Day 5 - Conquest 5: An Astonishing Discovery

I strode onwards when a njòmbò surged from the crimson ground, leveling mud all around.

And I didn't detect it?


A crawling obscenity opposed us—Oh, dear! —

Tawny, its oval body maculated with black spots had four webbed paws, its head a double net shaped like puckered lips—You call this farce a mouth? Hee-hee-hee!—reeking of soil and sweat.

What the fu*k is this sh*t?


(Level (i): 62) ~General Information (i)~ (Next Level (i): 33%)

[Sub-Species (i): Èkiè (i)] TÈMÈNÈ (i): {Level 11 - ^100%^} [Species (i): Njòmbò]

[Rank (i): Bolòba Nùmé 3] WÙSÙ (i): {Level 11 - ^100%^} [Type: Òwasè (i)]

[Sex (i): Female] ÉWOLÈ (i): {Level 11 - ^49.085%^} [Height: 8.27 ft]

[Weight: 289 lbs] ÉLÈKU (i): {Level 11} [Blood Type (i): Mwèa TT]

[Age: 4 (Born: 5 Jazièkè 494 AWS Vagùà)][Birthplace: Tùbaia-Mbando of the Apa Plains]

~Status (i)~

Normal (Awake)

Éwolè Recovery: 0.085% per second

~ Ngùdis Bwindèa (i)~

1° |Night Vision (i)| ** Permanently Active **

2° |Energy Detection (i)| ** Permanently Active **

~ Inherited Ngùdis (i)~

1° |Energy Concealing (i)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Active ** Activated: 3871 Times 2 °|Net Secretion (i) (Level 62/Next level: 24%)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0% of Total Wùsù every second| Activated: 3986 Times

3 °|Cocoon Generation (i) (Level 62/Next level: 62%)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0% of Total Wùsù every second| Activated: 4112 Times


So that's why I couldn't detect these energies, even those within the cocoon … neat!

Since I used a significant amount of wùsù, I needed my babe on that one.

Who knows what unpredictable sh*t could be thrown at us? "Baby, let's take it on together! Wùsù side, you're good?"

"I recovered a little, but I'll manage!" he said.

The monster hurled a purple net over us.


~ General Information (i)~


~ Status (i)~


~ Ngùdis Bwindèa (i)~


~ Inherited Ngùdis (i)~


~ Ngùdis (i)~


3 °|Fire Mastery (i) (Level 48/Next level: 88%)| [Wùnja Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive ** —> ** Active **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0% —> 0.085% of Total Wùsù every second| Activated: 9 —> 10 Times




Remaining Wùsù: 20.065% —> 20.005%

Wùsù Consumption: 0.06% (0.085% + 0.0015%[Lùsalùsanè]+ 0.0030%[Telekinesis] + 0.0002%[Limb Extension] - 0.030% of natural wùsù recovery) of total wùsù per second


Using telekinesis, I made a fire net which repelled, then incinerated the invasive web. "Topple him, baby!" I ordered.

Dibìé crouched, his hands on the ground.

Generating a stake trail forced the njòmbò away.

Soaring above the creature who threw me another mesh, I burned it as well.

The monster distracted, Dibìé toppled our foe by sliding mud pillars under her left paws, sending her belly up.

Her flesh suppler there, as my right hand became fire, I pierced its abdomen, yanking out her intestines with a bloody hand.

Croaking for a few seconds, she became inert shortly thereafter.


~ General Information (i)~


~ Status (i)~


~ Ngùdis Bwindèa (i)~


~ Inherited Ngùdis (i)~


~ Ngùdis (i)~


3 °|Fire Mastery (i) (Level 48/Next level: 89%)| [Wùnja Ngùdi (i)] ** Active ** —> ** Inactive **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0.085% —> 0% of Total Wùsù every second| Activated: 11 Times




Remaining Wùsù: 18.445%

Wùsù Recovery: 0.025% (0.025% + 20% of initial wùsù recovery rate - 0.0015%[Lùsalùsanè] - 0.0030%[Telekinesis] - 0.0002%[Limb Extension]) of total wùsù per second

Current Total Wùsù: 18.47%


"Good job, baby!" I said.

