Chapter 50: Hircine's Prey

Unknown Location, Forbidden Forest, Wizarding World...

Snapping of twigs and branches echoed through the floor of the forbidden forest as Were-Snape slaughtered a group of would be hunters aimed at taking out Hermione. The witch had been huddled up against a nearby tree as the other hunters pressed the advantage to get to her. One swipe of Snape's razor like claws and two of them hit the ground screaming in pain as the blood oozed from the deep gashes he left in his wake. The onset had been swift. Hermione and Snape were half way to sleep after their frantic coupling following his escape from her magical binding when the first howl had gotten the Potions Professor's attention.

The presence of a hostile were seemed to trigger a semi-transformation in him and he took off toward the offending were. Hermione got dressed as quickly as possible spelling herself and the tent clean to keep her scent down. She heard scuffling outside the tent followed by a loud whimpering and a cry of agony before Snape returned with his eyes wild and glowing nearly gold from his efforts.

He turned his attention to Hermione sniffing her for a moment before pulling her close to him. The witch was careful not to express any sort of fear as far as he had been concerned and he licked the side of her cheek. She noted the blood that had been splattered over his muscular pale chest and how his hair seemed to stand on end as if he had been poised for an attack.

His claws were protruding from his fingernails and turning black before she could communicate with the seemingly focused wizard.

"S-Severus?" she attempted only to be silenced by the deep rumble of his growl and his grip on her waist turning harsh.

He was in protective mode and ready for any one of the now advancing were-beasts to make their move.

One such brave fool followed the other and Severus beat them into submission before turning his attention back to a stunned Hermione Granger. She had never seen him move so fast or with such ferocity. It had been like the fight with Greyback but more intense and his apparent recklessness with the blood of beasts had been evident.

One of the attacking Weres had been thrown into a tree where Snape proceeded to break his spine making him crippled.

The enraged were-Snape broke the arm of another snapping it to the bone as if it had been the wishbone of a turkey after a Thanksgiving feast.

The ebony werewolf easily disposed of his wolfish brethren in a bid to protect his mate and urged her to take off further into the forbidden forest.

The attacking Weres cornered both her and Snape at a nearby tree and attempted an simultaneous assault in a bid to get to her. Snape had been two moves ahead of them snuffing out that idea and leaving a pile of corpses at his feet while Hermione aimed her wand stunning any that got two close while Snape did the fighting.

She wondered why Snape couldn't command the other wolves and figured it had to do with the father of man beasts overriding his control.

The bodies seemed to pile up at an alarming rate before two brave younger wolves managed to get onto Snape's back clawing at his rather large and muscular shoulder blades. Their claws had been razor sharp as they ripped through his ebony flesh and caused him to growl in rage. He threw one of them off but not before the second wolf bit into his chest.

Incensed, Were-Snape plowed his own razor sharp claws into the offending werewolf's neck effectively killing him in an instant.

Blood had ran pooling the base of the strange tree from the pile of corpses and the ebony wolf doing most of the damage. The horde of were-beasts seemed to thin out for a moment as a panting Hermione sent of spell after spell in a bid to keep herself and her lover protected.

The fighting was taking it's toll on Were-Snape however and he found himself becoming overwhelmed by the numerous attacks.


Base Of A Tree, The Forbidden Forest, Wizarding World...

The rather keen nose of Were-Snape had taken in a strange new scent that drew his attention from the stamina draining fight with the other were-beasts toward something that looked to his eyes as almost unobtainable prey. Hermione seemed to see it as well as she gave the next order while shielding herself via her magic.

"There it is Severus!" she shouted. "Hircine's white have to kill it...kill it and he'll let us be."

With a whimper he turned to the witch missing a blow from another were-beast.

"Go get it Severus." urged Hermione. "It's the only way to end this madness."

The beast took off toward the beautiful large white stag, of all the annoying aspects of this hunt to get his attention the one name from his mortal brain instilled in him a definite blood lust.


The white wisps of otherworldly magic hovered around the creature as it grazed rather lazily strutting about as if it had not a care in the world.

Kill Potter.

The ebony werewolf known as Severus Snape took off like a rocket poised for murdering this beast once and for all.

Kill Potter.

Kill Potter.

Kill Potter.

The words replayed in his head as his heart beat thunderously in his massive chest and the rage turned into absolute bloodlust.

Kill Potter.

Kill Potter.

Kill Potter.

The great white stag rose it's head noting the rapidly advancing ebony werewolf and took off deeper into the forest.

Snape had been much faster than the creature ever could have imagined, his hate propelling him as he launched from a toppled boulder and managed to wrap his large body around the creature as it continued to thrash and attempt to flee.

The taste of copper enriched blood filled his mouth as he latched his dagger sharp canine teeth into the long and wiggling neck of the white stag. Were-Snape dug his razor like claws into the soft white flesh of the suffering beast as his eyes shifted from a dull yellow color to red-orange in accordance with his deeply rooted bloodlust.

The white stag let out a strangled cry as it once more attempted to break free of the heavy werewolf.

Kill Potter.

Kill Potter.

Kill Potter.

The beast was not to be denied and the man's vicious rage at the one called Potter only intensified his desire to see this creature's end.