Chapter 91: War's Horizon

The Basement, 12 Grimmauld Place, Muggle World...

The intoxicating scent of Herbs and fresh earth surrounded the rather restless Hermione Granger as she lay about in Severus Snape's makeshift bed beneath 12 Grimmauld Place, the headquarters of The Order Of Phoenix. She had a difficult time getting to sleep as it was once her wolfish lover vacated the house in a bid to rally the wolves of Wolven Summit for the initial charge into battle against the despot Voldemort and his death eaters. The ranks of the Order were bolstered as well with the addition of the Malfoy family following said were professor's liberation of them from his former master. The house had been quiet with everyone turned in for the night anxious and trying desperately to get a bit of rest before what many believed to have been their last day alive.

Hermione's amber eyes had been fixed on the ceiling as she tried to recall her lover's embrace the previous few nights prior to his departure. They had gone at it like rabbits for hours before the sun came up and the rest of the occupants began to move about the old manor. She recalled the smirk she got from Lucius Malfoy and how his gray eyes seemed to alight with knowledge of their entanglement in the lower basement. He had seemed rather impressed that she could walk the following morning let alone sit down to breakfast.

Severus had been quite territorial that day always lingering about and giving to ambushing her in dark and empty spaces.

A small sigh escaped her as she recalled how tense his lean muscular body had been when his hormones got the better of him. It never ceased to amaze her just how strong and capable he had been when taking her to bed his power radiated in the rapid series of thrusts that often left her speechless. She wanted nothing more than to continue where they had left off once this wizarding war mess had been cleaned up and they were alone once more.

"Severus." said the nearly asleep witch losing herself in her lover's lingering scent.

There was a sudden burst of heat that filled her youthful body at the implication in his scent but she pushed it aside. Now was not the time for her to lose herself in past memories when there was a war to prepare for. With another sigh, Hermione eased herself out of bed and into the chill-filled morning air and set about getting dressed for the coming day.

Still, her mind wandered to thoughts of her wolfish lover and what he'd been up to.


The Forbidden Forest, Unknown Location, Wizarding World...

The unmistakable scent of blood lingered in the air as Severus Snape found himself zipping through the trees. He had been in pursuit of one of Dolores Umbridge's minions and couldn't afford to let the snide little bastard near Moonfall Pass. The hunt was an enjoyable one as he swooped from the large stones embedded deep within the ground from fallen ruins onto the fearful whelp of a wizard causing him to sputter his words unable to get a decent incantation to pass from his trembling lips. The beast was slowly bleeding through the mortal wizard as fangs began to protrude from his teeth and the rather deep gash in the scrambling prey's forearm continued to add to the werewolf's heightened sense of the hunt. It wasn't long before the bloodlust had gotten to the wolfish Professor and he shifted completely into his beast form leaving no chance for the harmless whelp of a wizard as he leaped upon the fearful wizard in an instant biting his throat and rearing the soft flesh to pieces in one decisive move.

His razor-like teeth cut through the soft mortal flesh like a muggle knife through butter and his dagger-sharp claws ripped the remaining flesh to shreds in a bid to get to the soft well kept organs that demanded his attention. The feeding had been something unlike what the wizard had experienced before as he chewed through the heart of the whelp wizard and sliced his claws through the mortal's intestines.

The pulsing of blood from his own rapidly beating heart spurred his excitement as he set about finishing off his prey and leaving the remains for the scavengers he knew inhabited the forest. The hunt had been greatly satisfying as he turned his attention toward reaching Moonfall Pass and the Summit of Wolves. The power he felt ignited via the hunt had given him all the clarity he needed when faced with the knowledge of what he must do to win this war against his enemies.


The Study, 12 Grimmauld Place, Muggle World...

Hermione entered the kitchen amid grim expressions and painted smiles. She knew firsthand that everyone was feeling anxious about the upcoming battle and there was a good deal to be concerned about given that Voldemort had managed to recruit the giants to his cause. She had not been amid the brooding faces for long as the floo began to smoke and the emerald flames had gotten everyone's attention.

Thinking perchance the visitor had been her wolfish lover, Hermione headed into the study only to find herself disappointed with the arrival of Draco Malfoy.

Lucius and Narcissa were at his side and questioning him quite a bit before he managed to sate their curiosity.

"I'm alright," he said dusting himself off from the effects of the floo. "And no I haven't seen nor heard from Uncle Sev."

Upon hearing this Hermione was further disappointed.

"I'm sure he's reached the summit by now," said Draco making his way toward an empty armchair and sitting down. "This place reeks of Potter."

Lucius chuckled a bit evidently pleased about his son's wolfish instinct progressing. From what he was told, Draco had taken to becoming a were-beast quite well.

"Well he is among us." said the handsome older blond wizard with a smirk.

"How unfortunate," replied Draco with a flash of something akin to malice behind his gray eyes.

"That's enough Draco," said Hermione knowing all too well what he'd been alluding to.

The young were got up from his seat and smiled at the rather interesting young witch.

"Granger," he said apparently pleased to see her alive and well. "Fancy meeting you here...and for once not firmly attached to Uncle Sev's cock...of course, I don't doubt that it will be for long."

Hermione rolled her eyes in annoyance before heading back toward the kitchen.

Draco was so immature that even being a werewolf didn't have any favoring effect on his "charming" personality.

The gray-eyed were turned his attention toward inspecting his parents, he had heard about what occurred with the so-called dark lord and feared for their safety but it was clear that he'd been worried for no apparent reason as his godfather had taken care of them as he always had.

Hermione passed an embittered Ron in the hall.

He said nothing as he glared at her then proceeded to make his way toward the kitchen in search of breakfast.

Harry came down the stairs not long after that treating her to something of a weak smile as his mind once more wondered what would come of them all once the fighting began.

The anxious witch turned toward the window thinking of her wolfish lover once more and hoping he'd return to her as he was before. Sadly, she knew that the longer he remained ruled by his beast side, the harder it would have been for him to return to his usual mortal self. She just wished the damage that he was capable of doing could be reversed.