Chapter 84: The Weight Of The Past

The Black Family Manor, 12 Grimmauld Place, Muggle World...

No one had seen nor heard from Severus Snape since Harry's revelation that it had been he, that set the despot in the course to murder Lily and James Potter. Remus Lupin had been greatly concerned given that Severus was a powerful werewolf and relatively uncontrollable without Hermione Granger to calm him. Harry Potter by contrast couldn't have been happier to have been rid of the Potions Master despite Ron not agreeing due to Snape's role in the war against Voldemort and Hermione's relative unhappiness. There had been a lot to do and so little time to do it in as all the effort everyone had was put into preparing for the impending war following the memorial service for Sirius Black.

As though by design, Sirius Black's memorial had gone off without a hitch. The remaining order members celebrated the life of one of their own with stories and drink as they filed into 12 Grimmauld Place by the dozens. Harry seemed to be adjusting quite well despite missing Sirius terribly. Lupin had been rather disappointed with his young nephew and let him know about it every chance he got.

Tonks found Hermione crying in the darkness of the sitting room still wearing the black dress she had worn in honor of Sirius. The expecting witch sighed at the sorry sight before her. It was obvious to her that the girl had been in love with Snape and the bonding ritual had only made it stronger. She couldn't see how Harry Potter could call himself her friend and spend all his time and energy seeing to the end of her happiness.

"You look exhausted." said Tonks looking the younger witch over.

"It's been a long week." replied Hermione.

"I'll say with Sirius being killed and Snape up and leaving." she said briefly summarizing the week with a few words.

Hermione had not known what to say to the last bit.

"I haven't heard from him if that's what you've come to ask me." she replied.

"From what I recall you and Snape were quite an item." said Tonks rather sadly. "What changed?"

"Everything." replied Hermione leaning back in her chair. "Harry told me that Severus had gotten his parents killed."

Tonks arched a brow at this.

"And how would he know this information?" she asked with an arched brow.

"I suppose it was from the pile of letters in Sirius Black's room." replied Hermione sadly. "I asked Severus about it directly and he simply said nothing...he didn't even deny it."

"And why should he?" asked Tonks not at all seeing what this had to do with anything. "He's been here busting his arse trying to keep Harry and the rest of you safe as penance...or did you forget how he ended up becoming a werewolf in the first place?"

This had all made a good deal of sense to her...the reason that Severus had been so adamant about keeping all of them safe...keeping Harry safe during the course of this war.

"Tonks I've made a terrible mistake." she said realizing where her rush to judgement had gotten them.

"I'll settle for a colossal blunder as far as Snape is concerned." replied the expecting witch. "I don't envy you the mess you're going to have to clean up in terms of his feelings...and Harry should learn to keep his mouth shut unless he has all the facts."

"What do you mean?" asked Hermione with an arched brow.

Tonks sighed.

"Remus told me all about how the Potters were was Peter Petigrew's doing...Snape did everything he could to keep it from happening once he realized there was a possibility they'd be hurt...he even was the first on the scene when the Potters were killed and baby Harry was alone in his crib."she explained. "And as for Sirius...Harry needs to look in the mirror to find who's at fault for his godfather's death...had he stayed at Hogwarts like he was suppose to, Voldemort wouldn't have fooled him and Sirius wouldn't have had to come save his needing to be tanned hide."

"Oh Harry what have we done?" Hermione whispered trying to think of a way to reach Severus Snape before it had been too late.

"You can fix this Hermione." said Tonks not holding a grudge. "Snape's as in love with you as you are with him."

The amber eyed witch had hoped so, given all the poor wizard had gone through with having his heartbroken.


Godric's Hollow, Unknown World...

The swirling winds had chilled the ebony clad Potions Professor to the bone as he stood before the bronze memorial statue of James and Lily Potter. It had been quite a long way away from that fateful All Hollow's Eve night when their lives were callously taken in the wake of the despot Voldemort attempting to secure his tyrannical reign of the wizarding world by killing the infant Harry James Potter.

Like good parents, the Potter's gave their lives attempting to protect their young son. Unfortunately, that had not been enough to stop the despot from returning and attempting to murder the idiotic boy all over again. The Potions Master stood as the winds beat against his weary human form staring up into now bronze colored eyes of Lily Evans...turned Lily Potter's likeness via the enormous statue.

This place, once considered the perfect neighborhood to raise a family in the honorable image of Godric Gryffindor...had been marked by death and decay. The ground had been blackened in the wake of the despot's steps as he had brought death here. It had not even been fit to sustain wildlife, as the various plants and trees were twisted by the foul darkness that the monster had unleashed the night he killed the Potters.

Severus Snape had believed he had come to terms with his hand in their demise. After all these years of risking his life to further the influence of the Order of Phoenix and keeping the annoying brat and his mindless friends alive...all this time. He had even gotten cursed following protecting them from Lupin and still it had not seemed to be enough. The moment he found even a shred of was to be ripped away in the wake of the greatest slap in the face he had received since Lily chose Potter to begin with.

It meant nothing.

No matter what he did.

No matter where he went.

His efforts to seek penance for his terrible past would go unnoticed and his dark deeds would stifle any form of happiness he had obtain following the ordeal.

As Severus Snape stood beneath the stature of the fallen Potters, he had caught the scent of someone behind him. Drawing his wand he readied for an attack.

"You are so predictable." said the voice of one Bellatrix LeStrange. "Still pining over your little Mudblood?"

Snape attempted to hex her caught off guard in the wake of his fury, and found himself thrown to the ground via a wayward spell from a familiar face.

"I am sorry Severus." said the familiar voice as the Potions Master's vision began to fade. "I had no choice."

Bellatrix cackled in the empty air of the night.

"The Dark Lord has great plans for you...filthy half blood." she hissed before kicking him across the face, effectively breaking his abnormally large nose.

The two death eaters had secured their prize and were off in a matter of minutes.

Little did they know, a small pair of keen eyes had been witness to their heinous act against the one known as Severus Snape.