Chapter 98: The Prince Of The Hunt

The Shrine Of Hircine, The Forbidden Forest, Unknown World...

Blue eyes met enraged amber as Dumbledore once more attempted to ward Hermione Granger off summoning The Father Of Man-beasts. The young Gryffindor witch was having none of it as she stood before the shrine of the Werewolf creator Hircine along with most of the Werewolves of Wolf Summit, Remus Lupin, Harry Potter, The Malfoys, and Professor McGonagall. Each was unsure if they even wanted to be there but not cowardly enough to turn tail and run when something of vast importance was going on.

The body of Severus Snape lay beside the shrine as Hermione took it upon herself to force Dumbledore into summoning Hircine as he had all those years ago when the Potions Master became infected.

Watchful eyes noted the burning of meat near the shrine and the scent of a fresh kill had been on the wind. The Headmaster sighed taking the time to complete the known steps for calling forth Hircine.

Hermione watched as a shifting aspect of an enormous human-looking male rippled with muscle and gripping a spear appeared with the head of a horned stag that made Harry Potter shiver uncomfortably.

"WHO HAS SUMMONED ME?" bellowed the rich baritone drawl of Hircine as he looked among his guests.

Dumbledore was the first to speak up.

"I stand before you once more seeking an audience." replied the blue-eyed wizard.

"THE ONE CALLED DUMBLEDORE, SO...WHAT IS IT YOU SEEK THIS TIME?" asked Hircine his voice loud and booming despite not outright yelling.

Growing tired of Dumbledore's stalling, Hermione addressed Hircine herself on Severus Snape's behalf.

"Hircine...I've come to ask for him back," she said staring into the transparent eyes of the stag's head creature towering above even the trees of his shrine in The Forbidden Forest.

"HIM?" asked the Father of Man-Beasts seemingly inquisitive when it came to being summoned by mere mortals with little to no concept of whom he truly had been, "YOU MEAN THE PRINCE OF THE HUNT, I REGRET TO INFORM YOU THAT HE IS AMONG HIS KIN IN THE GOLDEN FIELDS OF THE HUNTING GROUNDS...HE WILL NOT ADHERE TO YOUR CALL, BUT YOU ARE WELCOME TO TRY AND LURE HIM BACK...I AM SPORTING IF NOTHING ELSE."

Hermione had been quite determined as it were but she wasn't alone. Severus was greatly missed no matter how long his association with those he'd left behind in the wake of his passing.


The Hunting Grounds, Realm of Hircine, Unknown World...

Looming high above what had been largely described as "the golden fields" of the hunting grounds was Luna, the bright vermilion jewel of the home world of Hircine. It was pulsing and round almost like a beating heart pumping its share of blood as the beasts below reveled in their eternal hunt. The coppery scent of blood lingered on the wind as many forms of Hircine's great creatures moved about hunting and killing their prey until their bestial hearts were content. There were rivers and streams filled with blood along with various waterfalls all red and rushing like a fine wine with spoils of the hunt.

The winds were often varied based on levels of the hunt in which the hunters were tasked with testing their skills, on this particular day, they were fair as the newest arrival to the place he'd only seen in his dreams beckoned to him. The obsidian eyes of the large ebony werewolf known as Severus Snape in his former world and mortal form moved about the tall golden grasses with an absolute skill that no doubt set him above his brothers and sisters of the hunt.

Skills, he learned while still very much a man and a vastly capable wizard.

There was barely a hint of the former life he led and even more scarce a memory of the people he'd left behind when something rather cold and altogether painful lead him to awaken in this place.

All he had recalled was feeling lonely and disconnected for quite some time only to awaken at home where the prey always gave chase and the thrill of the hunt bore no consequences. He'd been among his kin and basked in the warm glow of Luna's pulsing song as if filled both his bestial ears and his heart.

Her song was as lovely as the first time he'd heard it, distant but still so alluring as it pulled his attention from lesser things.

She filled him with love and for the first time, he did not need to rage against his former prison of flesh.

The werewolf Snape spotted his own brand of prey tucked nearly between the lengthy blades of golden grass grazing with little to no care aside from traditional woes. He had been all set to pounce when he was subjected to a sorrowful tugging deep within.

