CHAPTER 5: Getting to know her


Alex's Point of View


"ALEX?? YOU MEAN THE ALEX IGNACIO???" someone shouted at the cafeteria and caught everyone's attention including mine.

I turned my head and saw her.

Miss Know-it-All, Gwyneth Ezra Delos Santos. She always wear that stiff expression but today I witness that she could also get flustered. That's weird. I wonder what they're talking about. My curiosity got the best of me and I found myself making my way to their table.


What is that person doing here?


"Of course is not true! My god gwyneth are you so desperate for a boyfriend that you'd drag alex's good name?" that person angrily exclaimed.


Oh? I think an opportunity just appeared in front me. Two birds one stone I guess? I continued to walk towards them and stopped when I get to where gwyneth was sitting. That person that continued to rant on stopped abruptly when she saw me. I smiled to the idea that came to my mind.

"I heard my name. So I got curious, I didn't know you'll be here. BABE." I put emphasis on the last word.

Well, I like how it sounds I should make it our Call Sign.

She slowly turned to look at me. Her mouth is gaping in schock.

 Pfftt.. I tried my best to hold back my laughter. I didn't know she could make that expression. So cute.

"Hey,Why do you look like that aren't you happy to see me?" I smiled widely.


I can't let this opportunity slipped out of my hands. It's now or never.


"No way!! Are you two really dating??"

 The three people asked aggressively. Time to make and exit and talk to her alone.


"Hello guys, I'm gwyneth's boyfriend we just dated recently so maybe she hasn't told you yet. Can I have my baby for a bit? I want to talk with her privately." I  told them while I gestured for her to follow me outside.


I Walk straight to the back of the cafeteria where the so called "Lovers Alley" is. It is called us such because many school lovers where caught making out in this area. I never imagined I would be here with nobody else but her. Ha! Now what? How should I speak to her?

 This is driving me crazy.

 why is it so hard to come up with a conversation with her?


"W-why did you that?" she asked looking at me intently she's wearing that stiff expression again. Hmm.. I hate that.

There is only one way to get that pretty face flustered again. I smiled and slowly walked towards her. She backed up but eventually her back hit the wall. I pinned her then asked her seductively.

"So are we gonna make out or what?" I hope I'm doing it right.


Her cheeks burned bright red. That's the reaction I wanted,  I feel satisfied. So I do have an impact to you huh? Not so tough are we?

"We're dating aren't we?" I ask her slyly her eyes widened in surprise.

"HA?? what are you getting at? You know full well that WE are NOT dating, why do you have to go and make things complicated by saying those? " she told me in a calm demeanor.

 Oh ho… that pissed me off a little.

"So would you rather want to get humiliated by everyone at the cafeteria? Your lucky that I saved your ass, shouldn't you give me a kiss as a reward?" I replied slyly.

I don't want to be mean to her but I can't help but crave for her attention. Her expressions always piqued my interest.

I never knew she could be this alluring in my eyes. There is something that draws me to her ever since that fateful day that I first met her.



I first came to know her in our school event in February. The School council which I'm part of, decided to hold a friendly debate between grade 10 & 9 students.

Out of all the topic it has to be about something that I'm quite sensitive of


"What's the difference between loving someone and being in love with   someone?"

Everyone made quite a good point but only one person has caught my attention.


She stood at the podium with cold eyes and straight face.

"When you fall in love, you feel an intense need to consume this person in any way possible.

In simple terms, being in love is believing that you need someone to stay happy. 

On the other hand, when you love, you don't only want them in your life, but you need them. You need this person to live happily and not because you own this person but because you want to give them a part of you.

This kind of love sometimes requires you to let them go and set them free."

For a moment, I was surprise to hear those words from someone like her. She might have gone through a lot to think that way. So because I was curious I decided to get to know more about her.

And I found out she was never in a relationship with someone. I feel a little betrayed, but I just laugh the thought away. I'm confused as well as to why she interests me too much.

The school year ended and another one just started as time goes by that interest that I have for her turned to attraction. I found myself deliberately walking past their classroom just to see her.

