Day 1 - Chapter 7: The City Of Bésuèdi, Giving Me A Purpose While I Met Love 

Leaving the countless patches of trunks and trees from this wasted forest, I found myself in the Apa Plains, golden mud-smelling grasslands stretching well beyond what I could see, as Bésuèdi appeared over the horizon.

Meanwhile, I continued to learn.

The words "animal" and "insect" didn't exist here, instead called "nàmà" and "étandà".

Good to know…

However, I needed to learn basic things in a more formal place: Bésuèdi's library.

Although this is the poorest continent and crime is rampant, I gotta get better intel than what these fools gave me!

Seven minutes later, I arrived in Bésuèdi.

Nicknamed the Leaf City, due to its main avenues shaped like the veins of a leaf, the houses and buildings were made of stone, with sand stuck in it.

As the wind whipped past my ears, the surroundings cars bled the fu*k away in the corners of my eyes.

The famous Gèbopè statue, towering over the downtown area, stood with its golden right arm and head cut off, its left hand holding a book titled "Life".

From a first glance, Sika, the hood I was in, was in serious need of renovation.

Nicknamed the Red Hood for its crimson projects and boutiques, their windows riddled with holes, its streets a patchwork of cracks and potholes from the njòmbò assault eight years ago, and graffiti plastered all over the place.

Flying nàmà, called inòn like the Asònga, whose cooeeking sounds spouted out of their crooked black beaks.

Their white claws scratched the tip of the hovering lamplights whose orange color warmed their violet plumage.

Their red eyes leered at the recurring stench of ill-treated garbage on the sidewalks, and this is what I get for the first city I've encountered.

Can I fu*k a gorgeous lad out there?

One of decent repute at least?

Gosh, this is making me hard again…

The New Year's shindig wrecked my ears as the revelers' horns and djembés made ugly noises.

Checking the dead men's memories, there's also the Mèki dance, where masked men hopped on each foot, clapping their hands below their knees until it reached their chest, then repeated the cycle. Women twirled around them, pushing, then retracting their open hands away from them.

It used to represent how air itself flowed from the sky to us, passing through us to spread itself around the planet.

Seeing this multiple times tired my previous victims, and I could understand why.

These damn traditions…

As countless cars came and went along the skyway on my left, I turned right, heading to the library.

The triangular shape of this white windowless property gave it some cachet, though I bemoaned its rampant graffiti and the dirt it had accumulated over the years.

Inside, it had rows of books throughout the three-story building.

Five long brown desks graced the warm white floor, with gray stairs leading to the open upper floors.

A big, robotic black sphere acting as a receptionist oversaw this silent place.

According to my victims, I didn't have anything to fear from the ball as long as I behaved, and should I desire to take out any title, I'd have to interact with it.

But who cares? With my eidetic memory, I can spend the rest of the day learning what I can. Hopefully, I can learn a bit more about the Flower and the Bud and all this sh*t.

I've got throngs of books to read!

As I broached the stairs, alcohol reeked from the nearby desks.

That's a better smell than the ones out there…


Twenty-seven hours later, the entire library rested in my head.

Alas, I couldn't learn anything more about the Flower and the Bud.

Regarding our Gods—who are the forces from above—they turned out to be far more benevolent than I thought, even granting blessings to us mortals.

So why would they seek our demise?

Exploring the universe may yield some answers, but if that dude's organization's been at it for a while and barely found anything, would I fare any better?

Still, the current state of our universe revealed my life's objective.

T'was simple: To rule it!

Mòn overused technology to evolve, and thanks to that, their birth rate fell, leaving a growing immigrant population to fill the void!

Therefore I shall ban most technologies!

Only wùsù advancement will get me off this planet!

But first, I will make this rotten city mine and restore it to its former glory!

Training within the Tùbaia-Mbando, a series of tunnels loaded with njòmbòs, monsters who love to kill, rampage, and even rape male inhabitants when they come out will help me rid this town of crime, corruption, and foulness!

But to do so, I need subordinates, great women and men willing to do my bidding!

Yes! I'm gonna have my own harem of men to fu*k every day!

That's what I'll obviously deserve.

The first bloke I fu*k will be lucky to serve under me, hee-hee-hee…

However, I didn't get any meaningful intel about my kind, the mùkèlako.

That's odd. They're mentioned throughout history, from the legendary Mot'à bilà E.Q.E.F who, armed with his large lance Mongisèdi, was a one-man army, managing to push back an invading army sent to kill Étèkè's ruler, the Lamido, to the bloodthirsty Niongè, who sought to bring justice here in Nawàbè, only to become paranoid and erratic once she took power in Bèaki, north from here.

Only with the strength of yet another mùkèlako, Badja the enchantress, was she brought down, ironically bringing justice to the very continent she tried to save.

And who could forget the infamous Hèrù, the man who destroyed the giant planet Tnèrölf, leaving what is known today as Hèrù's Shards at the center of the universe.

Plus, I've understood that even our four main stats are superior to anyone else at the same level, explaining why I could easily crush the other fools earlier today.

However, no one knows why the mùkèlako popped up like I did. I'll delve into that sh*t someday…

With a silent grin, I headed out of the place, only to be greeted by the virescent night, a lacy wind caressing my breasts.

Where's my hoverbike? Stolen? Oh well, who cares? Good riddance, anyway!

However, I remember a few rusty billboards featuring models wearing high-heeled sandals that would brighten my step.

I shall wear footwear exclusively made by wùsù, and nothing else!

I'll take care of my unruly hair the same way!

However I need some dough to feed and change myself.

The guy I'll mount better be loaded…

As I ambled across the dim neighborhood, its inhabitants gazed on a ground called disgrace; their quivering eyes an empty fireplace, their fleeing minds begging to leave this baleful place.

As I pushed my thoughts away from these sights, faint screams came from a narrow alley.

Stalking the path oranged by the floating streetlights, an old white hoverbike reared by a gray steel box strapped on its back was overshadowed by two crimson motorcycles flanking a grimy wall.

Loping onwards, I ended up in a narrow impasse where I encountered Love brightened between ill-functioning dumpsters, dimly red bricks, and the sheen of his naked flesh…