Day 2 - Conquest 6: Rich Rewards

I woke up refreshed, despite my injuries being chafed by the calid atmosphere.

My knees and elbows were sore, while a few droplets of sweat bubbled out of my pores.

At least my wùsù and éwolè reserves were back on top.

I woke my love, saying, "Baby, what time is it?"

"Hmm…5:09 p.m…"

So I slept more or less five hours then?

My stomach roared. "Gosh, I'm so hungry…"

I reactivated ébango to fully regenerate…


~ General Information (i)~


~ Status (i)~


~ Ngùdis Bwindèa (i)~


~ Inherited Ngùdis (i)~


5 °|Ébango (O.C. Inactive) (i) (Level 1/Next level: 78%)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive ** —> ** Active **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0% —> 0.125% of Total Wùsù every second|

Activated: 2 —> 3 Times [Compressed]

~ Ngùdis (i)~




You are healing!

Remaining Tèmènè: 69.59% —> 69.715% ¤Recovering 0.125% Tèmènè every second ¤ |__________________________________________________________________________________________|


Remaining Wùsù: 100% —> 99.887%

Wùsù Consumption: 0.113% (0.125% - 0.012% of natural Wùsù recovery rate [Penalty: usual recovery rate will return in 9 Hours 54 Minutes]) of total Wùsù per second




The ngùdi |Ébango| gained one level!



~ General Information (i)~


~ Status (i)~


~ Ngùdis Bwindèa (i)~


~ Inherited Ngùdis (i)~


5 °|Ébango (O.C. Inactive) (i) (Level 2/Next level: 0%)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Active ** —> ** Inactive **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0.125% —> 0% of Total Wùsù every second| Activated: 3 Times


~ Ngùdis (i)~




Remaining Tèmènè: 100%



Remaining Wùsù: 72.654%

Wùsù Recovery: 0.012% of total Wùsù per second (Penalty: usual recovery rate will return in 9 Hours 49 Minutes)

Current Total Wùsù: 72.666%


In four minutes, I was good as new, though my blood-parched body couldn't say the same.

I reeked of it, and even my poor little Dibìé turned his head away from his Overlady.

He didn't say anything, but his behavior spoke for him.

Gotta clean myself later on, but first, let's collect our rewards.

We'll visit the boss's room afterwards.

Since I won't allow my husband to learn while I'm reaping, I reined him in under my watch for the time being.

He can't be too strong right now…

Counting short breaks, it'll take the rest of the day to get these fools, especially with my ten hour penalty, and sh*t.

Didn't think this stint would take so long…oh well.

Fu*k our bellies. Let's get to it, then…


~ General Information (i)~


~ Status (i)~


~ Ngùdis Bwindèa (i)~


~ Inherited Ngùdis (i)~


6 °|Sômbwa (i) (Level 3/Next level: 31%)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive ** —> ** Active **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0% —> 0.011% of Total Wùsù and Éwolè every second|

Activated: 5 —> 6 Times [Compressed]

~ Ngùdis (i)~





~ General Information (i)~


~ Status (i)~


~ Ngùdis Bwindèa (i)~


~ Inherited Ngùdis (i)~


6°|Sômbwa (i) (Level 7/Next level: 28%)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Active ** —> ** Inactive **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0.011% —> 0% of Total Wùsù every second|

Activated: 6 Times


~ Ngùdis (i)~




You gained a level!

You gained a level!

You reached Level 99 of the Rank |Hero| Individual! Do you wish to move to a superior Rank?

[YES?] or [NO?]


Oh yeah…


You chose [YES]. You became a |Great Hero| Individual! (Informal)

You gained a level!

The Ngùdi |Hand-To-Hand Combat Mastery| shall bolster your current level of | Hand-To-Hand Combat Mastery |!

The Ngùdi |Bladed Weapons mastery| shall bolster your current level of | Bladed Weapons Mastery |!


"Whew! Finally, done!" I said, my mind winded after seven hours of work.