I never knew smart ones are my type. Not that I have any idea since it's my first time being attracted to someone. I didn't know I was capable of it anyway because I am afraid of many things love included.

Wait.. Am I inlove?

My heart throbbed in the thought of her.

She's simple and cute. A morena with a short bob haircut. A classic filipina beauty if I may say. Her eyes specially is a her greatest asset though it looks cold as ice, when she smiles which I rarely see from observing her from afar it gives me a warm comfortable feeling.

She's different from all the women around me, they smile easily when they see me but I don't get the same feeling that I get from her.

I want to get close to her but how? There is no doubt that she's also the unapproachable type. I'd get my chance one day!




And who knew that day is today. .


"It's none of your business! And besides your not the only guy named alex in this school!?!" She snapped at me.


My mind stopped wandering when I sensed the irritation in her voice


"But I'm the only Alex Ignacio here aren't I? And as far as I know You don't have a boyfriend." I said confidently.


"So what?? Nobody has to know! And I just blurted out the first name that came to my mind okay?? So just let it slide will you? And tell everyone that it was just a mistake and we're just fooling around?" She's fumbling while smiling awkwardly.


That's cute, Now I want to tease her even more.


"So does that I mean I'm always on your mind? Hmm? And what did you just say about my lips? desirable? I didn't expect you to be so lewd though I think it's not bad, I mean I am irresistible."

She grimaced when I say those words I want to laugh at myself too but I hold it in.

"I don't quite get what your intentions are but please just stop." She asks


"Why should I?" I leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear.

" After all it was your idea in the first place of making me your boyfriend."


"I told you, it wasn't suppose to be like this. I know your too much of a celebrity to waste your time on a girl like me. No one's gonna believe we're dating anyway was gonna-"

I stopped her ranting midway

"I don't mind."




"I said I don't mind being your boyfriend." I said without hesitation.


"As long as YOU will do something for me in return."

She looked confused and went silent for a while. She's thinking really hard. Ha why are you so adorable? 


"What do you want?" She asked  seriously


People are starting to pass the alley that we're in,  making the atmosphere quite awkward. I need to get this chance to ask her out and get her number.


"Hmm.. good. But I think this is not the perfect place to talk about that."


"And since it's Friday today, We can meet tomorrow at my work place. Give me your number and I'll text you the address."

I took out my phone and waited but she just look at my hands for a long time.


"Hey, I said give me your number, what are you spacing out for?" I ask her


She looked like she's about to have a panic attack and hurriedly gave her number.



"Thanks." I smiled. 

Looking at how she was blushing I lost all patience.

"See you tomorrow. BABE."  I hurriedly gave her a peck on the cheeks, then walked away hiding my tomato red face.

Hooh.. that was too much of stimulation for me.. my heart beat so fast I thought it's jumping out of my chest.




After coming home. I want to text her right away. Then I remember our call sign and ask her to save my number in that, it's not too much to ask right? Since now we're dating.

And send.


Beep beep.

A text from a her:


Okay. I'll be there see you.


"..." That's it??


Is she angry? Did I come too straightforward to her? This is not good I need to keep her interested in me too.

After an hour of contemplating I decided to just call her.


Ring. Ring. Ring.

She picked up!! Wow I'm so happy!


"H-Hello?" Her soft voice gave me an unexplainable warm feeling. It's addicting.

I tried to be as calm as possible. I didn't know I could get be this happy with just a phone call.


"Hey, is that you babe? It's me alex you saved my number like I told you right?"


"Y-yeah. I did"

Uhmp. Too short of a reply, Maybe she's busy?

"I Called to make sure you are coming tomorrow, I'd hate to get stood up you know…"


"I wouldn't do that,"

again? Now this is making me sad. Am I that boring to talk to?


"Your short replies are making me sad, It's making me feel like you don't want to talk to me." I pouted


If somebody see me right now, they'll surely think that I'm pathetic being so clingy and all.


"uhm .. I'm sorry I'm not just used to these things, I've never been in a pretend relationship before." she answered.


