Chapter 93: The Clashing Of Immortal Titans

The Court Yard, Hogwarts Castle Grounds, Wizarding World...

The stench of fear had been evident as Severus Snape stepped onto the battlefield the massive bulk of the werewolf army behind him as his eyes gleamed at the prospect of a proper battle finally getting underway. The time for talk had surely been over as both sides had brought their respective allies to do battle. The death eater forces were an unorganized and spineless bunch incapable of posing a true threat or organized attack. It was all too clear why the despot had been desperate enough to go after the giants for assistance. Without his most trusted inner circle, including Lucius Malfoy and Severus Snape his adviser, he was grasping at straws to maintain order within the chaos of his ranks.

High winds continued to stir as each side readied itself for the battle of a lifetime. It seemed quite fitting that a restless giant kicked things off by charging the Order's front lines and the all-out assault began. Severus Snape tossed about various death eaters via wandless magic and his bestial strength.

The other werewolves charged into the fray taking the lead from their Alpha and set out to wipe out the lesser force of death eaters as well as teaming up to bring down vicious and brutal giants.

Albus Dumbledore raised the elder wand igniting Hogwart's defense forces in the form of stone soldiers that appeared to have been mere castle decor when there had been no threat to the school or those that dwelled within.

Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall took her place on the battlefield beside the elderly Headmaster doing her fair share of combat with death eaters and giants alike. Wayward spells lit up the darkened courtyard as the winds continued to blow carrying the spray of blood, dust, and debris everywhere in the midst of battle.

Snape snarled as the beast within him threatened to emerge from within as he sent his fair share of former comrades to their graves in the wake of their attempts on his life. He felt no remorse for the ending of their miserable existences only the increased notion of blood lust that threatened to consume him as the thick coppery scent continued to torment his senses.


Across the Court Yard...

Hermione's ears caught the familiar sound of Ronald Weasley's screams as the redhead Gryffindor wizard found himself in the clutches of an ugly deformed looking giant attempting to squeeze the life out of him. The ugly gray mound of portly flesh had been stomping in delight that he'd been trying to crush the bones of the youngest Weasley boy.

The determined witch narrowed her eyes at the fiend and stormed over toward it. With her wand gripped tight in her arm she recalled the all too familiar swish and flick motion of the much-needed spell to end her friend's misery.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" shouted Hermione giving the correct pronunciation as always when casting a spell as she levitated a leveled piece of the broken stone of the courtyard the giant had so carelessly created during its spirited stomping session.

She aimed the large quarry stone slab at the fiend striking it on top of the head and rendering it dazed long enough to levitate Ron to a safe distance before turning her attention back to the fiend responsible for nearly killing him so soon into the battle.

"Expelliarmus!" she shouted sending the grotesque fiend flying back toward the forbidden forest with the spell she learned during her second year via her wolfish lover.

Harry Potter sent a couple of death-eaters flying as well as he looked back toward his friends.

"Nice going Mione!" he shouted in approval.

The nervous but determined witch continued to combat the wave of death eaters that sought to advance upon the now-removed giant's territory in a bid to break the Order member's ranks. It proved to be a most catastrophic attempt as many were stunned and left incapacitated.


Near The Forbidden Forest...

Snape was striking down death eater after death eater via his legilimency ability and quick wand movements. His eyes were set upon the despot himself as he brought many of the lesser followers to their knees.

He continued to advance toward his prime target.

Albus Dumbledore met Voldemort in the center of the courtyard. Their wands clashed in a spectacular show of bright magical energy a deep sickly green hue output from the wand of the despot that he'd stolen from another of his death eaters in the hope of being able to finally slay Harry Potter in the midst of combat, and a deep sorrowful sapphire hue from that of Headmaster Albus Dumbledore with streaks of white lightening due to his aged magical experience.

"This ends here and now, Tom!" said Dumbledore feeling the stirring of that Gryffindor courage despite being long removed from representing the house as a mere student in his youth.


"The only thing you've managed thus far Tom is to lead those foolish enough to follow you to their collective doom, and for what? fear of that which makes us all equal?" asked Dumbledore in his usual father-like tone despite his fury at everything that has come to this.


"You are nothing more than a murderer!" said Harry Potter made his way beside the elder Headmaster. "A frigid coward playing immortal because he's scared to die like everyone else, like the ones you've carelessly murdered in your quest for power only to find that it eludes you."

"SILENCE!" shouted Voldemort attempting to strike Harry with an unforgivable curse.

The green-eyed wizard had been more than ready to put an end to all of this fighting and the long and weary years of sadness in the wake of Voldemort's twisted pursuit of him. But he wasn't about to go down without a fight.

"SECTUMSEMPRA!" shouted Harry Potter sending off the very spell he'd gotten from Severus Snape's potions book when he knew him only as The Half-Blood Prince.

"Harry!" shouted Dumbledore as he momentarily took his concentration off the struggle to match Tom Riddle Jr.'s spell work only to be swept aside and the despot to turn his wrath upon the young angry wizard.

"AVADA KEDAVERA!" hissed the despot causing his unforgivable spell to blast into the chest of the boy who had lived to defy him at least in his mind for the last time.

A massive explosion of magical energy caused everyone to be caught in the aftershock and collapse onto the ground unable to fathom what had occurred in the center of the courtyard.

One thing everyone including Albus Dumbledore knew for certain despite it all, Harry James Potter lay dead amid the rubble and debris of the courtyard.