Considering I reaped 247 folks, I only gained 81 levels.

Too bad I didn't get their titles, though.

Guess they gotta be earned another way. 'Least I got fire mastery.

Let's give ourselves a full-time check:


(Level (i): 1) ~General Information~ (Next Level (i): 81%)

[First Name: Asùmwè] TÈMÈNÈ (i): {Level (10) 0%- ^100%^} [Species (i): Mwèn]

[Middle Name(s): Mùf] WÙSÙ (i): {Level (10) 0%- ^100%^} [Ethnicity (i): Wìndà]

[Surname: Bùsà] ÉWOLÈ (i): {Level (10) 0%- ^100%^} [Type: Mùkèlako (i)]

[Sex (i): Female] ÉLÈKU (i): {Level (10) 0%} [Rank (i):Great Hero Individual]

[Height: 9.2 ft] [Verticality (i): Informal]

[Weight: 228 lbs + 1 lbs] [Age: 1 Day (Born: 1 Abasa 499 AWS Dìkèlèlè)]

[Blood Type (i): O1] [Birthplace: Kòti Forest]

~Status (i)~

Normal (Awake)

~Ngùdis Bwindèa (i)~

1 °|Superior Intelligence (i)| ** Permanently Active **

2 °|Superior Tèmènè (i)| ** Permanently Active **

3 °|Superior Wùsù Control (i)| ** Permanently Active **

4 °|Superior Éwolè (i)| ** Permanently Active **

5 °|Superior Élèkù (i)| ** Permanently Active **

6 °|Night Vision (i)| ** Permanently Active **

7 °|Illusion Resistance (i)| ** Permanently Active **

~ Inherited Ngùdis (i)~

1 °|Tèmènè Mastery[Mùkèlako Version](i)(Level 0/Next level: 0%)|[Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0% of Total Éwolè every second|

Activated: 0 Times 2 °|Wùsù Mastery[Mùkèlako Version] (i) (Level 0/Next level: 0%)|[Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0% of Total Wùsù every second|

Activated: 0 Times 3 °|Éwolè Mastery[Mùkèlako Version](i)(Level 0/Next level: 0%)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0% of Total Éwolè every second|

Activated: 0 Times 4 °|Élèkù Mastery[Mùkèlako Version] (i) (Level 0/Next level: 0%)|[Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0% of Total Tèmènè every second|

Activated: 0 Times 5 °|Ébango (O.C. Inactive) (i) (Level 2/Next level: 0%)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0% of Total Wùsù every second|

Activated: 3 Times 6 °|Sômbwa (i) (Level 7/Next level: 28%)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0% of Total Wùsù and Éwolè every second| Activated: 6 Times 7 °|Bòlòngi Dibùmbè (i) (Level 0/Next Level: 45%)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive **

|Cost (i): 50% Of Total Wùsù + 25% of Total Éwolè|

|Cast Time (i): 20 seconds| Activated: 3 Times

~ Ngùdis (i)~ 1 °|Hand-to-Hand Combat Mastery (i) (Level 79/Next level: 48%)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0% of Total Éwolè every second|

Activated: 2 Times 2 °|Bladed Weapons Mastery (i) (Level 77/Next level: 12%)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0% of Total Éwolè every second|

Activated: 0 Times 3 °|Fire Mastery (i) (Level 46/Next level: 98%)| [Wùnja Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0% of Total Wùsù every second|

Activated: 0 Times


My ngùdis evolved, but I gotta check this wùsù and éwolè mastery one of these nights…and fire mastery level 46!

Guess my natural talent spoke for itself yet again! I'll check it out tomorrow, but since I was naked and tired, my hands clasped my lover. "Exceptionally, we'll get our shuteye here, honey. I know you don't like it, but bear with it."

"Err…we're on the first floor and the puddles of pee are still here!" he complained.

"They're much smaller than before, and shush, now! It's time to sleep. We've got a long day tomorrow!"

My co*k coddled inside his heat, I closed my eyes, my back brightened by the virescent night…