At first, he could not understand what was happening to him, his body refused to obey as he continued to feel the tugging increase in volume. He began to growl and snarl attempting to hold back what had been buried deep within.

His keen ears picked up the faint sound of sorrowful words carried to him by the wind as easily as the scent of blood.

{"Severus."} the words said giving him pause as he soon realized that it had been his name in the other place. {"Severus, come back to me...}

He recognized the voice as being that of The Female and as he looked around The Hunting Grounds, he saw no trace of her.

A whimper escaped him as he realized his sadness in the wake of their separation. As wonderful as The Hunting Grounds of the father seemed to be, they were nothing if The Female could not join him amid the golden fields or chase after prey alongside him.


The Shrine Of Hircine, The Forbidden Forest, Unknown World...

The enormous aspect of Hircine seemed to be moved by the pleas of the young Gryffindor witch Hermione Granger and allowed her to get a message to her beloved wizard in The Hunting Grounds.

{SO...THE PRINCE OF THE HUNT HAS DECIDED THEN...} He said getting the attention of everyone around him. {SO BE IT.}

Hermione had taken this to mean she had lost Severus forever when everyone's eyes fell upon the slowly reviving Severus Snape's body.

"H-He's chosen to return." said Narcissa Malfoy pleased to see that the dour wizard was once more to be among them.

"Severus." said Professor McGonagall in disbelief.

Dumbledore simply smiled rather sadly and as he watched Hermione race from Hircine's shrine toward her newly awakening lover.

"Severus..." she said bursting into happy tears as he began to get feeling back into his battered form.

"Snape!" said Harry pleased to see the older wizard had chosen Hermione over his werewolf home-world.

"Hell of a scare you've given us little brother." said Lucius annoyed but grateful none the less to have Snape return.

"Indeed." agreed Lupin watching the Alpha werewolf closely.

Snape's obsidian eyes opened and he found himself staring into the amber eyed gaze of Hermione Granger once more. He treated her to a rather tired smile as she threw her arms around him crying against his bare chest.

"Hermione." he said at peace with his decision to leave the place he loved so much for the witch he loved even more.

Hircine seemed to be further impressed by his "son's" resolve.


Snape noted the silver band wrapped around his lengthy pale finger with wolf's head shaped into the metal of the band.

"He's given you his ring?" asked Hermione with an arched brow. "What does that mean?"

"The ring can only be worn by The Alpha and no other lest they be cursed with spontaneous transformations and many of the curses of Hircine, it seems he wished for Severus to live something of a normal life despite the fact that he will not be cured." explained Dumbledore. "At least until the passing of his mate."

"The passing of his mate?" asked Professor McGonagall confused. "And just whom might..."

She gasped when she noted Hermione Granger had kissed her Potions Professor on the lips. It seemed by the reaction of those around her that she'd been the only one out of the loop as far as their relationship had gone and turned her attention to the one whom had set it all in motion.

"Albus Dumbledore, you are going to explain to me just how all of this came to be and what your hand in it was." she said narrowing her green eyes at him.

"In due time Minerva." he replied not at all wishing to go in detail about his underhandedness in making the pact with Hircine to begin with.

"No." said Professor McGonagall taking a page out of Hermione Granger's book in terms of getting the answers she desired. "You are going to tell me tonight and you'd better not leave out a single detail."

Dumbledore sighed noting this was to be quite a lengthy night for him as he turned and made his way toward Hogwarts Castle, Professor McGonagall had not been far behind him still going on to question a lot of his past actions concerning The Potions Master.

Snape returned Hermione's kiss not at all bothered by the fact that they had an audience.

The Malfoys and Harry Potter began to make their way toward Hogwarts following behind.

Lupin and Tonks shared a kiss of their own as they reveled in the news of their coming child and the peaceful world they had all fought to secure being a reality.

Whatever could be said about the end of the final battle with Voldemort, the Prince of The Hunt had once more joined the wizarding world, and to everyone in attendance when he awoke from The Hunting Grounds, it seemed Hermione Granger was the true victor in this war.