisper kissing her neck, and I pleasure her, sliding  my fingers in and out, and she continues to massage my length through my pants, its getting so heated, but I don't want to fuck my wife here. I focus on her, and she moves on my hand and I can tell she's close, I kiss her to muffle the moans escaping her, and she breaks away putting her head in my shoulder as she comes hard, panting. "Better, my wife?" I ask when she finally lifts her head.

"Much better," just as she wants to undo my pants we hear Jake over the mic, it's time for Alina I to leave. "Jake sure has great timing," Alina jokes and I groan in her neck, we both go into the nearest bathroom trying to look somewhat decent and succeed somewhat, I had to adjust my dick too like I'm in high school. We freshen up and we are back out to the guests, our families say their final goodbye's, and they throw even more petals over us as we make our way through the crowd. The limousine is waiting with four other black SUV's for the journey to the airport. We give our final waves and we're off. "So where are we going?" Alina asks me smiling, she's almost bouncing in her seat.

"I'm not telling you, but it's going to be amazing," I say laughing as she frowns.

"Fine, but till then..." Alina says putting up the privacy glass and drops to her knees, who am I to refuse my wife.

I have never felt like this ever, it's been the best day of my life.