Chapter 38: Castle Under Siege

The Dungeons, Hogwarts Castle, Wizarding World...

The eerie darkness of the castle dungeons had always been one of the safest places for Severus Snape when he had first walked the halls of Hogwarts as a boy. The quiet and hard to reach places he knew like the back of his hand were always a refuge when he needed to escape the politics of the school as well as the Marauders. He had discovered his knack for finding vital potions ingredients where few dared to look as well. Studying such things made for interesting use when in potions class and Slughorn was busily chatting about his various associations. Now, they took on a whole new meaning as for the first time in his life dread filled him as he waded through the murky darkness in search of his colleagues in hopes of their continued survival with Umbridge and her wild dogs running a muck.

As he continued to travel, Snape caught the intense and rather unwelcome but definitely unmistakable whiff of feline as he neared the old torture room. Breaking off into a hurried run, The Potions Master entered the torture chambers and found himself face to face with the caged staff of Hogwarts. His obsidian eyes did not need to adjust to the barely lit torches nor scan the holding cells very long before he recognized the anguished face of Minerva McGonagall. Relief flooded the dour wizard more so than anyone would have dared to imagine as he took in the sight of the meddle some cat woman.

Her keen green eyes were turned on him in an instant as well, possibly due to her feline nature.

"Severus!" she said over-joyed. "Oh thank Merlin you're here...that toad faced frump has gone and plum lost her ever loving mind!"

Snape couldn't help but smirk noting how upset the Transfigurations professor had been despite her imprisonment.

"As quick witted as always Minerva." he said pleased she had appeared to be no worse for wear.

"Do hurry up Snape, get us out of these wretched cages." she demanded. "Some of us haven't seen the sun in three damn days."

He could tell from her manner that she was more flustered and exhausted than anything.

"Yes mother." said Snape in a biting tone.

This caused the rest of the staff to chuckle nervously.

Snape set to work freeing them from the iron cages as his mind went back to Hermione. He had not known where Greyback was in the castle but he had not wanted him anywhere near the bushy haired witch.


The Girls Dormitories, Gryffindor Tower, Hogwarts Castle...

Hermione had been relieved when she ran into a trembling Ginny Weasley hiding out in the closets. The bushy haired witch had been cautious as she made her way through the rooms and there had not been a werewolf in sight let alone Greyback. With a sigh of relief she turned her attention to the redhead witch shaking uncontrollably from fright.

"Everything's going to be okay, Ginny." said Hermione in a bid to comfort her friend.

"N-No it's not." replied the skeptical Ginny Weasley. "H-Have you seen those things?...big claws and sharp teeth..."

"Everything is going to be fine." said Hermione again. "Dumbledore's returned...he'll get rid of those mangy beasts."

Ginny found it hard to believe that.

She had seen what those things and Umbridge for that matter were capable of.

"W-Where have you been?" asked the red head witch. "W-Why were you and Harry gone?"

Hermione sighed.

"It's a long story." she said in a bid to quiet her friend. "The short version is Umbridge attacked both Harry and I, and Snape came to help us."

"H-He's one of them." said Ginny horrified at the thought. "I-I saw him turn when I was on the grounds...he's downright monstrous."

"He's not so bad." replied Hermione more than a little defensive of her lover. "Besides he's on our side and that's got to count for something."

"What makes you so sure?" asked Ginny still skeptical. "Snape's never liked us when he was just a man how can we trust him as a werewolf?"

"I just know." replied Hermione fed up with the questions. "Now hold with the questions, we have to get to the room of requirement."

"W-Why?" asked Ginny then she remembered what Hermione said about questions.

"It's the only safe place form...them." said the determined witch not wishing to speak further about the were dogs lest they be summoned. "Anyone else we find or that Harry finds will be there as well."

Ginny nodded realizing the time for questions was over and the time for moving was upon them.

Hermione held Ginny's hand and gripped her wand as tight as she had ever held it.

"We must move quickly and quietly." she said in her instructor tone.

Ginny nodded her understanding again.

Together the bushy haired and red head witches made their way out of the dorm and toward the corridors. Their hearts beating rapidly and their breath ragged as they ran along the dark halls searching out the room of requirement.

All the while the glowing yellow eyes of a creature shrouded in darkness watched them a low growl rumbled in the back of it's throat.


The Dungeons, Hogwarts Castle, Scotland...

Snape and the other members of the staff made their way out of the dungeons. All armed with ready wands and vengeful curses as they made it toward the main corridor. It seemed all had been going according to plan though the dour wizard could not be too sure about what his young lover and the blundering Boy-Who-Lived-To-Annoy him had been up to. He had hoped for their sake they heeded his warning.

The staff members entered the inner sanctum, of Umbridge's power nest, The Great Hall which Snape had been more annoyed to find covered in enough sickening pink to be mistaken for the inside of a bottle of pepto bismol. Shaking off the nausea from the horrendous décor, The Potions Master joined Dumbledore as he stared down Dolores Umbridge. The Headmaster's wand was drawn and it seemed as though they had been dueling quite a bit before the cavalry had arrived.

