A Bet

[Anton's P.O.V.]

The room in the bar was dim despite the dazzling lights. The drums seemed to have infected many people there to dance addictively to the beat.

The music was so loud that it was almost deafening to the ears. Men and women were madly grinding against each other. Even though I was sitting in the far most corner of the bar, my ears were filled with the clattering of wine glasses and the uncontrollable howls of laughter.

A woman wearing a black leather jacket walked toward me while swaying her voluptuous hip. I didn't know if it was because of her clothes or if her figure was too impressive, but the two lumps of white flesh on her chest were almost popping out.

She smiled at me charmingly and sat on my lap without my permission. She played with my tie and took a sip of the wine in my glass. She then put the glass to my mouth and said in a lingering and seductive tone, "Do you want a drink?"