The Search

[Anton's P.O.V.]

Hart drove while I smoked in the back seat to calm myself down.

Now that I thought about it, even if the color of the child's irises were the same as mine, that wouldn't make the child mine, would it? After all, there were many coincidences in the world

However, this was still not a good reason for me to kick a she-wolf out. I regretted my impulsiveness just because I thought I had been pranked by Hart.

I angrily kicked Hart's seat from the back.

"Hey, Bro!" Hart exclaimed. "I just washed the car. It'll be hard to clean up the footprint you just put behind my seat."

He always loved cars so my kick really irked him.

"You deserve it," said I heartlessly.

Hart stopped the car at a red light and turned to me. "Why do you have to go find that she-wolf? She left on her own and has nothing to do with us anymore."

I glared at him expressionlessly. "At least I have some sense of responsibility."