Countless bodies of disabled werewolves littered the floor below.

Umbridge turned her attention to the ebony clad Potions Master.

"How nice of you to join us." she said in her usual condescending shrill tone. "Severus, was it?"

"Well if it isn't the latest model for frill and frump magazine...I suppose you should be plenty famous by now." countered Snape off-handedly. "And with a face that belongs in a southern swamp no less."

"This coming from a greasy worm of a man." said Umbridge enraged. "It's a wonder no one has mistaken you for a cadaver in all the years you've been here."

"As much as I do enjoy listening to your little flirting match..." interjected Albus Dumbledore with a pleasant smile, "I believe we should get back to the business at hand."

Umbridge turned her attention back to the Headmaster.

Snape narrowed his obsidian eyes at the kindly wizard noting how he was going to pay him back for such a ghastly insinuation. The fighting began with spells flying and wolves charging. Umbridge had been the first to throw a curse, and of course it had been in Severus Snape's direction.

With skill unheard of in a great many years and swift evasion Snape bested his so-called opponents.

Minerva McGonagall having still been greatly injured from the attack she suffered at the hands of Umbridge was not faring so well. One of the wolves took advantage of this and moved in for the kill. Snape saw this and immediately went on the defensive. The beast that dwelled just below the surface was having none of the usual attempts to quell it's rage.

Sensing Snape's increasing power, the other werewolves charged him at once hoping to put an end to him before the alpha got free. Minerva was stunned to see them drag him down to the floor and proceed to try and rip him to shreds. In seconds Snape let out a feral growl and snapped the neck of the nearest attacker. His eyes glowed an eerie red as his command issued through out The Great Hall.

"BOW." He commanded.

Almost immediately the other werewolves were on their stomachs bowing to him against their will.

"BOW LOW." he said furious. "STAY."

They did as he commanded.

Snape had been about three seconds from turning his aggression upon Umbridge herself when the sound of Hermione's distressed scream filled his keen ears. A look of utter anguish filed across Snape's wolfish face as he turned his attention to rescuing his mate. Dumbledore made short work of Umbridge and the other staff members were watching the bowing wolves intently. The beasts had not moved since Snape had commanded them. Minerva had been confused about what was going on with Severus, but waited to voice her concerns.


The Corridors, Hogwarts Castle, Scotland...

Snape raced through the halls until he happened upon Hermione Granger huddled with the two young Weasleys and Potter. Apparently both Hermione and Harry managed to get all the other students into the room of requirement while the fighting ensued. They had been the last to enter when they were surprised by a furious and stalking Greyback.

A growl rumbled from deep within Snape's throat as he leapt toward his witch and her friends. He had not been fast enough as he noted his now human appearance as he stood before the massive beast who had taken hold of Hermione's throat.

"One more step and she dies Snape!" hissed Greyback. "And wouldn't that be a pity...such a pretty little morsel like this having an unfortunate end."

Snape glared murderously at the werewolf before him, obsidian eyes meeting blue with intensity that can only be displayed by bitter enemies.

"I will not let you harm my student dog." said Snape his temper raging below the surface.

Harry looked back n forth between Snape and Greyback.

The green eyed wizard had never seen his Potions Master look so furious. Not even when he looked into the dour man's pensive did his eyes hold such contempt. Ron huddled close to Ginny who had done the same to him. Both terrified of what would become of them at the hands of this monster.

Greyback smirked as he took in the scent of jasmine from Hermione's bushy brown hair.

The gesture seemed to further agitate Snape, who's dark eyes flared in what Harry could only describe as a hint of jealousy.

"She smells exquisite Snapey boy." said Greyback. "It's no wonder you are so enamored with her."

Harry looked back at Snape then at Hermione wondering just what this meant.

Greyback flashed a toothy grin and ran his wolfish saliva coated tongue along the flesh of her tear stained cheeks.

"I'm curious Snape...what's it like fucking a fearful little sheep such as this?" asked the werewolf. "Does she enjoy taking werewolf cock?...Or is it that she enjoys fucking her Potions Professor?

Snape's body had been tense. Every muscle fiber wound like a spring remnant of a snake's coil. He was going to rip Greyback to shreds. He was going to punish the unruly prick for having the audacity to touch his mate.

Harry could take no more of the mocking and drew his wand without the notice of either werewolf.

Snape had been only seconds from pouncing when he heard a voice that shattered his train of thought.

"EXPELLIAMUS!" shouted Harry Potter pointing his wand in both Snape and Greyback's direction.

With agility unheard of Greyback moved out of the path of the spell and it hit Snape square in the chest. The Potions Master went sailing into the castle walls along the far side of the corridor. Taking the confusion in stride, Greyback leapt out of the castle window with Hermione in tow.

Snape jumped to his feet and began to pursue blinded now by intense rage.