Prologue [Volume 1]

"Sir, you called?" Zedkiel saluted.

"Hawke. No. Zed, I've got a new mission for you." The leader trailed off.

"Yes, sir." Zedkiel affirmed.

"Infiltrate the Lawless Mafia and find out about the experiment. Find out who are affiliated with the Italian Government and the Scientists." The leader continued.

"Yes, sir."

[Hawke (Zedkiel Sinclair): Top 3 BEASTS Agent]

"How's the progress of the experiments going?" Diaval asked the scientist.

"Steady, Sir Lawless. It would be done in a few months." He responded.

"How many? Be specific." Diaval commanded.

"In six months, sir." The scientist clarified.

Lawless (Diaval Lombardi): Top 1 Mafia Emperor in Italy