Chapter 14: The Rage Of The Beast

Potions Classroom, Hogwarts, Wizarding World...

Tension had been high as the 3rd year Slytherin-Gryffindor class of Potions-making students watched in a mix of unbridled horror and amazement for once that Neville Longbottom had not been the one to attempt to blow the entire class to smithereens, that had been none other than Ron Weasley at this point in time. Snape had been at his desk like usual, his obsidian eyes scowering the class falling mostly on Neville Longbottom whom had proven from first year to be almost always accident prone and Hermione Granger, whom had been the subject of many inappropriate dreams as of late had been helping him along as always. Harry Potter had been paired up with Ron Weasley for that afternoon and the snickers from Draco Malfoy and Blaise had been heard quite well by the Potions Master but he made no indication that he had heard them.

Harry had been annoyed enough with Malfoy's antics to say the least.

None of that seemed to concern Ron who fumbled about with his portion of work on their potion taking every opportunity to stare up at Snape who he swore had become as dangerous and unpredictable as Lupin had been the night of the full moon. The trembling red haired wizard noted the glow in The Potions Master's obsidian eyes and ended up dropping the wrong ingredient into his potion.

Snape's keen eyes picked up the mistake and in seconds his wand was out containing the blast with one hand as he leapt effortlessly from his desk and walked across the room toward Harry and Ron. It all had happened so fast that they hardly noted that Snape had secured Hermione behind his free arm despite her being no where near the blast.

Caught up in his rage Snape whirled on both Harry and Ron for their nearly blowing a hole in Hogwarts as he a result of carelessness. Neville Longbottom had been silent, it was something to see Snape in full aggressive mode especially when it was not directed at him for once. His obsidian eyes flickered with malice and he snarled as his insults ranged from witty and scathing to nearly animal like and unbridled growls.

Ron simply shivered too afraid of what Snape might do with his eyes glowing so much.

There was no mistaking the red glow, Ron knew Snape was no longer the ordinary dark wizard that stalked the he was a bloody werewolf and could possibly eat him alive for the most basic of mistakes.

"He didn't do it on purpose." said Harry defending his friend.

Snape whirled on Harry as soon as the green eyed wizard opened his mouth.

The witty and scathing remarks returned and Snape seemed more in is element insulting The-Boy-Who-Lived-To-Be-A-Pain-In-His-Arse.

Hermione noted how Snape's temper was becoming dangerous in the wake of his new found rage. His magic seemed to gather around him like a shield and she had not missed the red glow of his obsidian eyes either. She knew that if she didn't get the Potions Master to calm down then he would accidentally hurt someone or worse force a transformation and possibly kill them.

"Professor." said Hermione bringing the attention to herself. "Professor, you need to stay calm."

Both Snape and Harry turned toward her.

"What the hell are you doing with Hermione, Snape?" asked Harry in an accusatory tone.

Snape had not noticed that he held Hermione close to him during the entire ordeal. He blinked rapidly before backing away from the young witch. All eyes had been on him when Remus Lupin appeared inside the class room. It was apparent that one of the students had gone to fetch him when Professor Snape started "acting strangely."

"Miss Granger?" said Snape apparently confused at the moment.

"It's okay." said Hermione. "You were just protecting me...protecting all of us."

Snape shook his head unable to recall what had happened. He remembered arguing with Harry Potter, when didn't he argue with Harry Potter, self-indulgent brat.

Spoiled, lazy, and arrogant just like his father and godfather.

Beast Mind:

Potter! We hate Potter! Potter must be our enemy!

Potter wants claim over the female!

She's ours!

Snape turned his attention to Harry as his obsidian eyes began to glow illuminating the fury deep within him. Before he could make a move however a familiar voice had gotten his attention.

"Severus, is everything alright?" he asked with concern in his tone.

The raven haired Potions Professor glared at the Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor and simply walked out of the room. Hermione let out a breath she had not known that she had been holding and made her way over toward Ron and Harry. She looked them over noting that they were unharmed and turned her attention to Lupin.

"What happened here?" asked Lupin.

Hermione began the long process of explaining what happened during class which became even more long with Harry's constant need to complain about Snape to all who would listen.

"Professor Snape is not well Harry." said Lupin. "He's trying to adjust back into his normal routine and I would really appreciate it if you would let him find his way in peace."

Harry at the risk of sounding petulant folded his arms across his chest in protest.

"Why should we care what Snape feels?...he seemed perfectly fine when he was going in on Ron for putting the wrong ingredient in our potion." said the green eyed wizard.

"It was my understanding that Neville Longbottom was the hazardous one among you bunch." said Lupin.

Neville shrugged.

"Potions mistakes are costly and dangerous." said Hermione. "I don't believe Snape ever intended to just berate Neville or Ron for their follies...he must have just been concerned about all our safety."

Lupin nodded in agreement.

"Well in any case...Harry be a good boy and lay off the old grouch for me for a little while at least." he said looking over at his honorary Godson.

Harry sighed.

"For you Lupin." he said. "But later if he tries anything..."

"Duly noted." replied Lupin with a sheepish grin. "Any way class dismissed and please if you see Professor Snape say clear of him for now."

The class did not have to be told twice at everyone cleared out of the Potions classroom headed for greener pastures. Well everyone except Hermione Granger, Lupin, and Draco Malfoy who had been quite concerned about his Head of House.

"What's wrong with Professor Snape?" asked the junior Malfoy with concern in his tone.

"He...he was attacked recently and spent a good deal of time in the infirmary." said Lupin. "We're all just making sure that he adjusts well enough to continue his life like before."

Draco narrowed his eyes at Lupin.

"A bunch of Gryffindors caring for a Slytherin...a Slytherin head of house no less?" he said with and arched eyebrow and a sarcastic tone reminiscent of his Head of House.

"Like it or not Draco...Professor Lupin is concerned about Professor Snape." said Hermione in defense of her fellow Gryffindor. "And so am I."

This only served to raise Draco's suspicion, but he knew he wasn't going to get the answers he was seeking from a bunch of Gryffindors. Still he didn't want them thinking that their mediocre speeches could actually pacify him.

"I may not know what's going on with you and my Head of House...but I don't trust you and if anything happens to him, not only am I holding you Gryffindors responsible but my father will hear about it."

"I'm not surprised Malfoy." said Hermione. "Is there nothing you report to Daddy?"

Draco narrowed his gray eyes at her. There was a flicker of malicious behind them that suggested the damage he could do if given the chance.

"I don't know what your sudden interest is in Snape, Granger but you can bet I am going to find out." he said. "Consider yourselves on notice."

With that Draco took his leave unable to stand the sight of the Gryffindors any longer.

"We have to find him." said Lupin turning his attention to Hermione once Draco was out of the vicinity.

"Agreed." said Hermione. "Before he has another encounter with Harry."

"Especially, before he has another encounter with Harry." said Lupin.

With that they set out to find Snape, but it was easier said then done.

The Potions Master proved to be much more illusive than either of the Gryffindors believed even if one of them was a werewolf.