"But you did the biggest part, My Overlady…" He replied with deference.

Checking my bloody body, a physique drowned in saffron liquid steaming like parched amber, I gotta clean it a bit.


~ General Information (i)~


~ Status (i)~


~ Ngùdis Bwindèa (i)~


~ Inherited Ngùdis (i)~


~ Ngùdis (i)~


6 °|Water Mastery (i) (Level 64/Next level: 36%)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive ** —> ** Active **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0% —> 0.0010% of Total Wùsù every second| Activated: 4 —> 5 Times [Compressed]


The water washing the dirt away, my mind went to the noisy cocoon.

As her cries intensified, I expected a strong climax.


~ General Information (i)~


~ Status (i)~


~ Ngùdis Bwindèa (i)~


~ Inherited Ngùdis (i)~


~ Ngùdis (i)~


6°|Water Mastery (i) (Level 64/Next level: 36%)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Active ** —> ** Inactive **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0.0010% —> 0% of Total Wùsù every second| Activated: 5 Times



"Are you gonna let her cum?" said my grinning husband.

I smiled. "Yeah, she's entitled to. In the meantime, If I harvest these motherfu*kers, I'll be able to detect folks who can hide their life force thanks to it!"

Dibìé cocked an eyebrow. "Really? So you didn't know it was here beforehand?"

"Nope. How could it have ambushed us otherwise? Now, start reaping…" I said.

"Understood," he replied as he strode towards the njòmbò's blue mùdinòlò.

His share taken, time to collect mine…


~ General Information (i)~


~ Status (i)~


~ Ngùdis Bwindèa (i)~


~ Inherited Ngùdis (i)~


6 °|Sômbwa (i) (Level 16/Next level: 7%)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive ** —> ** Active **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0% —> 0.067% of Total Wùsù and Éwolè every second| Activated: 11 —> 12 Times [Compressed]

~ Ngùdis (i)~




Remaining Wùsù: 21.593% —> 21.551%

Wùsù Consumption: 0.042% (0.067% + 0.0015%[Lùsalùsanè]+ 0.0030%[Telekinesis] + 0.0002%[Limb Extension] - 0.030% of natural wùsù recovery) of total wùsù per second




~ General Information (i)~


~ Status (i)~


~ Ngùdis Bwindèa (i)~


~ Inherited Ngùdis (i)~


6°|Sômbwa (i) (Level 16/Next level: 30%)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Active ** —> ** Inactive **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0.067% —> 0% of Total Wùsù and Éwolè every second| Activated: 12 Times


~ Ngùdis (i)~




Remaining Wùsù: 18.443%

Wùsù Recovery: 0.025% (0.025% + 20% of initial wùsù recovery rate - 0.0015%[Lùsalùsanè] - 0.0030%[Telekinesis] - 0.0002%[Limb Extension]) of total wùsù per second

Current Total Wùsù: 18.468%


I made short work of this harvest.


You gained a level!

You learned the Ngùdi |Energy Concealing|!

You learned the Ngùdi |Net Secretion|!

You learned the Ngùdi |Cocoon Generation|!


Hell yeah!

Let's activate energy concealing, to see its effects!


~ General Information (i)~


~ Status (i)~


~ Ngùdis Bwindèa (i)~


~ Inherited Ngùdis (i)~


~ Ngùdis (i)~

21 °|Energy Concealing (i)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive ** —> ** Active ** Activated: 0 —> 1 Time



When I activated the ngùdi, I detected every hidden life form within my range.

Fortunately, no nearby monster burrowed their way towards us.

"Eeeaaarrgh!" We heard the young woman cum.

"Now, baby, she's ready to meet The Overlady," I said to a smiling Dibìé.

Striking the cocoon with my fist tore its outer skin apart, feeling like crackled rubber on my hands.

Inside, a young woman bound from her arms, to her legs, doubled over a dead wìndà.


I recognize her!

She's Àngà Sisànè, Ambéà's leader late sister!