
"My gosh, I'm late." Cristy said. The battery on her alarm clock decided to fail, she slept in until ten in the morning.

Lily suggested not stressing out about it at all. She was a human woman of a different race who lived in the local community.

Dim Forest became the new home for Christy and her family when she was sixteen years old. Because they despised city life so much, her family had submitted an application to become part of the Southern pack. She had no idea where these titles came from, but she refrained from asking the alpha about it so as not to provoke anger from him.

"Michelle is still not at this location." Lily said. Michelle was one of the oldest female werewolves in the pack, and she held the title of alpha. Because of her advanced age, she was not the most powerful opponent, but she terrified Cristy to the point of death.

Cristy continued by saying that her father had been driving her up the wall in relation to the visit from the other sectors. Richard, her father, was the one in charge of making arrangements for the upcoming trip. She was never old enough to participate in the celebrations because she never met the minimum age requirement. According to the protocol, the human participants needed to be over the age of twenty-one to take part. It was her birthday the week before last, and she went out of town to celebrate with her friends. She had been accompanied by a number of others, including Lily. Despite the fact that Dim Forest was a place where nothing ever transpired, she had a strong desire to remain there forever. Soon after, she established her residence on Dim Forest. The great teachers at the quaint tiny school really set the school apart. The fact that there was no bullying was another positive aspect.

The only challenge that Cristy could foresee was beginning her own family. None of the available men piqued her interest in any way. The vast majority of them were cranky due to the fact that they lacked any extraordinary talents. When she was twenty years old, she went on a date with a guy, and the whole time he was complaining about how "normal" he was. The entirety of the night was spent on him harping on Cristy about how she lacked powerful paranormal traits and was, as a result, inadequate. As the date was coming to a close, she insulted him by calling him a jerk and then she punched him in the face.

"You are being bothered by him about it, aren't you?" Lily inquired as she flipped pancakes on the griddle at the same time. "He is not taking my side in this matter. There will be a significant meal later on tonight. He would prefer it if I didn't ruin the evening by, for example, dropping some stew on his lap or doing something along those lines."

After Cristy pulled her hair back, Lily was moved out of the way so that she would not be in the way. "I want you to know how much I appreciate you doing this. I cannot express how thankful I am for it."

"No issues."

She saw Lily looking through the doorway as she passed by. The man who Lily loved was Mike, one of the men who is particularly close to the leader of the pack.

"Why don't you go ahead and walk outside so we can get to know you better?" She questioned about it.

"Have you witnessed the way in which they treat women, who are also humans?" Lily was responsible for closing the door. "If you understand what I mean, he refused to communicate with me, and I don't want to add my name to his increasing list of those who notch bedposts."

Cristy recognized. Over the years, she had seen a significant number of the human women voluntarily offer them to the pack in exchange for protection. Because there was no sign of respect being offered, the bulk of the guys ignored them the next time they came across them. Because of her feelings, she never wanted to be laughed at or made to feel ashamed, and she never got her wish. She didn't care that she was twenty-one years old and had never been sexually active. Being a virgin is better to losing her virginity to a man in whom she does not place her faith. She was conscious of the fact that Lily was also a virgin.

As Lily approached the shelf, she remarked, "We ought to get this food out to them as soon as possible." Cristy watched as she grabbed chocolate sauce and syrup from the highest shelf in the pantry. She had no idea why the group preferred sweet meals to such a great extent, but she saw that the diner's regulars tended to be on the sweeter side.

Cristy had just completed stacking the last pancake on the dish when the door slammed open, and she was just ready to take up the tray that held the other four dishes when she heard the door shut.

Mike, one of William's most talented wolves, sprinted through the entrance. He enquired, "Are the two of you the only ones in this room?"

The syrup was discarded by Lily. As the glass container cracked, syrup gushed out all over the floor, covering everything completely. Immediately, Cristy rushed over to be by her side.

"How did you get in here?" Cristy questioned it because she had started to feel nervous around him.

"Please respond to my questions, you human being. It looks like there are only the two of you here." Lily whirled around to face Cristy and gave Cristy a shrugged shoulder.

"Yes, there is no one else in this place but the two of us." Mike made a break for it and grabbed each of their arms as he got closer.

He issued the instruction, "Follow me." He then led them both into the main section of the dining room, where the order appeared to be completely illogical. A good number of their customers watched as William led people to the area where he was sitting. Cristy flinched when he turned his dark eyes to glance at her and then at Lily in quick succession.

"Alpha, as far as I could tell, they were the only two people in the kitchen," Mike noted. William requested that one of them be brought to him.

Cristy felt compelled to follow Mike as he pushed Lily's wrist towards William's face, despite the fact that she recoiled in terror at the prospect. She saw the alpha taking in Lily's scent as she passed by.

I am adamant that it is not her.

Lily was positioned to the side of the room. Cristy let out a breath that she hadn't realized she'd been holding for so long.

She had been holding on for dear life. William pressed her wrist into his chin in an aggressive manner. Since she had been in Dim Forest, she had not come into contact with him. After he gave her a furious look, she vowed to herself that she would never again come in his way. Her promise looked ridiculous when viewed in the context of the little town, but up until this point, she had avoided being in his company.

William wrapped his mouth around her wrist. After driving Mike away, he grabbed her wrist and began chewing into the flesh of her forearm. The razor-sharp edges of his teeth pierced into the skin of her wrist as he bit down. She screamed as the anguish began to seize hold of her. In the course of her entire existence, she had never before been in such intense pain.

It was a challenge for her to get him to let go.

Lily made a grab for Cristy to try and help her but Mike took action and comforted her friend by putting her arm around her.

"Sleep well," Mike said with a growl to his voice and everything went black to Cristy.