Chapter 1: Supressing desire

We all have gone through a phase where we imagine to live the best days of our lives. Well that is the case for me, a 15 year old high school student who like anybody else has a big time crush with the school hearttrob.

I was contented in having him for my own in my imaginary world, he loves me and I love him while we do any possible things any lovers would do. Ismiled unconsiously as I write down new ideas for my novel that I will update later when I get home. My daydreaming was interupted by a sudden tap on the back.

"What are you smiling about?" Irish asked.

"None of your goddamned business." I replied coldly.

"soo mean.."she pouted.

"but you should stop smiling like that. You look weird people might think you're trying to plan a murder". she added

"how about I plan to murder you? you're so annoying."I retorted.

She just laughed and continued to chat on about her daily gossip. Irish is the only friend I got she's the only one who can stand my rotten attitude. She's sweet and caring, a bit of an airhead but she just laugh about everything mean that I say to her. I don't deserve to have a friend like her and I always wonder why she wanted to be friends with some one like me.

"Hey nettie, can you let me copy your homework? I forgot to make mine? puhlease..." she asked while wearing her cute puppy face.

"how many times do I have to tell you? that my name is Gwyneth!? not nettie and go make your own assignment!"I told her off with a look of dismay.

"Oh please nettie.. I'll buy you lunch for today, just please let me copy it!?! Mr.Terry the terror teacher will chew me out if you won't". she continued to plead.

I just ignored her then a familiar figure just passed by the window.

I sit next to the window just to get a glimpse of him everyday. Alex the famous heartthrob of our school.

My heart almost leapt out of my chest as he passed our room his smile reached his eyes as it makes his handsome features stand out. I almost panic when he suddenly looked at my direction and we made eye contact I tried my best effort to wear my poker face just to hide my embarrasement. I hurriedly look away and faced Irish who is still grumbling.

"Fine. I'll take your offer you'll treat me lunch right? let's go to the cafeteria." I said to her while I quickly set aside my things and stood up.

"really?? yaayyy!?!" she beamed

"hey, pick something that I can afford 'kay?" she added.

"heh?? I'll make sure you'll regret ever treating me lunch." I smiled devilishly at her while she looked nervous.

I just laughed silently . ha! I just love teasing her so much.

The cafeteria is just beside our building, it is huge just so it can accomodate both junior and senior high school. Irish and I entered the cafeteria and gone directly to the counter.

"so which one would you like? she asked nervously.

I put my fingers on my chin pretending to think so hard as i look at the menu. Beads of sweat started to form on irish's forehead I tried so hard to supress my laughter at her reactions.

"I'll just get whatever your having." I said to her.

she let out a sigh of relief and smiled.

"okay.""I'll go ahead and get us a table." I said to her and pointed at the tables.

I left her and make my way to the nearest table I could find. As I sat down I scanned the crowd for him, which is not even hard since he stand out way too much.

Alexander James Ignacio 16, a grade 11 student a handsome model student smart and athletic.He's charming and popular that everyone wants to get close to him and did I mention his handsome?

I know where he lives and I follow his social media accounts. I use my dummy account of course! I'm not being a perverted stalker okay! I just want know more about him so that I can imagine him better in my fantasies and get ideas for my story.

As I look at his face my gaze stopped to look at lips. How I always imagined it to touch mine, as I put my hands on the back of his neck and ruffled his soft locks of hair . I wondered how it felt to be held in his arms as we share a warm embrace. I blushed as my thought continued to wander in my fantasies.

"Food's here time to chow down." my fantasies are interupted by irish's sudden approach.

"Hey, what's wrong? your face is red are you sick? she asked

"Of course not! Let'sjust eat."I scoffed.

We we're halfway from finishing in our meal when a group of annoying people joined our table. Our table is big enough for six people. Since it's just Irish and I at the table there is still room for more. But out of all people it just have to be the three annoying flirty marites*.

Marites is not their names but it's what we call people who got too many time in their hands that they spend it on gossiping about others personal life. I forgot their names but I remember their faces.

"Hey, Gwyn?? can we join your table?? since we're classmates and all?. she asked me

"uh? do I know you? and my name is not gwyn, it's gwyneth and there are a lot of empty tables you know."I said without even looking at her.

"Hey nettie don't be like that, just try to get along with our classmates being nice won't hurt you know."Irish said while looking at me intently.

"Yeah girl that's soo rude but since your puhretty I'll forgive you." she said but sat down anyway.

Me pretty? I don't think so maybe she's just messing with me.

"I'm carole, this is anna and this is jill. You should remember it since we're gonna be classmates for a whole school year." she smiled as she introduced her friends.

Well she's fairly good-looking so is her friends I did'nt get quite a good look at them since I dont really like them because they're always gossiping in the classroom.

"uh okay,"I just replied shortly.

"Hmmpf.. so stiff why do you have a friend like her Irish? it's so not like you."the one called anna blurted out.

"Yeah, you should hang out with us intead since your so pretty, with our advice you could get yourself a boyfriend in no time?." jill added.

"gee thanks guys but gwyneth is very fun to be with we should get to know each other and hang out together-

"gwynet is such a stick in the mud, she's too aloof you know? she does'nt even have a boyfriend. You would be better off to be with us, I mean we got experience and all. High school is about exploring love after all."carole said while looking at me mockingly.

What!??! this bitch? is she out of her mind?

"so what are you trying to say? did you just sat down with us to insult me? too bad I'm too uninterested to care."

I gave her my poker face look while I continue to eat my food.

"nettie.. don't-"

"it's fine. if you want to hang out with them irish I won't stop you."I cut her off

"don't be so stingy gweenie we're just trying to be friends with you that's all, you don't have to be so angry it's just proves that your an aromantic."she said.

"Yeah, I mean I get why your stingy gweenie because you don't have a boyfriend to give you affection."jill added which fueled my anger.

"What??!! who told you I don't have a boyfriend?"I blurted out without thinking.

"WHAT!?!"they shouted in unison.

"You have a boyfriend?? why did'nt I know about it??" Irish stood in shock and screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Shut your trap! I don't have to report everything to you do I?" I sat her down in embarassement.

"but this is a big deal you know?

you had a boyfriend and you did'nt even bother telling me? am I your bestfriend or what?" she answered.

"oh come on. stop being dramatic okay."

"oh oh oh atlast a worthy topic to talk about! so what is he like?" carole squeled.

Now just what kind of mess did I just got myself into??