Pretend relationship? What? Does she seriously think we are just pretending? Maybe I didn't get through to her, even though I approach her with other intention my feelings for her is real! I should make things clear with her and a phone call wouldn't suffice.


"Hello Alex?"



"Well you should get used to it. And who told you that we're in a pretend relationship? That hurts. Anyway I can't wait to see you tomorrow babe…



…  I love you." I whispered and then hung up.


"what? Wait-"


She' still talking but I hurriedly hang up the call because my chest is pounding too much I thought I was gonna pass out.

I did it! I said it! Wohoo!!


I was in the middle of celebrating when the door opened.


"Hey, your home already? No work today? Dad asked while putting his bag in the sofa.

"Hey dad, welcome home." I gave him his slippers and took his bag to his room.


It's just the two of us now, My mom passed away 8 years ago. She was hospitalized for a long time with only a machine keeping her alive, although my mom is a strong willed woman her body already failed her.

It took a great deal of time for the two of us to moved on. It was hard specially for my dad, because she love my mom too much but he had to let her go. I saw how devastated my dad was when my mom died and I thought to myself that I don't want the same thing to happen to me.

My mom is a writer. She loved books so much that she shared that same passion with me. I also came to love reading books but I have no talent in writing.

"You look happy, did something good happen?" he smiled and took the slippers.

"hmm.. maybe. Dad, what do you think of me having a girlfriend?". I ask him seriously.


"oh is it that time already? Is this why you've been working like crazy in the past months? Ha ha ha! So who is this unlucky girl?"

"Don't laugh! Well of course, if I want to date someone I wouldn't want to burden you with my dating expenses. You'll meet her soon." I said seriously.


We're not rich, just barely getting by. My dad is a simple office worker but no one can beat him in hard work and perseverance.

I figured if I want to date gwyneth in the future I need to be at least financially stable, so I took on a few part time jobs and saved money during the summer vacation until now. But my current job at the café is good paying,fun and not to much of a hard labor unlike when I was doing delivery at the Water Refilling station that my dad's friend owned.

Plus it's giving me flexible schedules during weekends so it's a win for me.


"Well, I thought you we're asexual before you know, hahaha I never even heard you complimented any girl before. So maybe I am thankful your not gay at least?" dad burst out laughing


"What?! I'm not gay!" I retorted

"I can see that, but there's nothing wrong if you were." He continued to tease me while ruffling my hair.

My dad is always so outgoing.

"Stop it. Your ruining my hair."

"the day has come that my boy finally becomes a man. Make sure that you're always nice to her, make her feel like love and special 'kay? Hahaha! So Mr. Big guy what should we have for dinner?


"oh I bought some lechon manok when I pass by the "talipapa" on my way home, let's just wait for the rice to cook."


"Oh? You really have grown! What am I gonna do if you marry to early huh?.


"Stop talking nonsense, and just go change your clothes already."


"Hahaha. Okay you rascal!."


My dad says the silliest things. But why do I think of gwyneth when I hear the word marriage? Isn't this too arrogant of me? Thinking of marriage already when I didn't even get to know her feelings for me yet?


"Oh your ninong Fred told me he really want to see you on Sunday it's gonna be for dinner, it's his daughter's birthday. You go to the same school right?


What? Ninong Fred again? Such a pain! He's gonna pair me up again with his daughter.

"Can I not go? I rather just work you know! I need to save up because I'm dating someone remember?."


"hmm.. so you're seriously really dating huh? But you still have to go, you've been avoiding your ninong Fred's invitation  recently, he's giving me a hard time at the office already, so just go with me this time okay? We'll just go there and show our faces for an hour then disappear. that way he'll stop bugging me at work."


"Fine . I'll just take half day at work."

"Okay. Good call."

Sigh… it's too hard to say no to my dad. Well at least now it's not going to be hard for me because I have a girlfriend, ninong fred will have to reason for pairing up with her daughter Anna.

Girlfriend.. I miss her already I really can't wait for our date tomorrow. I can't help but smile when I think of her. We'll have a great time I'll make sure of it.