Day 7 - Conquest 8: Tournament And Rewards

Time to gather the troops. "Everyone! Your Overlady calls you! In your team position, now!" I barked.

A couple minutes later, everyone was in line.


I called Ìsòn, and Dibìé handed her a wood box with a hole in it where a hand could fit in. "Attention! I hope you guys are ready for this, but you shall compete in the tournament in a few moments, all 349 of you, as any Mwanèdi is unranked. The higher your place in the tournament, the lower your number gets. Àngà shall grant you your rank after your match is over. Here's the rules: no killing, and no blow to the genitals! Aside from that, there's no time limit, and the fight is over when one defeats the other, the other party give up, or there's a double K.O. Understood?"

"Yes, Overlady! "They answered.

"Great! Ìsòn shall give you a box containing straws. The number you'll pick shall determine your order! When Ìsòn's in front of you, pick up a wood stick inside, and wait your turn! Dibìé shall mix your bouts! Best of luck, bunch of fools!"

Nodding to my servants, they distributed and annotated every participant while I resumed my training…


~ General Information (i)~


~ Status (i)~


~ Ngùdis Bwindèa (i)~


~ Inherited Ngùdis (i)~


2 °|Wùsù Mastery (i) (Level 15/Next level: 87%)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive ** —> ** Active **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0% —> 0.029% of Total Wùsù every second| Activated: 3 —> 4 Times


~ Ngùdis (i)~



* Over a half-hour later, Ìsòn and Dibìé came back to me.


~ General Information (i)~


~ Status (i)~


~ Ngùdis Bwindèa (i)~


~ Inherited Ngùdis (i)~


2 °|Wùsù Mastery (i) (Level 16/Next level: 78%)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Active ** —> ** Inactive **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0.029% —> 0% of Total Wùsù every second| Activated: 4 Times


~ Ngùdis (i)~



"We're done," said Dibìé.

"So, Ìsòn, what's your number?" I asked.

"349, My Overlady," she answered.

"Oh! The last number! D, have you sorted out the matches already?" I said.

"Yep! Everything is ready! We're only awaiting your command," Dibìé answered.

I rose on my feet. "Alright, baby, who's the first and second matchup?"

"38 versus 143, and 279 versus 6," Dibìé said.

"O'right! 38! 143! You duke it out, as well as 279 and 6! Dibìé and Àngà shall be the referees! If they deem the fight over, their word is law! I don't wanna hear any complaints from you guys, understood?"

"Yes, Overlady!" they answered.

"The rest of you, you're dismissed! When a fight's over, come to me to heal your injuries! Dibìé shall call your number when the next contestants are up, so stand nearby! You've got the whole plains as your fighting ground, so use it wisely!"

"Yes, Overlady!"

The four aforementioned stepped out while the others strutted away.

Àngà and Dibìé started their bout while I sat down to order my books…


"The fight's over! Number 349 is the tournament winner! Congratulations to the number one ranked girl!" Dibìé screamed to Ìsòn amidst the cheers of an enthusiast crowd.

He gave me a nefarious grin glittering with its immaculate teeth.

He's in for a surprise, this one, if he thinks he can get away unscathed…

After all, The Overlady can rework the rules to her advantage…

After 14 hours of fighting, it was finally over!

At least, I guzzled every single book I had to read.

Our organization would experience a serious boost tomorrow…

The Crimson Dick, bloodied a bit, came towards me. "My Overlady, I-I've won! I-I hope you will keep y-your end of the bargain…" she said with a beaming smile, her twitching co*k moving expectantly.

I closed my eyes, then smiled. Ah Nyambè, save me, oh-yo! Have you forsaken me?

When I opened them again, I had to say, "Of course, my dear subordinate! We'll have s*x tonight and we'll do what you like, how's that sound?"

"P-perfect, My Overlady!" She blurted so fast, she had to put her hand on her mouth when she realized she spoke a bit too loud.

I had to care for her opponent who passed out, as Àngà was rushing the female runner-up towards me. "Here's the last one!" she said, gently laying her body in front of me.

"All right! Ìsòn, come here so I clean your a*s as well…"

"Of course, My Overlady! But could you please leave my old scars intact? They're … part of my history," she replied as she neared me.


~ General Information (i)~


~ Status (i)~


~ Ngùdis Bwindèa (i)~


~ Inherited Ngùdis (i)~


~ Ngùdis (i)~


14 °|Nùndènè Ébango (O.C. Inactive)(i) (Level 67/Next level: 43%)[Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive ** —> ** Active **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0% —> 0.125% of Total Wùsù every second| Activated: 79 —> 80 Times




Remaining Wùsù: 100% —> 99.908%

Wùsù Consumption: 0.092% (0.125% + 0.0001% [Limb Extension] - 0.033% of natural wùsù recovery rate) of total wùsù per second


As I thought… "Understood."

I patched them up within seconds.


~ General Information (i)~


~ Status (i)~


~ Ngùdis Bwindèa (i)~


~ Inherited Ngùdis (i)~


~ Ngùdis (i)~


13 °|Nùndènè Ébango (O.C. Inactive)(i) (Level 67/Next level: 43%) [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Active ** —> ** Inactive **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0.125% —> 0% of Total Wùsù every second| Activated: 80 Times




Remaining Wùsù: 99.08%

Wùsù Recovery: 0.033% of total wùsù per second

Current Total Wùsù: 99.113%


The wìndà girl who was down woke up. "Huh! My Overlady?" she said, surprised.

"Well girl, you lost, but your ranking is obviously number two, so good job!" said Àngà with a smile.

"Thanks, Mwanèdi Àngà," she said.

"You can go, now, girl," I said.

"Understood, My Overlady," she replied, then left us.

I have my announcement to make, especially after a gruesome tournament.

I gotta reward my troops, else they betray me… "You bunch of fools! I've got two good news for your a*ses! The first one: we sold the two manes for fifty trillion tétés!"

They roared.

I heard many "Malòbà!" and "That's fu*king insane!" quite a bit.

"And I'm not done yet! With that money comes salary! Therefore your annual salary will be six million tètè, and you'll be paid pretty quickly because Dibìé shall receive your bank code so he can transfer your take, and your network frequencies so I can reach you anytime! Àngà and Ìsòn will distribute your kàpitànè just like the one on my wrist! Afterwards, you're dismissed!"

They screamed even louder than before.

That's called being a great politician.

One who can keep her promises.

A curt nod to my mightiest hurried them away, while I took the opportunity to resume my training.


~ General Information (i)~


~ Status (i)~


~ Ngùdis Bwindèa (i)~


~ Inherited Ngùdis (i)~


2 °|Wùsù Mastery (i) (Level 16/Next level: 78%)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Inactive ** —> ** Active **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0% —> 0.029% of Total Wùsù every second| Activated: 4 —> 5 Times


~ Ngùdis (i)~



Let's make up some ground here once again…


Forty minutes went by when they concluded their task, my subordinates broke out for the night.


~ General Information (i)~


~ Status (i)~


~ Ngùdis Bwindèa (i)~


~ Inherited Ngùdis (i)~


2 °|Wùsù Mastery (i) (Level 17/Next level: 51%)| [Kàmba Ngùdi (i)] ** Active ** —> ** Inactive **

| Cost: Varies according to time length and intensity|

| Current Cost per Intensity (i): 0.029% —> 0% of Total Wùsù every second| Activated: 5 Times


~ Ngùdis (i)~



Nice progress! T'was a good idea to gradually increase the strain, as it hastens my progress…